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532 posts

Courtney Milan Does It Again

Courtney milan does it again

I read Courtney Milan's What Happened at Midnight yesterday--devoured it in pess than 24 hours. (It is short)

A very satisfying romance. The protagonist survives in an abusively controlling household (she is a servant in their employ), so be cautioned about that

What happened at midnight by courtney milan: recommended!

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1 year ago

Since I am approaching 24 hours of witches posting, was thinking about the bit in Wyrd Sisters where Granny breaks down all the duchess's justifications and compartmentalizing to force her to "see her true self" and is flummoxed when the duchess shrugs it off and goes "yes I know I've done wrong and I don't care". Granny is so fixated on all the ways she can go astray, so convinced that her true self is bad and she needs to monitor that at all times, that she can't conceive of anyone not feeling that way. Actually Granny you're not as wicked as you think you are.

1 year ago

Two book recommendations

I read and loved the Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite

I read and loved Snow Way Out by Christibe Husom.

Ladys guide is a wlw romance. One lady is an astromer(!!) and the other is an embroidery artist!! They fall in love! They talk about art and science! I loved it. It was sweet. It was touching. There are sex scenes, so be aware.

Snow Way Out is a mystery. The protagonist runs a store that sells snow globes and theres a neat little spooOOoooky thing with the snow globes. ALSO are are multiple characters who are adopted! And one was adopted from Vietnam by white American parents! You know how often you get that? Almost never. You know how often you get MULTIPLE adopted characters and the story isnt about That? NEVER. I loved it.

More comments to come but I wanted to get this note out before I forgot

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1 year ago


I don't know where my first one of these went, but I loved these ones! The books are about a bunch of cats who grow wings. They go through trials and tribulations because they need to find a safe place to live without being made into unwilling lab subjects. The illustrations are great too

Also yes they are by THAT Ursula K Le Guin.


Unfortunate note: despite my love for these books, I want to go on the record as one of those people who begs pet owners to keep their cats indoors. Thank you.

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1 year ago

Book shelf clean out: the princess tales (Gail Carson Levine)

These are very slim and short books. Each one is a retold version of a "classic" fairy tale like Sleeping Beauty. They usually feature a fairy who curses/blesses the protagonist. They're really fun books. Also, yes that IS the same Gail Carson Levine who wrote many other fairy tale inspired stories

Book Shelf Clean Out: The Princess Tales (Gail Carson Levine)
Book Shelf Clean Out: The Princess Tales (Gail Carson Levine)

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1 year ago
This Is Just The Magnus Institute.

This is just The Magnus Institute.