razzek - Let me teach you how to navigate your way to defeat!
Let me teach you how to navigate your way to defeat!

AO3 + FurAffinity + Patreon Blind cartoonist, writer, and general creative. Not sure what this blog will be yet but here I am. :) All my love to people who use alt text and describe images on this website! Art tumblr: razzekart

1670 posts

Wanna Learn Braille? Now You Can! Everyone Is Allowed To Use Braille, Sighted Or Blind. There Is A 90

Introducing Braille Brain! | American Printing House
American Printing House
We are excited to announce the release of Braille Brain! This is a free website-based, self-paced curriculum to help people...

Wanna learn braille? Now you can! Everyone is allowed to use braille, sighted or blind. There is a 90 percent illiteracy rate among the blind because nobody is able or willing to teach us how to read. If more people used braille maybe that would fix this. Braille may also be an alternative for people with dyslexia and can help those with a more kinisthetic (touch based) learning style.

  • cyberphuck
    cyberphuck liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Razzek

1 year ago

It looks like it was my post and I'd like to know what the unintentional ableism is. I can't fix anything if nobody brings the issue to me.

Some people pointed out I reblogged a post with some (unintentional ) intelectual ableism that I missed so I deleted it. Thank you for the people who noticed !

1 year ago

Mario Wonder is so cute! I didn't expect to be so charmed by a game at my age but this is adorable and making me smile: :)

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1 year ago
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SHOT AND CHASER page 135 is up!

SHOT AND CHASER is a webcomic about storms. Soulmates Tre and Olly experience a literal whirlwind of a day