ratwithwings - Rat's Nest
Rat's Nest

Reorganizing this soon. It will get better.

86 posts

Wanted To Go To @urbancraftuprising And Meet @twinkiechan Last Weekend, But Got The Flu Instead. So This

Wanted To Go To @urbancraftuprising And Meet @twinkiechan Last Weekend, But Got The Flu Instead. So This

Wanted to go to @urbancraftuprising and meet @twinkiechan last weekend, but got the flu instead. So this past week I knit myself a Twinkie Chan-inspired ice cream sundae hat. The design of the chocolate drizzle is from Bethany Hill's Drips hat pattern and the rest I figured out on my own.

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    cherebelle liked this · 9 years ago
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    nlj liked this · 9 years ago

More Posts from Ratwithwings

8 years ago

Okay, so my grandmother wasn't the only one who made a whole carpet from carpet samples at the store...

Okay So I Just Cleaned My House Today Since The Roommates Are Out Of Town (No Before And Afters, Sorry
Okay So I Just Cleaned My House Today Since The Roommates Are Out Of Town (No Before And Afters, Sorry
Okay So I Just Cleaned My House Today Since The Roommates Are Out Of Town (No Before And Afters, Sorry
Okay So I Just Cleaned My House Today Since The Roommates Are Out Of Town (No Before And Afters, Sorry
Okay So I Just Cleaned My House Today Since The Roommates Are Out Of Town (No Before And Afters, Sorry
Okay So I Just Cleaned My House Today Since The Roommates Are Out Of Town (No Before And Afters, Sorry

Okay so I just cleaned my house today since the roommates are out of town (No before and afters, sorry :C), and I’m very proud of my accomplishments.

But this house is hilarious. It is a crazy adventure from start to finish. I’ve told my friends who have yet to see it about how wild it is, and none of them understand JUST HOW WILD. So here we are. Please note in the living room the door on the left that has puffy material on the outside? And no doorknob? That’s my bedroom door.  Note that the inside of the door is carpeted… still no doorknob. 

This house is a national treasure. 

9 years ago

I have those sheets, too! I got them at Bed Bath and Beyond.



Thanks mainstays for providing for both movie sets and my bedroom.

9 years ago

Agreed. It’s called yellow face and it’s racist af.

mmmmmmmmmoHMygod i’m so done with seeing white cosplayers makin themselves look intentionally asian and like, no1 calls them out on it!!! tf!!!

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9 years ago

I think I'm more worried about Downton Abbey being over than I am about Christmas

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9 years ago

Is it just me, or does this prompt scream Chelsie?

A grown man generally shouldn't be intimidated by a toaster oven.

Writer’s Block

In one sentence is the spark of a story. Ignite. Mission: Write a story, a description, a poem, a metaphor, a commentary, or a memory about this sentence. Write something about this sentence. Be sure to tag writeworld in your block!

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