randomized-sims23 - randomized-sims23

164 posts

An Idea I Had After Watching An Episode Of TSAMS. Should I... Make More?

An idea I had after watching an episode of TSAMS. Should I... Make more?


Crescent Bloodmoon

It was supposed to be fun. Because they were bored and KillCode couldn't feed them. They wanted to cause chaos, and that's what they would do. In The Daycare there was a single solitary Sun. The victim for their entertainment. Disguised as Moon they had already done it once. So why not again? The Original was excited, but The Adaptation was still thinking.

-Wait. I have a better idea~-

-Oh? What is it about, Another Me?

-Silly Sun sure doesn't know. He doesn't know that we can separate.-

-Oh! That sounds even more fun! Yes Yes. We are going to give him a big surprise!

His body became two in an instant, the nano-machines being as efficient as ever. But still separated into two bodies, his other self appeared holding his hand.

-You stay here. I'll go scare him-

-No! Why do you have the fun part all for yourself? We should enter at the same time!-

The Original's face had a displeased grimace.

-Because I'm going to make the surprise even funnier- The Adaptation smiled evilly, small star emoticons appearing in his eyes as he smiled widely. -I'm going to bother him a lot. And when he's about to break, from behind you'll scare him!-

-Oh yeah! That sounds like fun! Fun, fun!-

The Original said as he jumped excitedly, the other him smiled happily and ready to start his plan. The Adaptation let go of its other self's hand and headed towards the entrance to The Daycare. Before entering, he stopped for a moment to think.

-Let's make it even more funnier!-

He said turning to look at the other him. The nano-machines transformed him into an exact copy of Moon again. The original applauded the brilliance of his other self.

The Adaptation came in and The Original stayed outside, looking at everything from the eyes of its other him. It was so fun to fool Sun. He had to hide a little further away to avoid being seen when he went to look for the paint. The other him threw all the barrels and that almost caused him to burst out laughing. Unfortunately, Sun discovered the deception very soon. But it was good! Because now the best was coming.

His other self knew how to replicate his voice very well. Sun didn't suspect anything. Now was a good opportunity to appear. But Sun took the barrel, one of Eclipse's barrels. What a comical situation that was! Useless Sun trying to be rude to them. The other him was bothering him a lot, Sun was shaking a lot. It was his time to appear!

But then... He felt like something had cut him in two. He no longer saw through the eyes of his other self. Around them was the theater where they once hid. He was staring into space, trying to make a connection with something. Somehow... He felt empty.

-... Other me?-

He called out to nothing, and nothing responded with silence and static. The ever-present smile on his face turned into a grimace.

-... Blood... Moon?-

He called once more and got the same answer. His head was empty. He slapped himself just in case the other had fallen asleep. But nothing.

Nothing. He raised his hands and held to his hat. Nothing. His whole body started to shake. Nothing. A new and different sensation was beginning to run through his body. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING.

Bloodmoon shouted with a different anger than he had felt before. Regardless of whether if someone heard him, he dropped to his knees and began to bang his head against the ground. The blows hurt, but the feeling of loneliness that was beginning to consume him was worse. He wanted it to stop. How could he make it stop? He didn't wanted to feel that. He did not want to! He did not want to! His scream died away and a strange noise began to come out of him. Something he heard his victims do when they were dying. Moans, small noises of pain.

Bloodmoon. Unique and Solitaire Bloodmoon. He asked himself something for the first time.

Was this dying?

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More Posts from Randomized-sims23

6 months ago

Reblog to give your followers each their own sword.

6 months ago

Bloodmoon: So wait, Star Wars doesn’t take place in the Milky Way?

Sun: What?

Moon: No.

Solar: It’s a “Galaxy Far Far Away”

Bloodmoon: So wait, there’s no Earth?

Lunar: No!

Moon: The first line of the movie is; A Galaxy Far Far Away.

Eclipse: Far far away!

Ruin: Bloodmoon, when that first tagline starts, did you just zone out and didn’t read any of it?

Sun: Every time you ever saw any of them?

Bloodmoon: I don’t know. It’s one of those things you hear so much you don’t even listen to it. It just drones on.

Moon: You don’t hear it! You just read it!

