reptarknight - ReptarKnight

98 posts

I Woke Up Today And Saw That I Had Just Wrote Gibberish All Over My Favorite YouTube's New Vid While

I woke up today and saw that I had just wrote gibberish all over my favorite YouTube's new vid while I slept. And somehow it was just my YouTube username over and over. Just Jojo all over the place and replying to people with my name with an occasional k or 9 on my name. Kinda freaky. So I deleted all of it and hopefully no one notices

More Posts from Reptarknight

1 year ago
Had To Share This Note I Woke Up And Wrote In The Dead Of Night

had to share this note i woke up and wrote in the dead of night

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1 year ago

We're crossing the border folks.

reptarknight - ReptarKnight

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1 year ago
Thank You Anonymous!

Thank you anonymous!

The idea that Harry didn’t appreciate Ron’s friendship is the biggest mischaracterization (scratch that almost that biggest) of Harry I’ve ever seen. The evidence that proves the opposite is so much I can’t even include it all in one post, but I’ll include the biggest points

As soon as Harry and Ron meet and become friends, we see Harry value having a friend basically immediately. He’s happy to have someone to share his treats with, he comforts Ron about his family’s financial situation, shares with Ron how alone he feels and how he doesn’t know any magic and feels like a fraud because he doesn’t even remember what he’s famous for

Than when Draco shows up asking to be friends with Harry and insults Ron in the process, Harry turns down Draco’s friendship offer. It’s not only because of Draco’s attitude in the robe shop, it’s also specifically because he insults Ron. Harry turns down the ability to have a few more friends to stand up for a kid he just met. You don’t do that unless you appreciate that person

When Ron and Hermione are feuding in book 3, Harry takes Ron’s side. Yes, he tries to get them to stop fighting, but when it comes down to it the books note he told Hermione that Crookshanks probably did eat Scabbers and she should say sorry. He stopped talking to Hermione for a little while because her and Ron were fighting and not speaking and Harry appreciates Ron’s friendship so much that he wasn’t going to do anything that would make him upset

In Goblet of Fire, Harry is completely devastated that he and Ron are fighting now. Not only do the books literally say that he likes Hermione but he misses Ron as his best friend, but the fact that he and Ron aren’t talking is what the majority if these next few chapters are about. And he also immediately forgives Ron and they immediately go back to the way they were

Same thing in the deathly hallows when they’re fighting, Harry is extremely upset and how much he misses Ron takes up a lot of the next chapter. He becomes like, unfunctional he is so upset. And than again, immediately forgives Ron when he comes back

If Harry didn’t appreciate Ron’s friendship, he wouldn’t mouth off to Malfoy when he comes for Ron and his family. If Harry didn’t appreciate Ron’s friendship, he wouldn’t immediately forgive him after two massive fights. If Harry didn’t appreciate Ron’s friendship, how much he misses Ron wouldn’t become all he thinks about when they’re not speaking

And more than anything else, if Harry didn’t appreciate Ron’s friendship, he never would’ve said, in response to Ron saying “Dumbledore knew I would leave you guys”, Harry would have never said “No, he knew you would always come back”

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1 year ago

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