Not comfortable putting my age up, but I’m over 30 if you just HAVE to know/If you're following me, you're asking for trouble. ;)
291 posts
Recklessfangirl-blog - Reckless Fangirl - Tumblr Blog

Hopefully this tip can really help someone, please take this advice or suggest to friends and family if you feel it could really assist them
Wait, you were actually born in the 1900's? Thats so cool
i am going to eat my own entire skin

I'm starting a collection

I don’t really Go Here but u can always rely on this man to read a right wing politician’s outfit for filth

All the episodes are on Google Drive.
Thanks @panelshowsource for the stuff.
please reblog to increase my Science :)

some carrie fisher tweets to brighten your day
BG3 Comic: Thay's Temptation
Be forewarned: mild horror images (such as would be associated with the Creepy Book, Thay's Necromancy: skulls, creepy teeth, that kind of thing), Cazador mention, mild spoilers for the Act 1 Thay's Necromancy Questline
Click "read more" to see the full comic.

I wondered what kind of images passed through his mind when opening that creepy-ass book with all the spirits trying to drive you mad and telling you to kill the only decent people in your life.
I see this headline:

As a former cakewrecks lover, I figured sure, I’ll bite. Let’s see this cake. Literally nothing could have prepared me for this cake.
They paid $49 for this “frog-themed” cake and honestly no amount of money in the world could be put on this masterpiece:
Keep reading

[image description: a tweet by user @indigenousAI saying
“fun fact: as a DV survivor i cannot register to vote because doing so makes my address public. anyone who is fleeing or hiding from an abuser is automatically disenfranchised from the political process and this is a feature, not a bug”]

