recromage - Rex’s Corner
Rex’s Corner

✨Apagender//pan, 19✨

175 posts

Hi! I Am Desperately In Need For Help. I Need My Insulin To Bring My Blood Sugar Back Down. Its $300

hi!  I am desperately in need for help. I need my insulin to bring my blood sugar back down. It’s $300 That’s all I need. I’m not asking for a windfall, just a little help, please.

Be blessed 💓🙏🙏💓

            DONATE AND SHARE.

I’m sorry, I hope you get what you need! I’m way too broke but if I could I’d donate! I hope this helps at least!

More Posts from Recromage

1 year ago

i cannot be normal about masked men. Do u maybe wanna fuck me or stab me or both

11 months ago

Can’t be tamed!


Chapter 1


Looking in on the arena a hoard of folk can be seen. From the big to the small and even the unseen. All of whom can be seen cheering, screaming, and yelling. People can be seen making bets, calling on even cheering for their choices, and trying to earn some money.

'Oh, you look at that. The battles are beginning again, let's have a look. Shall we?'

When looking into the small room not much can be said about it. The walls are plain beige the floors are made of dark brown wooden planks. There is a couple of tables manned by people each taking care of the person in front of them. Some look to be headed to the higher levels handing over big sums of money; while others hand over smaller sets, no doubt headed to the standard seats. Looking around there are chairs full of people of all kinds, one no doubt waiting to get in and others not so fortunate.

The less fortunate look to be sad as if they can tell what's to come. Why, there is a boy (he looks to be the type to have been a nobleman if we were back in said ere.)with what appears to be a young girl by his side. She looks to be chained, shivering, and to be telling herself that everything is fine; oh the poor girl. She looks to be no older than ten years old, with pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. It amazes me what you humans do to one another.

The boy looks to be striking up a deal with a big man. The man clad from head to toe in lavish garments happened to be a big man, a big chunky man. Ugly in the face, double chin, and has ugly hanging skin; I dare say he's giving off goblin king vibes. The man hands the boy a stack of cash after 'assessing his new goods' and gives the boy a half hug while directing him down a hallway.

'Let's follow them, yeah?'

The man leads the boy down a set of stairs leading to what looks to be a vast room so filthy you would wonder just how long it's been since it was last cleaned. the walls are coated in a mystery substance and the smell is just awful. The room is lined with cells so rotten you might get an infection just from grazing it, never mind looking at it. Most cells seem to have a person in them, some with more than one person in them. Each of the beings in the cells looks to be beaten, bruised, and as filthy as can be; like they have yet to discover what a bath is. Covered in rags with holes in them, scars and cuts running along their beings; It's times like these that I pity humans.

Hidden in a cell lies a group of kids each as filthy as the last and some more than others but each appear to have been through the ring. Clad in black lays a woman with tattered caramel skin, brown eyes and hair to match. Hair tied in a low ponytail while a pair of thick rimed glasses lay upon her head. With a scowl on her face and the scars to match I think it's a safe be to stay away from her.

Another woman lay beside her, sporting a not so clean bandage wrapped around her leg. With dark skin, long black hair, and bright blue eyes anyone could tell she was a looker. Wearing a white now gray shirt with patches of dirt hear and there in it. Black spacious pants and the most tattered sandals one can have, you would question why she's even wearing them.

Not far in the corner wearing nothing but a long sack a young girl sits rocking herself back and forth in a repetitive manner. She can be seen with dirty, dirty blonde hair, green eyes shut so tight she might give herself a headache. The lady looked to be so scared like she had the life drained from her. Rocking back and forth, back and forth, muttering about how she was going to die, how she barely survives. Even with her occasional blinking of her eyes on can easily see that her eyes are bloodshot and full almost like she had been crying all night.

The final girl there hard to miss but hard to see stands in the dark. This young lady standing at the (not so tall) height of 5'3 (160cm, 63in) can be seen looking all around. Left to right, up and down, this young lady can be seen looking all around. For what reason other than escape, that or the por girl has gone insane.

Dressed in rags and covered with dust, dirt, and grime smeared all over her; disguised her long white hair and skin as pure as freshly laid snow. Eyes that shine brighter than any jasper could ever be; with long lashes and such thin brows you'd think she to be cared for. Her ears were small in size but pointed to her sides; Lips plumber than a plum, and even rosier than a cherry. In different circumstances, one might think of her to be a queen with her head held high and a fire in her eye.

The young blonde scared she may be watched as the fat man had a man open up the cell and pushed her in. The boy and the man stand together laughing, one for he got a new toy and the other because he got rid of his old one. "You back at it again you old goblin?" said the albino. The 'goblin' in question stopped laughing and turned to the lady "Of course my dear, how else do you expect me to have my fun?"

