riderdrauggrim - Rider DraugGrim
Rider DraugGrim

Motorcycle Riding Adventures, Road Safety Rants, Theatre Technician Stories, Random Likes

556 posts

Good Omens Sr.

Good Omens Sr.

Several months back, pictures started popping up on my feed. Photographs of a tall, lanky, dark dressed man with a wierd walk.

"Oh!" I thought, delighted that Bill Nighy was in a new movie or something.

And the tall man in the photos and gifs walked with a sway of his hips, and pursed his lips beside his gaunt cheeks, and made little flicks with his hands, and looked fabulous in 70s fashion.

And then I realized, "whoops," that isn't Bill Nighy at all. That's some guy named David Tennant (who I'd only ever seen in that one Harry Potter movie, being far too overwhelmed at 'where to start??!' in the Who universe). But why have they got him acting like Bill Nighy? Why didn't they just get Bill Nighy?

So the links and the hashtags filled me in they'd made a series from a book called Good Omens, something about an angel and a demon and the end of the world.

I knew the authors, though I had not read much by either. And we hadn't bought in to Amazon Prime yet, so I continued on with life.

More and more posts started appearing, extolling the virtues of the series, nonbinary pollution, ineffable husbands, nature vs nurture, and so on. We decided to bite the bullet and watch.

We enjoyed it. At that point I had picked up the book and read that first, while Garwik viewed it spoiler free. I filled him in on bits from the narrative that the series didn't explain, while I was pleased by the new little inserts of the main pair through the ages.

But a small part if me wondered really, why didn't they just get Bill Nighy, rather than direct someone to act like him? Because he's old? It just felt... odd.

But who could cast opposite him? An older gentleman. Shorter. Soft cheeks. Equally capable of being harmless and cheeky, full of impish delight and the occasional flash of sin, with bright eyes and twiddly fingers.

Oh. Duh. Ian Holm.

So there I was, pleased in my 'Good Omens, the Senior Years' casting choices.

Flash forward several months to last week.

Someone had posted a picture of a hedgehog, which had been reblogged with a series of gifs of Martin Freeman.

"Oh!!" my brain blurted out of the blue.

"If Ian Holm is too old, they could have used Martin Freeman! He's like a younger Ian Holm! He could totally pull it off!"

And I sat there. Proud of my epiphany. Immensely pleased with myself.

For seven. Whole. Minutes.

And then my brain reminded me that I was not so clever after all.

Because somebody in New Zealand had already come to the same conclusion, and cast Martin Freeman as a younger Ian Holm for The Hobbit movies.


And that is my embarrassing admission story as to why I shouldn't fancast shows.

(Disclaimer before I'm skinned alive, both David Tennant and Michael Sheen were perfect in the roles, and I have no problem with their casting. It was just a 'but what if?')

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