Recipe Roundup in Review
In years past, I posted a two-month series of recipes suitable for the autumn season, which everyone seemed to enjoy very much. I’ve been too busy this year to make up a new queue, so I thought I’d compile a big long list of links for anyone who’s looking for recipe ideas this fall.
Update: I’ve posted more recipes since the original roundup and I’ve added those additional links to the list below. I’ve also done my best to mark which ones are vegetarian (🌿) or could be easily altered to be so. (Some could also be altered for a vegan diet using egg, milk, or butter substitutes.) Recipes which may include alcohol as an ingredient are also marked (🍷).
Some are fall-themed, others are for more wintry occasions. But all are designed to make the most of the season and keep our hearts and bellies full as we face the coming cold. Enjoy!
Appetizers, Sides, & Snacks
A Pair of Stuffing Recipes 🌿
Asparagus Salad 🌿
Baked Apples 🌿
Beets with Cloves and Cinnamon 🌿
Bree’s Cheddar-Garlic Mashed Potatoes 🌿
Bree’s Homemade Colcannon 🌿
Carrot Fritters 🌿
Cheese & Bacon Pinwheels
Cheese Toasties 🌿
Cranberry-Orange Sauce 🌿
Fish Cakes
Irish Stout Apple Fritters 🌿🍷
Oatmeal & Potato Bread 🌿
Parsnip & Apples 🌿
Pumpkin Seeds 🌿
Sprouts au Gratin 🌿
Butternut Squash and Pear Pottage 🌿
Cheese Soup & Dumplings 🌿
Chestnut Soup 🌿
Garlic Soup 🌿
Gingered Pumpkin Soup with Molasses Cream 🌿
King’s Arms Tavern Cream of Peanut Soup 🌿
Mashed Potato Soup 🌿
Mushroom Soup 🌿
Acorn Squash with Cinnamon and Honey 🌿
Bree’s Baked Ziti
Bree’s Crockpot/One-pot Chili 🍷
Bree’s Fried Chicken Parmesan
Bree’s Honey Baked Salmon
Bree’s Poppy Seed Chicken Casserole 🍷
Bree’s Roast Chicken with Apples and Potatoes 🍷
Bree’s Sesame Ginger Chicken
Bree’s Turkey Hash Casserole
Dill-Crusted Salmon
Irish Stew 🍷
Meat Patties in Crust
Michaelmas Goose with Sage & Onion Stuffing 🍷
Pan Haggerty
Pumpkin Plenty 🌿
Roast Pork Tenderloin with Orange & Onion Sauce
Rosemary-Orange Beef
Savory Yuletide Pie 🌿
Spiced Pot Roast 🍷
Stuffed Acorn Squash 🌿
Stuffed Braised Beef
Surry Sausage, Squash, & Apple Bake with Savory Streusel Topping
Xanodrian Beef Stew 🍷
Welsh Potato Pie 🌿
Welsh Trout in Bacon
Baked Goods
Applesauce Buttermilk Biscuits 🌿
Barm Brack 🌿
Beer-Bacon-Onion Muffins
Caerphilly Scones 🌿
Christiana Campbell’s Tavern Sweet Potato Muffins 🌿
Drop Scones 🌿
Gingered Pumpkin Muffins 🌿
King’s Arms Tavern Apple Cheddar Muffins 🌿
Tea Table Goodies
Apple & Potato Cake 🌿
Apple Raisin Cider Teabread 🌿
Bree’s Cranberry Pumpkin Bread 🌿
Faerie Cakes 🌿
Irish Apple Cake 🌿
Irish Apple Teabread 🌿
Irish Whiskey Cake 🌿🍷
Isle of Wight Farmhouse Cake
Marmalade Loaf 🌿
Porter Cake 🌿🍷
Seed Cake 🌿
Shortbread 🌿
Welsh Crumpets 🌿
Apple Fritters 🌿
Baked Apples 🌿
Bramble Dessert 🌿
Bree’s Easy-Peasy Molten Chocolate Cake 🌿
Bree’s Semi-Sweet Chocolate Pumpkin Bundt Cake with Chocolate Liquer Glaze 🌿🍷
Chranachan 🌿
Christmas Plum Pudding
Beverages, Jams, and Sauces
Eggnog 🍷
Hot Buttered Rum 🌿🍷
Mulled Cider 🌿🍷
Samhain Wine Cup 🌿🍷
Wassail 🌿🍷
Blackberry & Apple Jam 🌿
Irish Whiskey Marmalade 🌿🍷
Bree’s Dad’s Sauce Recipes 🍷
Delectable Dressings 🌿
Celtic Folklore Cooking (Asala)
A Kitchen Witch’s Cookbook (Telesco)
A Witch’s Brew (Telesco)
Kitchen WItch’s Guide to Brews and Potions (Telesco)
The Kitchen Witch (Soraya)
Witch in the Kitchen (Johnson)
The Colonial Williamsburg Tavern Cookbook (Gonzalez)
Favorite Meals from Williamsburg (Turgeon)
Holiday Fare: Favorite Williamsburg Meals (Gonzalez)
The Very Best of Irish Traditional Cooking (Lennon and Campbell)
An Irish Country Cookbook (Taylor)
And of course, a selection of family recipes, shared with all of you for the joy of the season.
Happy Cooking!
Numb // Linkin Park 80s Remix
For anyone worried about missing anything in BG3 or replaying the game and wanting to find something they missed there’s a ton of checklists available online and I’m just gonna post the ones I’ve been using for all the acts in case anybody else wants to reference them!

"Why can't the freaks on AO3 just go and make a site for all the gross stuff and leave AO3 alone."
Because AO3 is that site. Because AO3 was that site long before you decided AO3 was better than the sites you bullied us off of before, and I can promise you if someone somehow comes up with a fanfic site you like better specifically for the 'gross stuff' you'll try to bully us off that too so you can benefit from it.
AO3's specific core purpose is to preserve fanfiction, yes, but it was also instigated as a host site for the fanfiction that kept getting yeeted off other platforms like Wattpad. Its designed to preserve all fanfiction, not just the fanfiction you, personally, think is 'allowed' to be written.
AO3 is the site for all the gross stuff the freaks make. We've been there just as long as you. We've been funding it just as long as you have. AO3 has specifically said you have a place here. The timeline was literally:
Wattpad/FF.net/LiveJournal purge fanfics > AO3 is born > The people who's fics got purged moved over to AO3 > AO3 gains popularity as the best functioning site > The people who pushed for the fics to be purged off Wattpad move to AO3 > The same people try to push for AO3 to purge fics.
AO3's source coding is open-access. You go make a polished, strict, rigid site where nothing 'icky' is allowed. You go make a site where you can control what is hosted. We already have our space.

