rae-of-gold - Rae

(they/them), 21, really just here to share my hyperfixations, headcanons, and thoughts

543 posts

Rae-of-gold - Rae - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago

Predictions for August 2024:

August 3rd: Kamala Harris has a highly publicised meeting with Taylor Swift were they publicly discuss politics with Swift showing surprising knowledge and eloquence . This is followed by very serious speculation from several outlets that Swift will be chosen to run as VP as a way to attract young voters . This is of course not true but a tactic from the Harris campaign to increase visibility with young people to and to bait Trump

August 5th: Trump takes the bait and launches into a truly vile attack on Taylor Swift

August 12th: An angry mob of Taylor Swift fans numbering in the hundreds storms a Trump meet and greet and following Dutch tradition they lynch him publicly and then cannibalise his body

August 20th: Yellowjackets and several others shows that feature cannibalism are cancelled because it’s considered insensitive in light of an US President becoming victim of cannibalism

August 30th : Brazil does extremely well at the Olympics

7 months ago

You will not use AI to get ideas for your story. You will lie on the floor and have wretched visions like god intended

7 months ago

apple shut up challenge

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7 months ago
Due to the ongoing war in #Sudan, the country has become one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises with at least 5 million people on the brink of starvation.

Here is how can you help https://t.co/9IRbuiLEIO pic.twitter.com/jKDjLAE8PO

— 500 Words Magazine (@500wordsmag) March 28, 2024
How to Help the People of Sudan?
500 Words Magazine
Sudan is currently undergoing a brutal war that has left more than 12,000 people dead, more than 5.8 million internally displaced and m

Barana Hanabneiho Organisation (BHO)

Darfur Women Action Group (DWAG)

Hadhreen (7adhreen)

Nas Al Sudan

Sadagaat Charity Organisation

Sudanese American Medical Association (SAMA)

Sudanese American Physicians Association (SAPA)

Sudanese Diaspora Network (SDN)

Sudan Tarada Initiative and Save Al Geneina Initiative by Sadiea

Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS)

Sudan Solidarity Collective (SSC)

Takaful Organisation

8 months ago

fireflies honestly make me cry a little. out of gratitude and wonder. thank goodness we live in a world with bioluminescence. thank goodness we live in a world where it can fly.

8 months ago

Idea log #5

Changed my mind and am giving back Darling and Dexter’s twin privileges

I just like the idea of sassy Dexter and Darling coming into school with their dummy jock brother Daring and they’re all so very protective of each other

Darling is the youngest so baby privileges of annoying them at anywhere and at any point in time

Dexter is the middle child that neither eldest nor youngest really understand but support anyways

Daring is the golden child of the family but is also the most physically protective and will fight at any given time should they ask

And also def not inspired by UtenaRevolutionaryGirl BUT

Darling would really suit the prince act but I doubt her family would allow it… so imagine this-

Daring and Dexter are waiting for their sister and words speeds like a wildfire about this mysterious third charming

Word has it they’ve been sent to reform school since spellimentary. They’ve only been allowed to come because her parents thought their older brothers would keep them in line.

A rebel prince perhaps?

Someone overheard Daring saying he’d be having to train HARDER to keep up with their mystery sibling. So not only a possibly rebel but one who could be a match for even Daring??

The whole school is up in flames with rumors and gossip of this mystery. All of this leading back to Apple, who could have sworn Daring and Dexter had a little sister not a little brother.

But nonetheless she keeps her mouth clamped and listens in on her friend’s gossip. No use spoiling the fun and whatnot.

What she didn’t expect when they eventually do meet up with this “mystery prince” it’d be to them riding a dragon in a full plate of armor.

The knight reveals themself to be none other than self proclaimed “Prince” Darling.

Flashing a smile that rivaled Daring’s and wit that matched Dexter’s, she won over both royals and rebels with her- well - charm.

Everyone of course, but Apple.

No, she smiled of course and greeted Darling just like she always had. But then Darling smiled differently and got on her knee and kissed Apple’s hand.

The whole school seemed to scream at the same time.

And well Apple was certainly screaming, but only on the inside.

So let’s say, Apple had a bit of an early awakening with Darling like this.

