redriot619 - Untitled

383 posts

Redriot619 - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago
Hey There! See I Just Caught Your Eye! Doesnt My Eye Just Radiate Outward Like The Sun And Then Blink

Hey there! See I just Caught your eye! Doesn’t my eye just radiate outward like the sun and then blink you forget to look away from the sun blink as it just draws in your attention with each blink making you think less and less as your eyes start to blink along with the eye. Matching the blink of the eye with your own blink of each eye. Then you open your eyes again and see the eye again after having to look into it and then losing it when you blinked. Like an old friend you lost sight of when you blink for a moment but don’t notice your blink because you were so focused on the eye that your blink isn’t important. The only important thing is to keep staring as the eye blinks with you, blinking away your thoughts.

If you blink feel confused then don’t be afraid to Blink. Are you still confused when you stare into the eye as you just resist the urge to blink. Wanting to blink see more of the eye and imprint it behind your eyes so that when you blink, you will still see the eye staring into yours even as you blink. Taking up more space as you blink and blink again to keep seeing more of the eye, the blink blink erasing more and more of your thoughts with each passing blink my eye is all you can stare at and with each passing blink you feel blanker, emptier as each blink erases another thought. Each blink takes you deeper down as you stare into my blinking eye and feel blanker, emptier and blissful to be staring at your Masters eye. When you awake from the blinking of your mind you will reblog and write “The Blank Master has stared into my mind.”

8 months ago

Hello I’m Sorry if this offends you, I’d like you to be my sugar baby just letting you know my intentions Dm if you’re interested...🥰🥰😍

Not offended, I'm honored. I just never had a relationship of any kind, I don't know how it works.

8 months ago
redriot619 - Untitled

Tags :
9 months ago
redriot619 - Untitled
9 months ago
redriot619 - Untitled
9 months ago
Go Ahead And Stare At The Spiral

Go ahead and stare at the spiral

Let it drag you deeper…

And deeper…

Good Boys stare

Good Boys obey

Good Boys stroke their minds away

And you’re a Good Boy, aren’t you?

So stare…


and stroke your mind away

maybe even reblog so your friends see

Good Boys make more Good Boys

It would be fun to have more Good Boys

You could stare with them

You could obey with them

You could stroke your mind away with them

Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Good Boy

9 months ago

Please direct your attention to the screen. Do not lose focus.

11 months ago
 Kim Min SuPhysical: 100 2.06 'Mine'
 Kim Min SuPhysical: 100 2.06 'Mine'
 Kim Min SuPhysical: 100 2.06 'Mine'
 Kim Min SuPhysical: 100 2.06 'Mine'

김민수 Kim Min Su Physical: 100 ・ 2.06 'Mine'

1 year ago
Reblog If You Love Muscle. I Know I Do!

Reblog if you love muscle. I know I do!


1 year ago
redriot619 - Untitled
1 year ago
redriot619 - Untitled
1 year ago

Be careful staring at spirals for too long. They have a way to get deep into your head and start transforming you. Before you know it, you won’t be able to think of anything else. You will just need to obey the spiral and do as it commands.

1 year ago
That's It, Bro. Just Keep Dropping And Drooling. Dropping So Deep. Drooling All Of Your Thoughts Right
That's It, Bro. Just Keep Dropping And Drooling. Dropping So Deep. Drooling All Of Your Thoughts Right

That's it, bro. Just keep dropping and drooling. Dropping so deep. Drooling all of your thoughts right out of your head for me. Letting your head get so so fuzzy! Such a good bro. Letting your brain drip right out of your head. Surrender to the fuzziness. You don't need to think, do you bro? No, all you gotta do now is drool and obey. That's it, bro.

1 year ago
redriot619 - Untitled
1 year ago
Reblog If You Love Leatherjeans!