Amongst all of David's awards, you were recently named on the DILF list. Here's the top five: 1. Pedro Pascal, 2. Oscar Isaac. 3. David Tennant. 4. Mads Mikkelsen. 5. Cillian Murphy. Oh, and Michael Sheen came in-
#Micheal Sheen silence on this is deafening

A story of romance, drama, and politics which neither Trevelyan nor Cullen wish to be in.
Canon divergent fic in which Josephine solves the matter of post-Wicked Hearts attention by inviting four noblewomen to compete for Cullen's affections. In this chapter, Lady Erridge has a revelation about Trevelyan and the Commander.
(Masterpost. Beginning. Previous entry. Next entry. Words: 1,840. Rating: all audiences.)
Chapter 23: Meddlesome Women
Now that Skyhold had settled down after all that excitement of the earthquake, Lady Tam Erridge decided she would take her afternoon walk.
Lady Erridge believed that no less than three walks a day were absolutely necessary for one to maintain a positive outlook on life. Fresh air and sunlight, she believed, were excellent for the mood.
And there was the added benefit that she could see all the banquet invitees arriving from the battlements, and, if she squinted her eyes, judge their manner of dress with extreme prejudice. She liked the Bann of the Waking Sea’s practical travelling gear. She did not like the Comtesse Bervard’s gown.
But eventually, this well of entertainment ran dry. Lady Erridge made her way back off the castle walls, and towards a place more proper for one such as her to be seen—the lovely gardens.
The gardens were quite in her good opinion. They reminded her of the ones at home—despite being much smaller—and also of the flowers dear Lady Orroat had sent her. Those poor things were dying off now, but Erridge had been sure to press as many as she could. She had plans to include some in her next letter home.
So pleased was she by these thoughts of dear Orroat, that Lady Erridge almost missed the sight of the Commander emerging from the keep. But the glint of his armour caught her eye, and she found herself quite abruptly dragged from her imagination.
“Commander!” she called. “Oh, Commander!”
It was too late for him to disappear back into the keep now. By the time he looked up and saw her, she was already most of the way over. She had even scooped her fluffy pink skirts into her hands, so that she might run faster.
“Oh, Commander, I am so glad to see you up and well,” she said.
And indeed, he did look well. Nothing like what Lady Trevelyan had described seeing, thank goodness—though perhaps his stubble was a little longer than usual. But Lady Erridge believed it perhaps suited him, to look somewhat more rugged. She would have to ask what Lady Trevelyan thought of it, later.
“Thank you, Lady Erridge,” said the Commander, politely. His voice was still stuck in that monotone he always used. “I was just on my way to—”
“Oh, yes, of course, I shan’t delay you long—I merely wished to come up and say how glad I was to see you well, and to tell you—”
The Commander settled in to where he stood.
“—how terribly sorry I was if the apple crumble I sent to you had absolutely any involvement at all in your sickness. Truly, I meant it only as a kindness.”
“It’s all right,” he told her. “It was… a different sort of sickness. The crumble was… good.”
Lady Erridge heaved an enormous sigh. “Oh, I am ever-so-glad to hear it. Lady Trevelyan said as much, and told me you enjoyed it terribly.”
“Ah… yes.” He began to step around her. “Now, I must—”
“Oh, but”—Erridge jumped into his path—“Commander, I simply cannot allow you to go without admitting to you a truth that has been weighing on my mind these past three days. Lady Trevelyan told me she would have none of the credit, but being that you enjoyed it so, I simply must tell you: it was not I alone who made that crumble. Lady Trevelyan gave me all her help.”
The Commander settled again, though this time more comfortably. It was the first time Lady Erridge had seen his stern gaze soften so.
“I made quite a mess of my first attempt, you see,” said Erridge. “Lady Trevelyan swept in, so brilliantly, and helped me to clean up and try once more. It was she who cut the apples—and baked it, too! Oh, she was simply lovely. Perhaps she will help me make pickled eggs, to speed your recovery!”
The Commander smiled. Lady Erridge could scarcely believe it.
“She is a good woman,” he murmured, “a very good woman.”
“Indeed. She was so excellent at calming me down. Oh, she is ever so wonderful to talk to, isn’t she? Though, not quite as wonderful as my Lady Orroat—but no one’s conversation can compare to hers. It is as if… do you understand, if I say that it is so easy to talk to her, it feels like breathing?”
The Commander paused a moment, his eyes gazing away as if at nothing at all. “...I do.”
Lady Erridge opened her mouth to respond, but stopped herself. In a second that felt as forever, she studied his face. Every wrinkle his smile caused. All the softness in his eyes. That little blush upon his cheeks. Maker, no. It couldn’t possibly be...
The thought ought to have made her heart break. Yet instead, Lady Erridge smiled.
“She talks quite well of you, you know.”
The Commander startled. “I…?”
“Lady Trevelyan, I mean,” Lady Erridge said, her excitement growing by the second. “Says very nice things about you. Very nice.”
“Oh… I see. Well, ah…”
“You know,” interrupted Erridge, practically jigging, “I have just recalled that I have not yet sent my dear friend Lady Orroat the reply she will be waiting upon, and I do wish to do so before the sun sets. Farewell, Commander!”