(I’m now going to proceed to write fanfiction)

8 months ago
rae-of-gold - Rae
8 months ago
This Measure, If Passed In Senate, Would Make It Illegal For The US State Department To Cite Genocide

This measure, if passed in Senate, would make it illegal for the US State Department to cite genocide statistics.

In other words, illegal to do its job.

8 months ago

"there are too many things to boycott"

yeah there are. and isn't that fucked up? isn't it fucked up that so many companies, restaurants, brands, clothing stores, etc care more about money than people? care more about profit margins than people dying or the planet being poisoned?

8 months ago

*looks through my drafts and realizes that if ever after high were to be wiped from the planet so would I as my soul is intrinsically linked with a show made to sell dolls that was canceled 10 years ago*

8 months ago

So close…

So Close
So Close
So Close

…yet so far away.

8 months ago
rae-of-gold - Rae
8 months ago

Eah au where everything’s the same except Sparrow and his band are actually 2014 5 seconds of summer

8 months ago



okay this has been on my mind and since the sequel is coming out later this year I NEED THEORIES AND IDEAS. please share

Okay This Has Been On My Mind And Since The Sequel Is Coming Out Later This Year I NEED THEORIES AND

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9 months ago
I Really Love Scrapbooking And I Have Been Working On An Ever After High Themed Segment! Since I Couldn't

i really love scrapbooking and i have been working on an ever after high themed segment! since i couldn't post a high quality version of the physical one, i made this on canva so i could share it! tumblr ruined the quality of it but i hope you see the vision <3

9 months ago
[ID: An image of a Black woman in a red and white patterned headscarf and square glasses speaking, saying "all oppressed people have a right to violence."

Text below the image reads: "Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them". Assata Shakur /End description]
9 months ago
If The Devil Saw Israel He Would Hand Over His Throne.

if the devil saw israel he would hand over his throne.

9 months ago

Get ready for a Game Changer!

I̴̫͈͖͠'̸̘̺͛ͅv̸̲̰̦͛e̵̬̪͊ ̸̧̬̤͂b̸̼̰͊͒͜e̵͇͎͐ẽ̶̟ṉ̷̯̪͗͂͒ ̵̭̑̓h̸̬̾̄ḛ̴̛̹̪̿r̸̮̊e̴̖͆̒ ̵̣̬̲̽͝t̴̳̫̔̇ḣ̴͓e̸̥͕̎ ̴̡̧͉̔̒̏w̶̲͑̀͐ĥ̶̖o̴̙̻͂ļ̷̍e̵̫͇̅ ̸͍̓͂̕t̷̗̗̼̂̅i̴̟̞̍̒̈́m̵̲̠̃ͅë̶̡̳͇́͒͐!̵̹̦͌͠

Drawn in Photoshop, animated in Spine Pro. The final art piece I made for my bachelor thesis on GIF as a medium for art.

I’ve been researching digital art in the context of modern folk art, outside institutional or commercial art. I analysed almost 500 art GIFs across Tumblr, Artstation and GIPHY.

There’s almost no academic research on art GIFs, so it was important to me to examine and document it. I also examined the optimisation of GIFs and how it relates to web sustainability.

And because the bachelor program was focused on art practice, I then created my own art GIFs, and it seemed only right that I should do it through fanart of something I’ve been really into lately. Thanks @samreich and the rest of Dropout for giving me some unhinged content as inspiration. Watch ‘Game Changer’ everyone, it’s great.

9 months ago

“That’s okay,” Cedar said, and it was true, but there was still a part of her that felt just the tiniest bit un-okay. There always was.

I am actually unwell. Cedar my poor baby 🫶🏼🫶🏼

9 months ago

Good evening, Apple White and Robert Pattinson share a birthday.

9 months ago

So I decided to dip my toes into the Apple White drama (because I got hit in the head with a basketball like 3 times like 2 days ago so I’m pretty sure I got the common sense knocked out of me)

This is by no means a hot take, it’s quite literally such a basic opinion that you’ve seen like 5 times already. But I want to be included 🥺👉👈

Apple was manipulated since birth basically. Her trauma makes her terrified of uncertainty. Finding comfort in her destiny, preparing for it since such a young age- it’s understandable that she’d be horrified at Raven’s decision not to sign. (Also being told that she’d die go poof if Raven didn’t sign… that’s fucking scary).