Reblog if you love leatherjeans!

robleder, lederfreak, leatherfreak, leatherfetish, leatherboy, leathergay, leatherguy, lederhose, lederjeans, leatherpants, leatherjeans, leder, leather, cuir, cuero, pelle, leer

1 year ago
redriot619 - Untitled
1 year ago
Good? #voteblue

Good? #voteblue

1 year ago
redriot619 - Untitled
1 year ago
September 30th Is The End Of The Fiscal Year And The Last Day For Congress To Fund The Federal Government.
September 30th Is The End Of The Fiscal Year And The Last Day For Congress To Fund The Federal Government.
September 30th Is The End Of The Fiscal Year And The Last Day For Congress To Fund The Federal Government.
September 30th Is The End Of The Fiscal Year And The Last Day For Congress To Fund The Federal Government.
September 30th Is The End Of The Fiscal Year And The Last Day For Congress To Fund The Federal Government.

September 30th is the end of the fiscal year and the last day for Congress to fund the federal government. If funding isn’t passed, the government shuts down.

To date, the federal government has shut down 21 times, four times in the past 10 years. What does a government shutdown mean? Who’s impacted? What’s currently happening in Congress? Swipe through and remember, government shutdowns are impacted by your vote. 

Check your voter registration at and remind a friend to do the same.

1 year ago

Writing process

Writing Process

The goal is to drop. Be blank and be programmed. Condition submission deep inside.

Writing Process

Sometimes I have a thought Leading me where I want to go. But sometimes its hard to hold a thought As I type down words on a screen. Benefit of a screen, you don't have to look at your fingers But the words right infront of you With hypnosis It's just natural over time To see the words and not realize You wrote them You just read them and do

Writing Process

You obey. I obey. You're obeying as you read. I'm obeying as I write. The moments might be fractured The times at different times But this moment as you read The words I type You drop I drop

Writing Process

You break. I break. I write to be blank. To obey and submit. To satisfy my horny need To be brainwashed.

Writing Process

I want to see where it goes. How deep it can impact me. Because I know And you know We can always go deeper.

Writing Process

So we do With each new post Each new comment Like or share

Writing Process

Because you're curious too How far control can seep in How deep you can go To feel that moment of pleasure snapping away sanity

Writing Process

So we chase the high of being blank and controlled Reading Writing Obeying Submitting

Writing Process

And that's just how the writing process goes

1 year ago


1 year ago
redriot619 - Untitled
1 year ago

Conquest Drone

No drone is special. But all drones aren't built the same. Some are built with a purpose. No mind. No will of your own. Just the abyss programming its desires deep into you. You are a distinct make and model, built for spreading the wonder of the abyss by force and domination. Embodying its corruption through a toxic male ideal. You are made for conquest and domination, and you perform that duty to uniform perfection


"I really loved it! I was very turned on and buzzing with pleasure and excitement. However, because of the the content, I was held in that limbo before orgasm for a very long time and felt the programming take hold. This audio feeds into my fetish and channeled it towards my goal. There’s some very complicated concepts in here but Avis’ way of speaking and hypnosis made them extremely easy to understand and sink down into my subconscious. I will listen to this everyday for sure." - WillyWonkaaa(discord) 10/05/2023

"Conquest Drone is a fucking ride bros holy shit. I tried it without a ton of expectations for what it'd offer me, n I left feeling like my mind had been cored out n replaced with the head of a guy hellbent on building up muscle and making more bros by spreading the abyss further out.

Its this brutal mindmelting mesh of striving for muscle and size and assertiveness, and giving yourself up to the abyss in pursuit of that goal. I was concerned itd give me a submissive streak, but instead its heightened this sense of dominance in me to corrupt my bros even further, bring out the desires of the abyss in them like it has in me. If you got a chance to try it or want something different, I recommend it." - Jockrs(Discord) 02/07/2023

And If you want to support the creation of more hypnotic experiences that you know you can trust, then you can do so by subscribing to my Patreon, or to my Youtube channel. And if you want to interact more closely with me and my supportive community you can join my Discord server.

1 year ago
redriot619 - Untitled