randomized-sims23 - randomized-sims23

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Randomized-sims23 - Randomized-sims23

randomized-sims23 - randomized-sims23
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More Posts from Randomized-sims23

7 months ago

Bloodmoon: So wait, Star Wars doesn’t take place in the Milky Way?

Sun: What?

Moon: No.

Solar: It’s a “Galaxy Far Far Away”

Bloodmoon: So wait, there’s no Earth?

Lunar: No!

Moon: The first line of the movie is; A Galaxy Far Far Away.

Eclipse: Far far away!

Ruin: Bloodmoon, when that first tagline starts, did you just zone out and didn’t read any of it?

Sun: Every time you ever saw any of them?

Bloodmoon: I don’t know. It’s one of those things you hear so much you don’t even listen to it. It just drones on.

Moon: You don’t hear it! You just read it!

Eclipse: “It just drones on” Ugh, words!

Bloodmoon: I didn’t realize there was no Earth.

Solar: Or any of the planets in our solar system!

Ruin: Did you think Earth was one of the planets? Like Naboo was Earth? You think the Planet Earth is that pretty?

Bloodmoon: Where did Luke Skywalker live, then?

Moon: He lived on Tatooine!

Lunar: No, he lived in Alabama.

Sun: Pff

Eclipse: He lived on Tatooine which is between Venus and Mars.

Solar: Luke is just straight outta Compton. 

Ruin: Yeah a lot of people don’t know this but Hoth is right next to Earth.

Bloodmoon: I thought he was- Then where’s Kansas in Star Wars?!

Sun: It doesn’t exist!

Moon: It’s still in Kansas!

Lunar: On the other side of the rainbow!

Bloodmoon: So wait-What-So wait! Wait this is in the past as well?!

Solar: Thousands of years ago, yes!

Bloodmoon: So it’s like ancient humans vs ancient robots?!

Moon: They’re not humans! They never say they’re humans!

Bloodmoon: Luke Skywalker looks like a human!

Sun: He just looks like one!

Solar: So did general Grievous, apparently!

Eclipse: He can move shit with his brain!

Bloodmoon: So the tele…what was it?

Lunar: Teleclorians?

Bloodmoon: Yeah.

Ruin: No, it’s the Teletubbies.

Solar: Pff

Sun: You remember that time when Qugon sat down with a young Anakin and said “Your teletubby reading is off the charts!”

Moon: Ha!

Bloodmoon: This has actually blown my mind that it’s way in the past and really far away. They should’ve put that at the beginning of the movie!

Everyone: THEY DID!

Lunar: *dying of laughter*

Eclipse: That’s how the fucking movie starts!

Moon: Every goddamn movie!

Bloodmoon: Yeah but- I mean “Way in the past, somewhere else!”

Moon: That’s what it is!

Solar: That’s literally what it says!

Sun: A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away!

Bloodmoon: They should’ve phrased it better! They went all fancy with the words and it went way over my head!

Ruin: It’s too smart for you?!

Lunar: Long time ago and far away are way out of Bloodmoon’s vocabulary.

Solar: Hahaha

Moon: Oh my god…

Sun: Jesus Christ.

Bloodmoon: I feel stupid now.

Eclipse: Yeah, you should.

7 months ago

(TSAMS Continuity AU) Too Much Risk, Not Enough Reward

Parts and Services: April 2nd, 2024


[Earth has been stuck and locked in one of the side rooms after Lunar found her eating one of the STAFF bots while it was still functioning, dried oil staining her mouth as she had sucked that STAFF bot dry. Her expression is a tired one, having not gotten any sleep for the past week she had been stuck down there. Soon though footfalls can be heard coming towards the room she's stuck in, which got her to look up. It was Solar, having brought down Earth's knitting supplies along with his own.]

Solar: Hey...I thought you would've gotten bored, being stuck and all that...

[Solar goes to open the door to the room, but Jack, being as quick as he is, stops him.]

Jack: I am sorry! But Moon has told me it is too risky for anyone to go near Earth!

Solar: Jack, she's my sister, she wouldn't hurt me.

Jack: I am sorry, I am only following my current prerogative!