However Apple was still a massive bitch to Raven. She knows that Raven doesn’t want to be evil. She knows that a terrible fate awaits Raven. And she actively pushes Raven to make the choice to go through that. To go against her nature, to hurt her friends, and to suffer for something that she was forced to do. That’s selfish. Apple acts selfishly.

But something I find interesting is that her motivations aren’t selfish. She doesn’t want her friends to suffer. To an extent, she believes that signing the storybook is better for raven. She believes that not signing will cause suffering and death for everyone. So in her mind, Raven is selfish. All Apple wants is for her friends to live good lives- and Raven wants to take that away? Oh, how selfish!

Except that’s Apple’s fear talking. Ever After is better because Raven didn’t sign. People can choose how to live their lives. Apple is just so wrapped up in her trauma that she can’t accept that. She can’t accept that things aren’t how she was taught, that what she found solace in and dedicated her life to isn’t true.

So really I think it boils down to the discussion of intent vs. actions. Apple made selfish decisions. Her decisions are absolutely influenced by trauma and manipulation, but they are her’s. Denying her any agency over what she did is pointless. And it also undermines her character development. She was meant to break out of those selfish decisions. And if those aren’t her decisions- then how did she even grow? And even though she thought that her decisions selfless, they weren’t. Which is why Apple is so goddamn interesting.

I think that at heart, Apple is a good person. But factoring her fear, trauma, and flaws she made selfish decisions. She made harmful decisions. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I honestly feel that Apple White lovers love her because she has a desire to protect those she loves. And Apple White haters hate her because she’s selfish, despite not even knowing it.

So yeah, that’s my two cents. Hope I did her character justice in my regurgitation of everyone else’s opinions analysis of her.

10 months ago

Nothing in my head but Cedar angst

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10 months ago

@ white people who think wearing eagle feather headdresses is just a costume and doesn’t offend natives, I was at a powwow yesterday and one of the dancer’s who was a war veteran accidentally dropped an eagle feather while dancing and we had to stop the entire powwow, the head man and some other elders had to stop and pray over the feather before picking it up. The guy who dropped the father gave a speech, while almost in tears, about how sorry he was to have dropped the feather and how it represented the choices he had to make in combat and the lives of people that were taken, and he ended up passing the feather on to another young dancer instead of keeping it because he felt so ashamed. This is how much eagle feathers mean to a lot of our nations, and that’s how important it is to native veterans. Wearing eagle feathers as a costume or without having to go through combat is disgusting and you ARE offending our traditions and values. Stop. You cannot understand the importance of our customs and you do not deserve to wear eagle feathers.

10 months ago
This Scene Couldve Been So Good If She Had Some Like PTSD Moment Back To When She Almost Drowned In The

This scene could’ve been so good if she had some like PTSD moment back to when she almost drowned in the well. It would’ve fit so well too because you’re supposed to “think outside the box” and that has always been something apple was never good at. The whole point of the well scene from the books was to show how apple finds safety in predictability and order, which is everything Wonderland isn’t.

Just imagine:

Briar, kitty, Lizzie, Maddie, and Raven have no problem getting out once they figure out the solution. But apple still struggles and treads for her life. All she can think about is when she almost drowned as a child, and how terrifying the world is. Her whole life all she ever wanted to do was follow the script that had been laid out for her. She’s always done her best to stay within the guidelines of her destiny. And that is why she takes longer than that rest of the group to think outside the box. She’s never been good at that, it’s her greatest weakness. Eventually though, she pulls herself together holds her breath, goes under the tea, and she’s able to get out.

So while the rest of the group thinks outside the box in a literal sense, apple does so in a metaphorical one. She shows courage and goes underneath the tea knowing that she could potentially drown. Knowing that in the real world there are always unpredictable obstacles at every corner. She finally decides to face that with courage instead of being sheltered within her fairytale.

It would’ve been a good moment. In general it would’ve been nice if we got more development from apple by seeing her struggle with the unpredictable nature of wonderland, especially considering how apple has always found it easier to live by rules and logic. It would’ve been a nice way of showing her adapt and eventually building up the courage to accepting a world where people don’t always have to have answers to the future and what happens next. It also would’ve explained why she has a change of heart in the final act when she tells Raven that the choice is hers no matter what.