Call me Alex, Solace or Snow/Snow Poff. I use a bunch of names on the internet, and I use he/him pronouns - my pronouns page is here, although it's not particularly interesting.
Fandoms I like:
Subnautica (cannot stop playing right now, and I even have a lil sideblog called @susnautica though there isn't much on it - yet)
Super Mario
Legend of Zelda
Slime Rancher
Welcome Home
Stardew Valley
Animal Crossing
And more that I have forgotten for now
As you can see, there's a wide range of stuff going on here ^-^
I also enjoy writing, drawing, and the colour purple. I have a few OCs who I love dearly and would love to share with others, although I don't really know how to start it all off. So feel free to ask!
I doubt that it needs to be said but I tend to talk way too much, hence the "ramble" part of my blog name, haha.
DNIs are the standard, really. Just don't be mean or creepy and I'm sure we'll get along just fine :)
cheezbot liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Ramblemethis
Talking to people is hard

figured it'd be okay to share this random shit with some color slapped onto it..

Those who enjoy Link... Here's the boy!
The pansexual flag is there because a friend of mine was messing with a Breath of the Wild Link AI chatbot thing, which came out as pansexual? I also found a pose reference with a flag which I wanted to use.
I just love his royal guard attire so I had to draw him wearing it, too. I hope you like it!
Ok so I had a drawing idea but I have no motivation to draw so I'm sending it out into the world:-
Imagine if Gaster is actually watching us and Kris through a screen/within the code/whatever as we play through deltarune. In chapter 2, the game over screen gives you two options: Continue, or Give Up. Gaster expects you to continue - you're a very determined player.
But you choose Give Up.
Gaster freezes, before backing up from his position and standing, taking one step from his console which he observes from. This wasn't supposed to happen. He hadn't expected this from you or from Kris.
He realises that he needs to step in. Shaking off his initial shock, he leans forward and types into his console.
He can't watch. You gave up. Kris gave up. The screen of the console fades to black, as does your game. Covered in darkness, just as he'd said. He knows that there's no point in watching anymore. He steps away again, tearing his eyes from the void of the screen.
As I said, I wanted to draw it as some sort of comic strip but I figured it wouldn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. But I can write half decently, so I hope that this little write-up of the idea creates a similar effect.
My brother keeps trying to guess what I've bought him for his birthday. He's getting close... I don't like this game :P