Solar: Jack, let me through-

Jack: I cannot...I do not want to lose you, and Sol would not want to lose you either. Too risky, Solar!

[Solar's rays lower in defeat as he returns to the glass window, looking in at Earth.]

Solar: I'm....I'm sorry, Earth. I thought I'd be able to give you your knitting stuff.

Earth: ......

[Earth can't say anything, what could she say? That she wouldn't harm him if he shut Jack down and came in? No...the hunger was too much, she wanted oil, she needed it, to have the warmth of it splattered on her face. Blood would've worked too, but Solar doesn't have blood.]

Earth: ....Don't worry about it, it's okay.

Solar: Well...I still brought my stuff, so...maybe you could watch? I'm actually trying to do a blanket this time, I was thinking maybe orange and black with a small splash of purple for Sol. You think she'd like it?

Earth: I...think she'd love it, Solar.


Parts and Services: April 6th, 2024


[Moon taps at the glass of the room Earth is in, Earth having her back turned to him, her stance similar to a zombie's.]

Moon: Earth?

[Earth's neck creaks, groans, and snaps as she slowly turns to look at Moon, her mouth seeping with a dark, pulsing liquid. Moon flinches and stops tapping at the glass.]

Moon: Um....so...how are you feeling?

Earth: ...Hungry...

Moon: I know...but I can't feed you what you actually want.

Earth: ...Moon!!

[Earth bangs against the glass, causing Moon to fall onto his back.]

Earth: I need it! I need your oil!! Let me have it!!

[Earth's eyes flash a more crimson red color, their pupil shape changing to one of a skull.]

Moon: Earth, Earth, hey hey calm down! I...I can't let you have my oil, I can't let you have anyone's oil, not even Bloody and Harvest as much as I dislike those two.

[Earth makes a low growling plus a heavy breathing noise, her eyes going back, somewhat, to normal. Or at least, back to their previous state of being blue with only one pupil being a skull shape.]

Moon: Earth....I promise, I'll find a cure for this, just hold on a little longer.

[Earth says nothing, going back to her previous state of being in a zombie-like stance, here eyes staring off into the void.]


Parts and Services: April 13th, 2024


Foxy: I....holy shit dude...

Monty: Earth...?

[Earth's eyes are completely hollow, her face twisted into an eerie, unwavering grin....everything below her head had been twisted and transformed into some sort of metal centipede monster, it taking up the entire room, leaving only enough room for Earth's head to peek out the glass that stood between her and the two outside of the room. Her face was also stained with that black, pulsating substance. Her only response was a raspy croaking, breathing noise.]

Foxy: What...what the hell happened to your girlfriend?

Monty: Do I look like I know what happened, man?? No one's told me anything outside of her getting infected with...something!

Foxy: Gonna be honest here bud, I don't think that's even Earth in there anymore. Whatever it is, it's just using Earth as a skin suit.

Monty: No no she still has to be in there! Earth!

[Monty runs up to the glass and touches it with their own hand.]

Monty: Earth, honey, it's me....please, say something...!

[Earth's head snaps to the side, one of the metal centipede limbs gently pressing itself against the glass where Monty's hand was. Earth's hollow eyes make a grinning gesture before a raspy giggling is heard.]

Monty: ...Hey....you're in there, aren't you?

[Earth, or whatever's wearing her head as a mask, laughs harder, it sounding raspy and almost...pained.]

Earth(?): I need it...let me have it! I want it to end!

[The voice sounds like a pre-recorded version of Earth's voice, or even the last words she had said before she had transformed into this monstrous form.]

Foxy: ...Oh god...bud, I'm sorry, that isn't her anymore.

Monty: No! No!

[Monty impulsively tries to get into the room through the door, but Jack stops them like he had to stop Solar several times before.]

Jack: I am sorry, I cannot allow you access either!

Monty: Jack, get outta my way-!

Jack: I will paralyze you to stop you if I must!

Monty: Jack...!

Foxy: Monty, listen to Jack, clearly Earth had to have already been getting to be too dangerous if he's trying to stop you.

Monty: But that's my girlfriend man, I can't leave her like that!