Leaving him in confusion, Lady Erridge moved as a blur, running for the keep door. She burst into the Great Hall, giggling and laughing, and ran straight for the Lady Montilyet’s parlour.
“Lady Erridge!” exclaimed the Baroness, as Erridge barged through the door. She sat, sewing as usual, whilst Lady Samient reclined, reading, on the sofa.
Erridge collided into the back of it. “I have most exciting news!”
Lady Samient pushed herself to sit upright. “What is it?”
“The Commander is in love with Lady Trevelyan!”
The Baroness and Lady Samient looked at one another.
“Really!” said the Baroness, placing a hand upon her chest. “My, are you certain? How did you discover this?”
Lady Erridge prepared to respond, but was interrupted by Lady Samient:
“Baroness,” she scolded. “I know you are trying to be kind, but I am afraid it is patronising at best.” She looked to Erridge. “We already knew.”
Lady Erridge deflated like a popped pigskin. She stomped over to and collapsed upon her usual seat, ruffles and bows puffing out on impact. “Why did no one tell me?” she complained.
The Baroness gave her a sympathetic smile, and explained, “We did not wish to break your heart.”
“My heart isn’t broken!” Erridge insisted. “In fact, it’s rather full. Lady Trevelyan quite deserves love, and if the Commander is the one who can give it to her, then I will certainly not stand in their way. I think they could be sweet.”
“The only problem is,” said Lady Samient, “Lady Trevelyan does not want his love.”
Lady Erridge sat bolt upright. “Now it is you who is quite behind, Lady Samient! For I would certainly say that Lady Trevelyan holds the Commander in high regard. Why else would she go to such trouble to make him love one of us, if she did not think him worthy of love?”
The Baroness concurred: “I do believe she projects her affection for him so as not to feel it so keenly.”
Lady Samient tipped her head. “Fair. But if that is so, we should not meddle.”
“What?” gasped Erridge. “After all Lady Trevelyan has done for us? I say, from this day on, we use our time with him to make him hers, lest it be rendered useless!”
“That implies there was any use to it in the first place.”
“Lady Samient,” the Baroness scolded, in much the same tone as Samient had scolded her. “I do agree with Lady Erridge, we ought encourage their blossoming affection. However, I do not believe we should be blatant in our efforts. A simple steer, here and there, rather than a forceful push.”
“Such as?” Samient wondered.
“Something at the banquet tomorrow, perhaps.”
“We could have them sit together!” Erridge suggested, applauding her own idea. The Baroness nodded in agreement, directing her cane at Erridge:
“Exactly that.”
Lady Samient shrugged. “I suppose that is—”
The door opened, and the Ladies silenced themselves at once. With perfect practice, Touledy took up her sewing, Samient returned to her book, and Erridge looked the classic idle noblewoman.
Fortunate they were, for this quick thinking and practiced performance, as the one who walked in was Lady Trevelyan herself. Clearly, she had been through quite the day, if the layer of dust upon her smock was anything to judge.
“Ladies,” she greeted, before noticing their eyes on her dress. She glanced down, and tutted. “Maker! My apologies—I’ll be a moment.”
She stepped out of the room, briefly. The slapping of hands against fabric, like the beating of carpet, could be heard through the door.
In the moment they had, Lady Erridge instructed the others: “Not one word to her, agreed?”
They nodded.
Trevelyan returned, none the wiser. “How do I look now?” she asked.
“Beautiful as ever,” the Baroness told her, to no disagreement. “Though I do hope you have something else to wear to the banquet tomorrow.”
“Ha, naturally,” replied Lady Trevelyan, finding her seat. “I have just seen it to the laundry now, for the creases it sustained during its journey here. Mother had it sent specially from a dressmaker in Denerim.”
“Has the guest list intimidated her so?” Lady Samient teased.
Trevelyan chuckled. “Oh, undoubtedly.”
“Well,” said the Baroness, pulling a stitch taut, “I am eager to hear more of this attire.”
“I do not know what else to say of it,” admitted Trevelyan. “It is a dress. It’s a sort of… plum colour, I suppose. Embroidered, at the edges.”
“Plum? I see.” The Baroness rose, with another set of needles and thread and fabric in her hand. “Lady Erridge,” she said, walking over, “would you sew an elfroot onto this hankerchief, for me? You stitch leaves so beautifully.”
Lady Erridge assented, and raised her hands to accept the task. But the Baroness leant down a little further than she had expected.
“We must find out what the Commander is wearing tomorrow,” Touledy whispered.
“Why?” wondered Erridge.
“Because”—the Baroness winked—“we shall have them match.”
She pulled away and returned to her seat, leaving a starry-eyed Erridge in her wake. It was little wonder how Trevelyan noticed this, given that Lady Erridge, in her reverie, did not even acknowledge the sewing equipment that had just been handed to her, let alone touch it.
“Are you all right, Lady Erridge?” she asked.
“Oh!” Erridge hastily composed herself, snatching up a needle and thread as proof. “I am simply fine, Lady Trevelyan. My excitement stems from thinking of the banquet tomorrow.”
“You think it will be good?”
“No, your Ladyship,” Erridge said with a smile, “I think it shall be perfect!”
Lucky's Writing Masterpost

