10 opposums in a really tall trench coat she/her (but I don't rlly care) minor!! somewhat of an okay artist :3
262 posts
Radiation-muncher - Radiation Muncher - Tumblr Blog

I'm locking into my math class ( no I am not, here's some oc art wip)

tumblr ate the quality but here she is :3
Yooo Gordon let me out of your 2DS broo

Realized i almost never drew anything from half life

rewatching hlvrai
Semi canon brutal doodles comic

Based off a really stupid whiteboard doodle in that class
Full image together undercut :3

he is an adjective to me

These are what Barts suspenders of haggling look like and you can’t tell me otherwise

I love "I love you more conpetitions." NO, I love you MORE. no I love you MOST. get mother gotheled.

What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless
Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food
grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread
different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.
some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit
Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment
sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it
Some churches offer short term residence
Find your nearest homeless shelter
Look for places that are open to the public
A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry
A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.
Public libraries have bathrooms you can use
Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.
Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver
Local beaches, go for a quick swim
Some truck stops have showers you can pay for
Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet
Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket
first aid kit
a travel alarm clock or watch
mylar emergency blanket
a backpack is a must
downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards
sleeping bag
travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror
swiss army knife
can opener

@lunarifie asked for more

Barnay + alyx doodle
now he really IS me core

that other theory
*note that I analysed HIM. This doesn't apply to everyone, some people have the whole opposite difficulties/traits. these are all common. it's a spectrum after all. I based this off my experience too. You can't take any of these out separately, as none of this is exclusive to autism. it's the combo wombo that makes it.
There's more to say too like the notes on his lab wall that according to Alan in 2017 are "guides on how to speak to people normally" and his many common comorbidities like depression, anxiety, insomnia, OCD and PTSD


BURRN IT (2024)
How much aura do I lose for eating cat food on call then getting sick for two days then going back to school to everyone calling me cat food girl and quoting me on "I need to fart...NO THATS A POOP-"

im still sick is the worse part