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Ratacuss - Tumblr Blog
This just made my night🤣

Vulture reviews The Vampire Lestat’s new single (x)
Attention please 🙏
Hello, I am Etaf from Gaza, I am a mother of five children, the war has destroyed our lives and we have become without any means of life, the occupation destroyed our home and my husband's work, and stole everything we had, years of hard work gone in seconds, we recently fled to Egypt so that my children could feel safe after great fear and psychological trauma from the horrors of war, but we fled with nothing! Just to save our lives, now my children are asking for food that I cannot afford, and I sit and cry, they want education because they are excellent and love knowledge, but I do not know what to do, my hands are tied and I cry over our situation, a whole school year wasted on them in the war, now I want you to help us educate these smart children and contribute to paying the rent of the house, please help us, we are a humanitarian case that deserves to be supported, may God bless your life and make you happy throughout your life.

#save Palestinian #stop the genocide #stop wer #free gaza #I stand with palestine #khan younis #go fund them # all eyes on rafah #palestine news #stop gaza genocide #support #donate #donations #help#send help #give me attention #gazaunderattack #gaza #gaza relief #go fund me #gofundme #ngo# travel
#save gaza #heartbreak
#free Palestine
Read more about us in the following link, please donate to us on it and share it 👇
Please help us get out of life's crises and the woes of war.

Stop, please don't skip✋🏻
A small donation can make a big difference🇵🇸🍉
I am Yousef from Gaza, I am 18 years old. I am standing before you, I need your help to save the lives of me and my family from the war of genocide .🇵🇸🍉

I spend on my family of five people and work all day for $2 to provide a living for my family and medicine for my father.🍉
It is difficult for me to find words to describe what we face every day in Gaza: no food, no medicine, no clean drinking water, oppression, helplessness and psychological pressure.😔
My account vetted by :
no. 255 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's sheet

Donate and share, $I makes the difference in saving the life of me and my family.🍉

Tanks you❤️🇵🇸
I really need your help to rescue my children to a safe place as soon as possible🥹https://gofund.me/e50566a8
@90-ghost @el-shab hussein @nabulsi @sarazucker @fireuzfan @communistchilchuck @fairuzfan @a-nautilus-as-pixel-art @ibtisams @13eg13 @stil-lindigo @baby-indie-blog