Eclipse: “It just drones on” Ugh, words!

Bloodmoon: I didn’t realize there was no Earth.

Solar: Or any of the planets in our solar system!

Ruin: Did you think Earth was one of the planets? Like Naboo was Earth? You think the Planet Earth is that pretty?

Bloodmoon: Where did Luke Skywalker live, then?

Moon: He lived on Tatooine!

Lunar: No, he lived in Alabama.

Sun: Pff

Eclipse: He lived on Tatooine which is between Venus and Mars.

Solar: Luke is just straight outta Compton. 

Ruin: Yeah a lot of people don’t know this but Hoth is right next to Earth.

Bloodmoon: I thought he was- Then where’s Kansas in Star Wars?!

Sun: It doesn’t exist!

Moon: It’s still in Kansas!

Lunar: On the other side of the rainbow!

Bloodmoon: So wait-What-So wait! Wait this is in the past as well?!

Solar: Thousands of years ago, yes!

Bloodmoon: So it’s like ancient humans vs ancient robots?!

Moon: They’re not humans! They never say they’re humans!

Bloodmoon: Luke Skywalker looks like a human!

Sun: He just looks like one!

Solar: So did general Grievous, apparently!

Eclipse: He can move shit with his brain!

Bloodmoon: So the tele…what was it?

Lunar: Teleclorians?

Bloodmoon: Yeah.

Ruin: No, it’s the Teletubbies.

Solar: Pff

Sun: You remember that time when Qugon sat down with a young Anakin and said “Your teletubby reading is off the charts!”

Moon: Ha!

Bloodmoon: This has actually blown my mind that it’s way in the past and really far away. They should’ve put that at the beginning of the movie!

Everyone: THEY DID!

Lunar: *dying of laughter*

Eclipse: That’s how the fucking movie starts!

Moon: Every goddamn movie!

Bloodmoon: Yeah but- I mean “Way in the past, somewhere else!”

Moon: That’s what it is!

Solar: That’s literally what it says!

Sun: A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away!

Bloodmoon: They should’ve phrased it better! They went all fancy with the words and it went way over my head!

Ruin: It’s too smart for you?!

Lunar: Long time ago and far away are way out of Bloodmoon’s vocabulary.

Solar: Hahaha

Moon: Oh my god…

Sun: Jesus Christ.

Bloodmoon: I feel stupid now.

Eclipse: Yeah, you should.

6 months ago

(Kinda follows/is inspired by the “What If Solar Was Revived?” Episode/simulation where Bloodmoon's code was used to bring Solar back and what would have happened) (also SPOILERS IF ITS NEEDED!)

It first happened when Moon was out getting more blood for Solar. He was home with Drizzle and Sun, and they were in the back yard talking. But Solar wasn't really listening to Sun, instead staring out over the ocean surrounding their island for miles in every direction. And he was thinking. Well more like listening to something whispering in his mind, repeated calls and begs for blood, bloodshed, run the sea Crimson with all the blood it can hold. He shook his head clear, but soon another thought came to mind. He knew Moon was getting him some more, but…well the craving never really went away for too long. He didn't think he could wait for much longer…his gaze slid to Sun beside him, watching him go on and on about the daycare kids and those stupid foam barrels they couldn't just toss out already. The whispering in his head grew louder, the craving throughout his body growing until he felt the urge to pounce in every circuit, wire and joint he had. He ran his tongue over his aching fangs in his mouth. Then he spoke. “I hope he gets back soon…I'm starting to feel a bit hungry already…” he caught the way Sun flinched ever so slightly, no doubt a nervous or paranoid habit he's developed. Not surprising given all he's been through so far. “Are you? Well…m-maybe I can fix you something real quick? A snack until he gets back?” Sun suggested, the shakey, uncertain lilt of his voice a little more obvious. Solar didn't speak for another moment, eyes glued to Sun, and following his face down to his neck. He started thinking, “that ruffle would do a good job hiding the bite mark. And it shouldn't be too hard to make him forget it happened…” “No. This craving can't be satisfied by normal food…probably make me sick more than likely. No…I want something fresher. Richer. Livelier…” He stepped closer to Sun with each word, which made him step back each time. The nervous look and tone of his voice grew as Solar drew closer, fixing Sun with a gaze all too familiar, yet all too strange. And very unsettling, like he was staring through his body. Sun swallowed hard, trying to keep himself calm and remind himself that this was his friend. He wouldn't hurt him, right? Right…? “What do uh…what do you mean, uh Solar…?” He asked, but got no response. Solar's eyes were now intensely fixed on his neck, staring wide eyed and oh so hungry, a gaze he's only seen a few unfortunate times before. “Solar…why are you looking at me like that?”