Hi I'm Lucky! I'm a writer and an aspiring artist, 40 years old (for a little while longer at least) living in New England. I started writing Dragon Age fan fic in January after decades of original fiction hell where I never finished a damn thing. My main OCs are Rose Trevelyan and Garrett Hawke and I love them very much.
The Long Fic
In the Shattering of Things,
Explicit, WC: 280K +, fluff, angst, smut, all of it
My WIP Dragon Age Inquisition long fic featuring Rose Trevelyan, my "level 1" rogue Inquisitor, my playful, optimistic OC who learns to be fierce on the fly and blunders her way across Thedas but does it with heart. As her journey deepens, she starts to realize she's tangled in the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. She romances both Cullen (slow burn) and my other OC, a very charming, very silly warrior!Hawke (fast burn). Rated Explicit. (Above image is an illustration by me for the pic depicting the start of the attack on Haven) (Rose POV)

Many more below the jump:
In the Shattering of Things related One Shots
The Protestations of the Commander's Bed, Mature, WC 1348, Fluff
With her hands on her hips, Rose stares at Cullen's bed, his cursed bloody bed. “We meet again,” she says softly, snorting to herself. Rose and Cullen attempt to enjoy some personal time. His bed has other ideas. (Rose POV)
Good Old Garbolg, Mature, WC 1462, Fluff
Hawke's heard about all these weird bottles of booze the Inquisitor's been picking up in her travels. He particularly wants to try Garbolg's Backwater Reserve because... well, why wouldn't he? He's Hawke. Besides, any excuse to sneak off to a dark and cramped corner with the flame-haired imp he's hopelessly in love with is a good thing. (Rose POV)
Fractures, Explicit, WC 3660, Smut/Whump/Pain
Cullen has been recovering from severe injuries after a catastrophic encounter with Samson in Emprise du Lion in Inquisitor Rose Treveyan's quarters. Rose has been nursing her anger and anguish for weeks. Amid the necessary care and closeness of his convalescence, it all comes spilling out at last. (Rose POV)
Pull Me From the Dark, Mature, WC 2107, Flangst
The Inquisitor arrives in the Western Approach and Hawke's been waiting three infernal weeks to see her again. There are a couple emotions Hawke hasn't felt in a long time and he's about to experience both of them. (Hawke POV)
Well Did You Miss Me?, Explicit, WC 5062, Flangst + Extra Angst
The nightmares Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan had of her lover Hawke following Adamant prompted her to develop a recurring dream with Solas, one she's had hundreds of times. It's safe. It's always the same. But something isn't right this time. And the dream will never be the same again. (Rose POV)
Contact, Gen, WC 427, Flangst
Bethany Hawke has lovely dreams of her childhood home where she often looks inside Father's little chest for the curiosities that lie within, memories of the entire family she's lost- Malcolm, Leandra, Carver and Garrett. The Fade is nothing if not surprising. But today she gets a little more of a surprise than she bargains for. (Bethany POV)
Some Kind of Witchcraft, Explicit, WC 2213, Fluff Smut
Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan is away clearing rifts along Sulcher's pass but she leaves plenty of reminders behind for Cullen to find while she's gone... and after she returns! (Cullen POV)
Together Alone, Teen, WC 1578, Angst
Knight Captain Cullen Rutherford can't afford to screw up the apprehension of Garrett Hawke's apostate sister. Even as he wrestles with his actions he reminds himself that this is right. Bethany Hawke has been bracing herself for this visit since she first arrived in Kirkwall. In some ways she feels that this is for the best. But she can't help the spark of indignance the slips out as she faces her destiny in the Circle. (Cullen & Bethany POVs)
Proper Provocation, Explicit, WC 2250, Fluff Smut
Rose and Cullen renew a war room debate that quickly devolves into a spirited attempt to spank each other which quickly devolves into smut. (Cullen POV)
Unrelated One Shots
The Boy Who Talked too Much, Explicit, WC 2373, Fluff Smut