Foxy: Monty I'm gonna be real honest with you, I don't think there would be anything that could cure that, even if it was developed. You...might just have to put her down.

Monty: Heheh...nah, I bet Moon has to have developed something that actually could work on curing her.

Moon: ....I wish I could say you were right, Monty.

[Foxy and Monty nearly collapse backwards, not having really expected Moon to pull a Jack.]

Monty: What do you mean by that?

Moon: As it turns out whatever she was infected with is actually some kind of mutant killcode that can't be killed off itself.

Foxy: So...if KC had mutated, that could've happened to you?

Moon: Yeah but I don't want to think about in all honesty...anyway turns out KC's the one who made the person who infected Earth.

Monty: Well how'd you find that one out, hm?

[Monty leans against one of the work tables.]

Moon: So before Eclipse completely tore him to shreds, I interviewed that stupid Crescent Moon kid.

Monty: ....God damnit I wanted to get another shot at him!

Moon: Oh great so we're in agreement that kid is just flat out awful. Anyway Crescent Moon was also made by KC, his twin sister is the one that infected Earth by the way, and turns out both him and his sister's killcodes were made with the intent to help protect and defend instead of, you know, kill for no reason. But I guess Luna's mutated to the point it gave her a monster form. The difference between them and Earth though...

[Moon looks at Earth(?) with a pained expression, Earth(?) seemingly going back into that sort of dissociative state.]

Moon: Is that Luna can control that form, meanwhile Earth can't, given that we couldn't let her have any access to blood or oil or even other animatronics for that matter.

Foxy: ...So I'm...oh...I'm right, you're gonna have to put your own sister down, kami kai that's uh....listen, I'll leave you two to figure it out, I'm gonna go get my kid.

[Foxy leaves Parts and Services, Monty and Moon now standing at the room Earth was stuck inside.]

Monty: ...What can we even do, Moon? We can't just pull an Old Yeller on her.

Moon: I don't know, I don't even wanna do this but I have to!

Monty: And I can't just let you do it, not...not on your own anyway.

[Earth(?) hears them and lets out another raspy laugh, sounding less like her own.]

Earth(?): Make it stop! Can't!!!

[Earth's words sound more like they were badly put together audio clips.]

Moon: ...We have to move her into the tube, let it disassemble her...

Monty: And how do you plan on doing that without getting bitten? You told Jack to not let anyone into the room.

Moon: I'm sure Jack's fast enough to move her in there without getting bit. Hey Jack-

Jack: Already done, Moon! No bite marks detected on my body!

Monty: God that's freaky-

Moon: Efficient though...

[Moon and Monty now move over to the old computer with only four buttons, which even I as the narrator admit is stupid and makes things harder than it has to be.]

Monty: ...Give me a moment before you start the process, please.

Moon: I don't plan to start until I get to say my peace too...

Monty: What about Sun, Solar, Lunar, Ruin, and Sol?

Moon: ....Hey Jack, go tell the others about what's happening, and take them down here if they want to get their peace in.

Jack: On it!

[Jack quickly leaves and comes back within five minutes with Sun, Solar, Lunar, Ruin, and Sol.]

Sun: Oh...oh my kami kai this is real...

[They all surround the tube, Earth(?)'s head slowly swiveling around to look at each of them. They all get to say their peace, even saying goodbye to Earth.]

Lunar: Moon...is it...going to hurt her?

Moon: Gonna be honest, it probably would hurt her more if she was still conscious under that.

[Moon lets out a heavy hearted sigh, putting in the command that would disassemble Earth inside the tube. Everyone mostly turns away, not wanting to watch the whole thing happen. It takes over an hour for Earth(?) to be disassembled, Moon having a heavy sense of guilt.]

Moon: Oh I am gonna need so much actual therapy after this.

Ruin: To be fair, I think we all do.

Sol: I don't blame you for that one, I actually have a therapist recommendation.

Moon: Huh?

Sol: His name's Nicolas Gator, I usually send Bloody and Harvest to see him.

[Literally everyone but Sol groan when they hear his name.]

Solar: God damnit not ANOTHER family member of Monty's we didn't know about.