When Moon returned, he called out to let them know he was home, but no one answered. At first he thought everyone must be asleep, thinking so as he put the blood bags in the fridge. But as he stepped towards the back room the dying sunlight glinted off of something outside. Turning, he saw Sun laying on the ground motionless. Moon hurried outside to him, noticing the pooling blood beneath him. He dropped to his knees next to him, worry then panic filling his voice as he tried to wake him up, but nothing worked. “Sun! Sun come on this isn't funny, wake up…! Damn it Sun get your ass up now…! Please…I just got Solar back, I can't lose you too already…” his voice quickly went from terrified yelling to tearful begging as he held his brother's body close. After a few minutes a thought came to him and he set his body down, rushing through the rest of the house looking for Solar and Drizzle, but he didn't find any sign of them in the house. But whatever had been through here had gotten Sun's cats too. And whatever it was had possibly had Drizzle and Solar. As he rushed out the house and threw a portal to the pizzaplex down he called up Lunar first, a sigh of relief leaving him when he answered. “Yeah? Moon, what's up?” came the sleepy voice- he must have been napping. “Sun's dead. Whatever got him might have Solar and Drizzle too. Get Earth and both of you get to Monty's place and stay with him. Don't tell them about Sun, not until I know Solar and Drizzle are-” He stopped at the door to the Parts and Service, staring down at the ground. “I gotta go. Take Earth, go to Monty, stay there, keep quiet about Sun until I say so.” He hung up, his voice and hands shaky as he leaned down and plucked up Drizzle's little hand fan. She didn't use it much, just kept it for the aesthetic. But she used it enough for him to know it was hers. There was also a small trail of dripping blood leading into the room. He almost hesitated until he heard a crunch and a short, slightly muffled scream and he rushed inside, bursting through the doors. It was dark, but he could just barely make something out in one of the darker corners. Whatever it was heard him, and dropped what it was eating. He wished he hadn't interrupted. Whatever it was dropped Drizzle's body, blood pouring from a huge wound in her neck, very similar to the one Sun had. Maybe this was the thing that killed him. And he wished he had been wrong about that too. Because the thing that turned to him, eyes bright, blood red and piercing, the only other thing visible in the darkness besides a set of huge, blood-dripped, sharp fangs, lining one another like a shark, was-

“Solar…?” Moon stood there at the door, eyes wide and his voice, his whole body shaking. Solar stood from his spot, towering above Drizzle, and turned to Moon, a strange effect in his voice, almost like multiple people were talking at once. “I'm sorry…I was so hungry…I couldn't wait anymore…I needed something now…” “So you killed them?!” Moon, now having found his voice again, noted the change in his voice, but that was the last thing he was worried about right now. “I'm sorry Moon,” he said again, though like the first time he didn't sound sorry in the least. “But I was so hungry, the craving got too irresistible. But…they were so good~” Solar licked his bloodied lips as he walked closer to Moon. “And they were so beautiful, thick, luscious red streaming from their half-eaten corpses and dripping all over. Oh and their screams~ that might have been just as good as the blood~ they both cried for you, begged and screamed for you to help them. But where were you? Why didn't you save them, Moon?” He taunted him now, laughing quietly, then quickly cackling like a madman. Moon growled, pushing aside his own emotions at the moment to grab a wrench and swung at him. This wasn't Solar. Not anymore. Maybe it never was. But right now it was just another Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon mixed with an Eclipse, a horrible combination already. Solar stepped back, laughing again. “You missed~ I always wondered what they tasted like. I wonder how Earth or Lunar will taste? Or the gator? I think I want to find out~” he quickly struck Moon, hard enough to make him stagger, giving Solar enough time to run through one of the doors and escape through the vents. Moon swore and started for the door but stopped and looked back, swallowing his tears as he went to Drizzle and closed her eyes, placing her in a more dignified position. “I'm sorry…” he muttered before he ran off again, this time calling Puppet. “What's going on?” “I don't know if you can see anything right now but Sun and Drizzle are dead, Solar killed them, and I think he's going for Earth, Lunar and Monty next. He Blinded me and got away from Parts and Service, I need you to get eyes on him or something, fast!” He stopped in the lobby and placed another portal to Monty's house. Puppet's voice came through again. “He's at the house! Hurry up before he gets away again!” Puppet urged him, though Moon didn't need it. The adrenaline fueled panick for his family was more than enough.

