raiquen - Raiquen

25 / Argentina / Gay nerd / Virgo / INTJ / Single / Slightly NSFW stuff / Book reviews / Me

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Book Review: El Juguete Rabioso, Roberto Arlt

Book Review: El Juguete Rabioso, Roberto Arlt

Book Review: El Juguete Rabioso, Roberto Arlt

My Review in a Tweet:

It felt like reading The Catcher in the Rye but from Argentina, tinged with the economic and social issues of the early 20th century. Silvio Astier is a boy too old to be called a man and a man too young to be called a boy (no mistake made there).

My Full Review:

I read this book because of a sack of small reasons: it was short, I was one book shy from 30 in 2023, I wanted another argentinean author on my list and I had a physical copy of it.

El Juguete Rabioso (literally: The Rabid Toy) is the first novel of Roberto Arlt and, according to the copy I read, one of the founding books of the modern novel in our country. Commonly given as a mandatory reading in high school, I often saw this book here and there, postponing it indefinitively.

Now that I have finally read it, I think Arlt's place in our literary pantheon of writers is rightfully earned. The short novel is a quick glimpse into the life of Silvio Drodman Astier, a poor young boy from Buenos Aires, living in Floresta (at least from the second part on), fighting to stay out of the street and help his mother and sister.

The problem is, Silvio is too smart, too culturally cultivated for any of the jobs he can get as a poor boy from Floresta. He struggles with a feeling of entitlement to a better life in contrast with a sense of defeat while facing the circunstances he lives in.

The novel is carefully written, with a mix of refined language and old local slang that reflects on the dual nature of the character: a street rat at worst, a curious and smart young man at best.

His inner monologues are some of the best and most interesting parts, as his feelings of guilt, resentment and fear clash against each other.

The secondary characters function as common figures of Argentina's society from the early 20th century, when inmigration and poverty were high and people struggled to stay afloat. Their jobs, their cultural background, their relationships with one another highlight Silvio's own characteristics.


My Other 2023 Readings.

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    sheiilloveempanadas liked this · 8 months ago
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    passapunx liked this · 1 year ago
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