My Dad Said The Word Tuberculosis And I Triggered Like A Sleeper Agent And Took Like 1d20 Psychic Damage
My dad said the word tuberculosis and I triggered like a sleeper agent and took like 1d20 psychic damage trying not to talk about That Fucking Man
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More Posts from Ricky-yaps

Just me thinking about John with an eyepatch
Marlboro sent me a replacement cause the bluesband they sent me broke within like a day of me getting it 😭🙏
I literally have four harmonicas now WHAT DO I EVEN DO WITH THEM ALL HELP
hot take apparently but i think it's good for white people to relate to poc's art. i think it's good for straight people to relate to queer art. stop acting like we're different species who could never possibly understand each other what the fuck is wrong with you
Comparing the rotations of objects in the Solar System. Just look at them lol.✨🪐
To everyone that's confused, the planet Venus rotates very very slowly, with a single revolution taking about 243 Earth days, and Mercury rotates slowly, but not as slow as Venus.