Monty: Don't look at me, I didn't know either!

Sol: ...Is it a bad time to mention he's your older twin? He kinda mentioned that when I first met him and pointed out how similar you two looked.

Monty: Damnit I did not need my own twin brother!

Moon: Well if he's a therapist, he's probably smarter than you are.

Monty: Moon I swear-!

[Moon laughs as Monty starts to chase him out of parts and services, leading everyone else to follow after them to try and get Monty to stop.]

7 months ago
To This Day, Laughing Jack Remains One Of My Favorite Creepypasta Proxies
To This Day, Laughing Jack Remains One Of My Favorite Creepypasta Proxies
To This Day, Laughing Jack Remains One Of My Favorite Creepypasta Proxies

to this day, laughing jack remains one of my favorite creepypasta proxies

7 months ago

Touch Starvation

Eclipse huffed as he stared at the three daycare attendants standing around the chair he was tied in. He had intended to just teleport in and quickly get out, but he was quickly met with guns pointed at him by the computer, a forcefield, and Monty grabbing him. "So what? You think tying me to a chair will stop me?" He knew he was defenseless. Moon took the Star.

"And you think we can't either?" Moon smirked with a bit of bite to his words. "We have the Star, so you can't teleport out of this situation."

"I'll find a way. When I get out of this I'll-" Eclipse started only to get interrupted by Sun.

"You'll do what? Mildly inconvenience us again? Erase everyone's memories again? What good will it do you if we can fight back?" Sun growled. He was tense, but quickly relaxed as he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder as Earth lightly rubbed her thumb to try and calm him.

Eclipse went quiet. What was he to say? Sun was right, yet he refused to believe it. Because he's a villain! Everyone hates him! Yet why did he not feel entirely... Unsafe. Was it Earth maybe? He figured it could be, but the last they talked, he insulted her.

"Well you have me now, so what the hell are you going to do to me? Hm? Torture me? Because if that's the case then fine! I'm too tired for this anyways." He growled, though a bit quietly.

Earth sighed as she sat to Eclipse's height. "I'm willing to give you a second chance."

"Oh please. You really think I'll believe that after our last conversation?"

"I like to think you will..." She added, her voice soothe.

"...Fine. What do you want me to do then, hm? Apologize? Because that's not happening."

Sun crossed his arms, huffing as he rolled his eyes. Even Moon seemed interested in what both Earth and Eclipse had to say. "Can I just go clean... Or something? I don't want to be here with him."

Moon looked over and took note of Sun's clear discomfort. "If you need to step out, then do what's best for you. If something goes astray I or the Computer will alert you."

Sun simply nodded as he shakily made his way out of his and Moon's commons.

Eclipse simply watched as he turned his attention to Moon. "You're staying...?" He seemed startled at his own confusion. What the hell was he saying?! He didn't need anybody!

"I'm not leaving Earth by herself with you of all people."

Earth smiled "I appreciate that, but I'm fully capable of handling myself." She lightly stated.

"Oh I know, but I still want you to be safe." Moon smiled, making Earth grin back.

"God help me..." Eclipse mumbled. But soon sighed without thinking. This wasn't a normal sigh, however... No, this was a sigh of jealousy and sadness. The last time he ever had someone smile towards him was... Lunar.

"Feeling left out big guy?" Moon teased, making Eclipse flinch.

"May I interject?" Zero asked suddenly.

"Uh, sure? Is everything okay?" Moon looked towards the intercom.

"I am detecting high levels of stress from Eclipse. He seems as if in distress. Though he is not showing it." Zero pointed out.

"Detecting feelings of guilt, pain, and lonelyness as well." One commented as well.

Both Moon and Earth turned towards Eclipse, who wasn't struggling anymore. Didn't move, nor say a word. He just stared at the floor... Shaking... Was...

Was Eclipse crying?

Eclipse was crying!

Moon sat there now shocked. Eclipse of all people was crying? Earth picked up on Moon's stunned state as well.

"It's very natural to cry in a situation like this… Especially after all that was told to us."

"Why should we feel sympathy after everything he's done to us?! To Sun! To Lunar! This man has been nothing but evil from when I woke up!"

