rikerbabe - Rikerbabe

Star Trek fan, Aspiring Sim Creation Creator, Astronomy fanatic, and Amateur Astrophysicist and wishing I was on the USS Enterprise exploring the Universe...

77 posts

75% Ready...

75% ready...

OK...like the title says, I’m 75% ready to start the debut of my Royal story line. All I need to finish up the first part are: Suitcases, Traveling Trunks, Moving Trunks. Looking for those, so if anyone knows where to find them, please send me the links. I’m working on the family now and where they are coming from. That should be posted sometime this week (after Monday, got to go BACK to the Nurse Practitioner for more issues) but I’ll let everyone know! Thanks for being WAY too patient with me...

  • postry-roy
    postry-roy liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Rikerbabe

3 years ago
Presenting The Crest Of San Lorenzo-Balboa

Presenting the crest of San Lorenzo-Balboa

3 years ago


I’m looking for a set of Royal State Visit poses...Mine turned out SO BAD I don’t want ANYONE looking at them...(I suck at poses just as bad as my Blender skills)

4 years ago


(Grrr..) Still working on everything, having to take it easy due to my asthma flaring up now... Rest assured, I’m still developing things...

3 years ago


Looking for some VERY grand palaces for my sims...Have my story “fleshed out” on paper and I need some really breathtaking palaces...Drop me a note and/or a link to where I can get some...


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3 years ago

In Search of...

Found just about everything I think I need (so far, that is) for my story to start. However, I am looking for:

1)A Mausoleum for my deceased royals

2)The ULTIMATE grand palace

I know that I’ve been asking around for various things, but everyone on here seems to know more about where to find these things than I do.

For the ones who have pointed me in the right direction: THANK YOU!

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