The lady gave him a nasty look and said "And you wonder why no one likes you?" "What do you mean, everyone here likes me!" "How could they not? I am their king!" he exclaimed. Some men in the back could be heard cheering and other clapping 'Quite obviously they are the ones betting. Hm?' "Your no king, just one heck of a nasty man!" "I AM KING!" the man shouts, after a few seconds the mans coughs and puts himself back together. "You had better watch you mouth, you may be my favorite toy but I can easily make you the next contestant." the man says as he turns around an left.

The poor blonde from earlier having appeared to have been long forgotten moved closer to the wall catching the albino's attention. The girls eye went big when she realized she'd been spotted. "Oh narly! Did I scare you?" The albino said getting closer to the blonde. "Just a little, BUT IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!" The blonde exclaimed. "Nonetheless I'm sorry if I startled you, my names Elvira, what's yours luv?" Elvira said. Maybe it was the way she was so nice to her or maybe it was just the way she carried herself but our little blonde just felt the need to answer the albino. "Ema, my name's Ema miss Vira" Ema said with a laugh Elvira looked to Ema and said "No need for the 'miss', like I said I'm Elvira" she said pointing to herself. "That's Rex" she said pointing to the brunette, "That's Alexandria, Alex for short" she pointed to the raven "And the lady rocking is Haven." " She's a bit crazy 'cus she's been through more than us, at least mentally." She said.

"We may not be a big bunch but we're probably the closest thing your going to get to a family while your stuck in here." Elvira said with a smile. "A family huh? I like the thought of that." Ema said with a small smile on her face. "So, we should probably let you in on what's to come yeah?" Elvira said. Ema tilted her head in question but stayed silent. Alex got up from her laying position and began to speak. "I don't see why, she'll die if not today then when she's chosen." "Most of these creeps like to see a little girl running for her life" Alex said with a dead stare. "Though that may be true it does not change the fact that she should be warned and prepared!" Elvira said with a smile and small glare directed at Alex.

"Ugh fine" Alex said letting out a sigh. "Every night sometimes in the day but usually at night eight the 'King' or someone come and get someone." "When they come you do not want to be the one they grab." "They drag you to the side lead you through the walls until they finally throw you into the ring with people who know what they are doing." Alex said with a grunt. "You had better hope that  they don't put you with vets-" Alex got cut off "What are vets?" ema asked "Huh? Vets are the ones who have been here and survived the longest." Alex said.

"If you have powers or a quirk then survival gets a whole lot easier though" Elvira chipped in. "Thank you for your unnecessary words, but yes it can be a lot easier if you have a quirk." said Alex "Do you have a quirk?' questioned Elvira. "A quir-' Ema didn't get to finish her sentence before a buff man came in and dragged her and Elvira away. The 'family' behind her screaming behind her.

"Let go, let go, let go!" The only thing anyone could hear from the two young girls. The man just laughed while he dragged them to a tall gate. The 'king' sat there waiting on them "Took you long enough, I hope you fight as well you cause problems." said the king. With the wave of a hand the buff man tossed them out of the gate. As soon as they hit the ground yells erupted from the arena yells of "We got some beauts this time!" "They don't look like they could even land a hit!' and "My moneys on the big guy!" can be heard all around.

The two girls got up and looked around one thinking 'I might just die today' with a scared look on her face. While the other thinking 'Well I can't get out now, I've got a new kid and the gang isn't here, can't leave by myself.' Looking up and around Ema could make out the wall so tall it makes them look like ants. Vira looking around could see many folk from the power hungry men and woman to a peculiar bunch chillin gin the back. One is sporting a light blue haircut with hands all over his body, a black top and black pants to match. Another is a raven sporting a black coat, white tank top, and black pants with a belt. 'He has some interesting scars.' Vira thought.

Another was a women a blonde to be precise, with a crazy look and a smile on her face. The lady is wearing a blue skirt, long black socks, a beige top. 'Is that a school girl uniform?' The last man sitting with his group was made up of a dark purple to black mist. Wearing black pants, a white under shirt black tie, grey vest, and a metal brace laying on his collar.

The group appears to be looking around in all directions. The blonde watching a male who appears to be showing off to the crowd. The raven's not even paying attention, more focused on his phone. The misty man though hard to tell was staring at the lanky man and back at the crowd. Despite everyone looking in their on directions the lanky blue haired man was staring directly at Elvira.


Word count: 2038

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1 year ago

That moment when your brother accidentally makes you delete your whole character sheet for someone you wrote about ages ago as you were finally about to put it to use….

Now all you wanna do is pint the little guy but you know you can’t and you shouldn’t 🫠🫠😭😭😭👊👊👊👊

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1 year ago

Hello again, been struggling to eat and been stressed about rent this month. I dont want to be homeless on my birthday, and I applied for government aid and college so hopefully this will be the last month I need help. But yeah no. Lifes pretty shit rn.

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