"You really think I can't feel?" Eclipse suddenly started, making Moon jump. "You think I don't feel regret?! I have been antagonized about my feelings by that stupid Solar Flare for months! And you know what?! He's right! I have been lonely! I have been feeling guilt! I only killed Lunar to get at you two, but I realize that I lost my only friend."

Moon couldn't help but grow just a bit angry, but he decided to say nothing as Sun came back.

"I heard yelling, is everything… okay?" Sun stopped in his tracks as he saw Eclipse panting and oil leaking from his eyes.

"I… I'm in so much pain, so tired. I have the power of Gods and yet I don't know what to do with it."

Pain? Were Sun and Moon right? Was the star actually killing Eclipse? So he did care after all… he just refused to acknowledge it around the others.

"Oh you poor thing…" Earth sniffled. She knew she didn't have to cry, yet she couldn't help but feel the genuine pain in Eclipse's words.

"Earth…?" Sun called to her softly.

"I'm alright…" she smiled to Sun, "I just feel that he's being honest."

"I get that you don't like me. I'm not asking you to. Hell you don't even have to forgive me because I know you won't. Just. Let me leave. That's all I ask."

"And have you go back to whatever you were doing?! No!" Sun yelled.

Eclipse sighed. Of course it wouldn't be that easy. So what did he- huh?

Eclipse sat stunned as a feeling of warmth flooded his sensors. Earth… was hugging him. Why was she…? After everything he said to her?! Tears started up again in his shocked state. He hadn't let anyone hug him, let alone touch him in… so long. He never wanted Lunar's hugs.

Lunar… he had been so cruel to him. He abused him so much. And for what? Because he was simply just nice to him? And yet the little one had still loved him after everything… but he lost that. Eclipse saw that. And in the end he only killed him out of an act of what? Revenge? Jealousy?

Oops he sat there too long.

"Uh- Eclipse?" Sun started, "Hello?" He waved a hand in Eclipse's face making the latter blink and recoil.

"Get away from me-!" Eclipse cried.

Sun put his hands up in surrender and backed up. "Okay, okay-!"

"He's scared." Earth pulled away from the hug, much to Eclipse's dismay.

"What?" Both Sun and Moon questioned.

"He's scared… He's injured and afraid."

"I'm not injured…"

"Not just your Core… but your heart. Your heart is heavy."

Eclipse said nothing.

"I'm untying him… We need to get him fixed."

"Wait what?! Earth you aren't implying we keep him here! Are you? After everything?!" Sun tried to stop Earth from breaking the bounds.

"I believe he's not going to fight, Sun. I don't think he has it in him right now…" Earth and Sun looked towards the one in question.

Eclipse sat there panting, trying to hunch over, still crying, but less than before. He seemed tired.

"I mean he has been stating that he's been exhausted… Computer scan Eclipse for the damage."

"Scanning." One starts.

"Damage level to his body and core are dangerously high and could shatter if he continues to use the Star." Zero finishes.

"Thank you." Moon hummed and turned to Earth and Sun. "I'm going to hide the Star away. You two untie him and make sure he doesn't move too fast. I need to grab a few tools."

"You can't just-!"

"Sun, trust me on this."

"...Alright. I will."

Moon left and both celestial animatronics got to work on the binds. As soon As Eclipse was free, he immediately curled into a fetal position on the chair, gripping at his chest cavity.

Earth gently scooped up Eclipse, oddly making him yelp, yet he didn't fight it. Instead, he curled into her for warmth. He clinged to her, sniffling softly as she sat on Sun's couch and started gently rocking back and forth. So this was her motherly side Eclipse always heard about.

Sun watched carefully, making sure Eclipse didn't try anything funny. Though to his surprise, Eclipse just fell asleep in Earth's arms. And soon all he could see was just an emotionally damaged child.

A child in need of help…

A child in need of love…

Sun sighed as he joined Earth on the couch, though he distanced himself the best he could from Eclipse. While he saw how damaged he was, Sun still could feel hatred in his own heart. This was still the source of all his problems after all…


Maybe Eclipse could change? He guessed only time could tell…


7 months ago




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