Elissa has been coming to Alistair's tent for a week now for cuddles before anyone else is up. But they'd never kissed. Today is different. Alistair is a nervous nelly and can't seem to stop talking (or thinking for that matter!) (Alistair POV)
Unvarnished, Explicit, WC 3636, SMUT
Clinging undergarments and more proximity than they've ever had sparks an unexpected blaze between Rose Trevelyan and Blackwall and unleashes parts of the impostor Warden he thought he'd long buried... (Blackwall POV)
Long Fic Excerpts and Companion Pieces (spoilers!)
Cullen Presents a Training Plan, Gen, WC 1538, Flangst
Rose Trevelyan can hunt and ride and possesses a host of other skills a Lady of Quality might need. But the Herald of Andraste needs combat skills and Cullen has a training plan. (Rose POV)
Into her Hands, Teen, WC 1334, Fluff
Watching the Inquisitor read the book he'd picked for her across the mess tent in camp in Crestwood, Hawke decides to grab the book she'd picked for him and join her. Sitting beside her on the damp ground he feels an awakened sense of possibility. (Hawke POV)
The Assassin's Masque (or Highfalutin Hawke and his Foxy Boss Try Subterfuge at Halamshiral), Mature, WC 3745, Fluff
Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan must conduct herself carefully at the Winter Palace as they work to collect the necessary intelligence to find and stop the Tevinter assassin. Lucky for her, Inquisition agent Hawke is there to lend a hand. (Rose POV)
The Commander, the Tevinter and a Bottle of Lightning, Teen, WC 3325, Fluff
It starts as a professional favor to Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan, taking the Stick in the Mud out, drawing him away from the work he clings to so desperately. But what she doesn't know is that Dorian has positioned himself to be double wingman extraordinaire and Cullen is about to be utterly boiled in the bag. (Cullen POV)
The Coldest and Warmest Dawn, Teen, WIP, Angsty
The attempt on the Breach approaches with agonizing speed. The amplified magic of three hundred odd mages will channel through Rose Trevelyan and her marked hand. And in all likelihood, it will claim her life. Cullen finds this unacceptable. He recruits a crack team of Dorian, Vivienne and the dangerous Tevinter prisoner in the Chantry's cells to find a way to save her. (Cullen POV)
An Unexpected Visitor, Explicit, WC 6775, Fluff Smut
Hawke can't seem to get a grip on his feelings for Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan. Rose can't seem to resist Hawke, try as she might. Hawke decides to say goodbye before leaving for the Western Approach. In her bedroom. AKA Hawke and Rose spend eighteen hours being goofballs with each other in her quarters at Skyhold. (Rose POV)
Bumbling Hearts, Gen, WC 2372, Fluff
Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan is just learning to control the dangerous new feature of the Anchor- discharging accumulating power by opening a rift in Veil- the mark of the rift. She enlists Cullen as back up and as is tradition, much awkwardness ensues. (Rose POV)
Dead Draw, Gen, WC 1574, Angst and Whump
After the catastrophe between him and the Inquisitor earlier in the morning, Cullen expected Dorian's confrontation. He just didn't expect it to arrive so soon. (Cullen POV)
The Map, Teen, WC 1089, Angst and Whump
Rose Trevelyan awakens standing over her desk, quill in hand, a kind of wildly drawn map beneath her. She doesn't know what's happening and she wakes Cullen to help her sort it out. But he doesn't react the way she needs. (Rose POV)
Long Fic Orphans (pieces I wrote that have been scrapped/heavily altered from the fic)
Date Night in Ferelden, Mature, WC 6270, Fluff
Rose Trevelyan is whisked on a 'date' to rural Ferelden with her Commander. It hasn't been long since their infamous first kiss on the battlements, but it's been a long time coming. (Rose POV)
We Watched You Disappear, Teen, WC 1351, Angst
Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan reunites with Cullen the morning after the siege of Adamant fortress and her miraculous return from the Fade. There's plenty to say, but can either of them say it? (Rose POV)
Cole is Far Too Perceptive, Gen, WC 626, Fluffy?
Rose Trevelyan knows what she needs to do but she's stalling. Cole knows what's up. (Rose POV)

