Vincent G - Belinda C - Ivy P - Karla G

200 posts

Bread - Herman BreadFollow This Easy-to-follow Recipe And Get A Plain White Yeast Bread With That Special

Bread - Herman BreadFollow This Easy-to-follow Recipe And Get A Plain White Yeast Bread With That Special

Bread - Herman Bread Follow this easy-to-follow recipe and get a plain white yeast bread with that special sourdough tang.

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2 years ago
Chef John's Sunday Pasta Sauce - Side Dish - SaucesThis Delicious Tomato-based Pasta Sauce Gets Extra

Chef John's Sunday Pasta Sauce - Side Dish - Sauces This delicious tomato-based pasta sauce gets extra flavor from the combination of slow simmered beef, pork, and chicken.

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Easy Cheesy Chicken Bake - Chicken BreastChicken Breasts Baked With Potatoes And Broccoli In A Cheesy

Easy Cheesy Chicken Bake - Chicken Breast Chicken breasts baked with potatoes and broccoli in a cheesy soup mixture.

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Simple Banana SmoothieApple Juice And Yogurt Blend With Ripe Bananas For A Quick, Fruity Smoothie.

Simple Banana Smoothie Apple juice and yogurt blend with ripe bananas for a quick, fruity smoothie.

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Spanish Green Beans And Tomatoes - VegetablesA Simple, Tasty Traditional Spanish Side Dish Of Fresh Green

Spanish Green Beans and Tomatoes - Vegetables A simple, tasty traditional Spanish side dish of fresh green beans with tomatoes and lightly seasoned with chives, lemon, and bay.

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Drinks - Throat Coat TeaThis Throat-soothing Tea Combines Jasmine Green Tea, Lemon, And Honey For A Tasty

Drinks - Throat Coat Tea This throat-soothing tea combines jasmine green tea, lemon, and honey for a tasty hot beverage while also assisting in sore throat relief.

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