Ask me anything Ghost/Ghoul related
62 posts
Here To Bring You Some Anon Love!!!!! I Hope You Are Having A Good Day, I Hope You're Whole Week Is Good,
here to bring you some anon love!!!!! i hope you are having a good day, i hope you're whole week is good, please don't forget to drink water, eat something that you like and take care of yourself!! you're important and we're so lucky you're here!! 🫶🫶
Thank you anon🥰 I actually just ate, a delicious piece of apple pie. And I drank a whole bottle of mango juice. And yes pls, we all need to take care of us in this weather.
To all my followers: I love you all dearly, sorry that I don't write at the moment. But I'm enjoying my holidays right now 🥰
quitelitteghoulpup liked this · 5 months ago
blue-haired-blonde liked this · 5 months ago
nastylittleghouls liked this · 5 months ago
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Oh, I'm gonna write something with that!
Have i pondered murder ghouls yet? No??
I'm certainly thinking about it.
Omega and alpha are the worst offenders. Its utterly bad behavior on their part - hunting on tour when they know better and should be setting a good example for the new summons.
Omega, who lures unsuspecting humans into the trap with his charm and friendliness. Alpha who puts in all the physical effort for him.
Alpha and omega who get back on the tour bus bloody and sluggish, with scraps for the rest of the pack.
Delta, who mimics their bad behavior and then passes it onto Dew.
No I'm on cleaning duty for the bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*gifts you 10 bananas* Don't eat them all in 1 day. You're getting diarrhea.
Don’t tell me what to do…but thank you I’m not going to acknowledge that last part
Imagine Terzo turned to a ghoul and faked his death so he can be with Omega 🥺😍
Imagine if humans can turn into ghouls via rituals. Like imagine for whatever reason, the ministry doesn't have the resources to summon a ghoul so they turn a sibling of sin into a ghoul.
Well I mean, if quint ghouls have a pouche........ And if fire ghouls are excellent at hiding their kits (so good they sometimes loose them)....... It would be possible to hide 5 kits. And with the help of their pack.... I mean, Ifritt and Zephyr would totally steal the kits to snuggle them. And the newer ghouls? Just Phantom being buried under 5 kits cuddling him🥰
POV ur a sibling of sin and Alpha visits the nursery
aka Alpha is great with kits (and i have just, devastating lore for this image and Alpha's life in the pits)