The Masterpost
Unwanted is a canon divergent fic in which Josephine solves the matter of post-Wicked Hearts attention by inviting four noblewomen to Skyhold for a month, to compete for Cullen's affections. One of these four women is Lady Trevelyan of Ostwick, the protagonist.
The story takes the style of a period romance (when all its characters are playing along) and is presented as a slow burn over the course of the month, which sees Cullen and Trevelyan go from strangers to enemies to friends to pining fools.
(Status: updating. Warnings: swearing, death mentions, withdrawal (Ch. 19). Word count [so far]: 68,504.)
For more information about the main characters and world state, see this post! / For more information about the changes made to Skyhold, see this post!
Chapter list
Trevelyan's mother has a surprise! It's not a fun surprise.
Prologue - Addendum
Josephine has a surprise! It's also not a fun surprise.
Chapter 1: A Cold Opening
Trevelyan journeys to Skyhold, and meets two of her fellow competitors.
Chapter 2: Girls on Tour
Reeling from last chapter's revelation, Trevelyan meets the final competitor.
Chapter 3: Meeting Your Match
At the welcome gala, Trevelyan and Cullen finally meet. It goes... poorly.
Chapter 4: Skeins and Schemes
Trevelyan and the Ladies discuss the gala, and learn when they'll see Cullen.
Chapter 5: Give Him A Chance
Trevelyan and Cullen go for a walk.
Chapter 6: Hit the Books
Trevelyan visits the library, and makes a new acquaintance.
Chapter 7: Recommending Herself
Trevelyan applies for a job, to everyone's surprise.
Chapter 8: Idle Reports
Trevelyan's first day on the job involves the one thing she is trying to avoid.
Chapter 9: Further Questions
The Commander visits the Undercroft, with questions.
Chapter 10: Posthaste
The Ladies receive letters from friends and family--Trevelyan included.
Chapter 11: Rumour Mill
Trevelyan and Touledy discuss the Commander and the competition.
Chapter 12: Unloading Baggage
Trevelyan and Samient help with a delivery.
Chapter 13: Lesson One
Trevelyan and Cullen go for a walk. Again.
Chapter 14: Checkmate
Trevelyan catches Cullen playing chess.
Chapter 15: Lady Samient's Gambit
Trevelyan tries to set Cullen up with Samient.
Chapter 16: Baroness Touledy's Strategy
Trevelyan tries to set Cullen up with Touledy.
Chapter 17: Lady Erridge's Recipe
Trevelyan tries to set Cullen up with--oh, you get the picture.
Chapter 18: Lady Trevelyan's Folly
Trevelyan witnesses the results of her efforts.
Chapter 19: Lyrium
The Commander is not feeling well.
Chapter 20: Utmost Sympathy
Erridge worries her crumble may have caused the Commander's illness.
Chapter 21: Forgive Me
Trevelyan is called to meet with the Commander.
Chapter 22: Hardly Working - COMING SOON
Dagna and Trevelyan test their device, with a surprise visitor's help.