When he arrived at the house the door was open. He already didn't like that. He entered slowly, just in case he was jumped. He kept quiet so as not to alert Solar he was there, but he did faint sounds of crackling electricity. He approached the sound, already preparing himself for the worst. Unfortunately he found it, unable to stop himself from dropping to his knees in the door way. They were all dead. Lunar and Earth were huddled together, small currents of electricity running along Lunars body and some across Earth's. Like Sun and Drizzle they also had the neck wounds. Same with Monty, who was laid out in front of them. “Moon? Moon are you there?” Puppet's voice came through the phone but he didn't answer, couldn't find his voice as tears began to fall to the ground as Moon leaned down, hands on his head as he began to sob. He had lost his entire family and his best friend. No, he lost Solar the day Ruin killed him. What he had now was nothing more than a bloodthirsty imitation. That wasn't his family anymore. After a few minutes of heartbroken sobbing he got himself together enough to call Puppet back, asking her to come to Monty's house and warning her they were all dead. There was a long pause on the other end, and he was almost worried Solar had gotten her too, until he heard faint crying. Not surprising, she and Monty were fairly close too. Soon enough the crying stopped. “Alright. I'll be over there in a few minutes.” She hung up and Moon was left to wait, sitting against a wall on the opposite side of the room facing away from them, waiting. He had taken some time to at least put them all together, tried to make it at least seem more peaceful and easier for Puppet to handle.

“Where are they at?” He looked up, seeing Puppet standing over him. He gestured to the room behind him. “I tried to…clean it up a little? Never been good at that…tried to give them a little dignity than what he left them with…” he muttered. Puppet just rubbed his head and went into the room. He heard her gasp and what sounded like choking back tears. She left the room as quickly as she went in, standing with her back to Moon for a moment as she took deep breaths to keep herself under control. “What happened.” She asked. Moon didn't answer right away. Puppet whirled around, staring down at Moon. “Answer me, what the hell happened with them?” “I don't know! But…I think it might be some issue with Bloodmoon's code in Solar's body. I haven't been able to look into that yet, but it seemed fine when I first tested it. On false, study code, and not with Bloodmoon obviously. But it always worked, stayed the same. And he was fine for a while, save a migraine or two, and then eventually the blood cravings came…he was doing just fine with the blood bags, until today…” Moon sighed, hugging his knees to his chest. “I wanted him back so bad…and instead I lost everything…” Puppet sighed, sitting down next to him. “I know…I wanted him back too,” she leaned her head back. “But no matter what we'll find him, understand? We'll find him and…well I don't think we can fix him.” Moon looked at her. “You can't seriously be suggesting-” “I am. You used Bloodmon's code. And he's already killed Five people, maybe more between them. Do you want him to go off killing more? Do you want to deal with Bloodmoon again?” Puppet asked, looking at Moon but knowing what his answer would be regardless. “No, I don't…” “I'll find him, Moon. And as soon as I do we're going to him and we're putting an end to this before it can become another problem.” She said with a hand on his shoulder. Moon sighed and closed his eyes. “Yeah. They deserve that much at least…I can't believe I left him…I couldn't…I wasn't fast enough to save them…” Moon said as he buried his face in his knees again. “Yeah but…you couldnt have known this would happen, Moon.” He simply nodded, leaning more into Puppet for comfort. And Puppet let him, lightly rubbing the top of his head to try and help comfort him. Once they put them all to rest they'd start hunting down Solar and put an end to him for good.


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6 months ago




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