Chess Magazine Cover But Make It Beth X Benny(more Fake Article/photoshoot Pics Coming Soon)

Chess magazine cover but make it Beth x Benny (more fake article/photoshoot pics coming soon)
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More Posts from Rlycunty
Title: A Haunting.
Pairing: Yandere!Bruce Wayne x Reader (DC).
Word Count: 1.2k.
TW: Implied Stalking, Nonconsensual Touching, and Obsessive Behavior.

It was following you again.
A flickering shadow, skirting along the edges of rooftops and the wired frames of fire escapes, constantly slipping in and out of the corner of your vision. You’d seen it last night, too, falling from your balcony when you finally managed to tear yourself away from your laptop, and the night before that, on your way to grab something from the only corner store that was still open by the time you could force yourself to leave your apartment. You thought you’d be able to make it home uninterrupted tonight, but you weren’t sure why. It wasn’t like Gotham had ever been a particularly kind place to the people who just wanted to survive.
You caught something shifting in your peripheral, but kept yourself from snapping in its direction. It was better not to pay attention, to keep your eyes down and your hood pulled up and focus on getting home, into the relative safe-space that was your shitty apartment in your shitty building in your shitty neighborhood. It was better to concentrate on cutting corners than the two, identical pinpricks burying themselves in the nape of your neck. It was better to breathe, to try to keep a hold on your own pulse rather than pay any attention to the steady, muted footsteps trailing behind you. It was better to—
You cut into a narrow alleyway, took a few steps, and immediately ran into a dead-end.
You took a wrong turn.
The footsteps were closer, now, on cement rather than hollow steel. You spun on your heels, pressing your back into the brick wall that’d smothered your escape route, but that only managed to make you feel smaller, more cornered as you tried to make out any features of the dark, looming shape slowly approaching you. You tried to remember which villains were active in this area, if there was a curfew that you’d chosen to ignore, but your thoughts went blank as the dim light flowing in from the main street caught on the silver of brass knuckles and serrated throwing knives, as a pitch-black cape slid off of a shoulder too stiff not to be armored, and…
You let out a breath of a laugh. “Oh my god,” You mumbled, shaking your head. Batman, as odd as it felt to refer to him as that, didn’t seem perturbed, only coming to a stop in front of you. “You scared the hell out of me, Batman, sir. I wouldn’t have been so freaked out if I knew it was you.”
“I… apologize for that.” You’d never heard him speak, before. His voice was raspier than you thought it’d be – a lot deeper, too. Compared to the other local vigilantes you’d run into (particularly, Nightwing’s hyper-cheeriness or Orphan’s total silence), it wasn’t completely unpleasant. “I didn’t—” He seemed to interrupt himself, to trip over his words. If you didn’t know better, you might’ve called him nervous. “I’ve seen you walking alone, before. I wanted to make sure you were safe.”
“Is anything safe in Gotham?” You laughed. He didn’t. Rubbing the back of your neck, you forced yourself to shut your mouth, swallow your humiliation, and go on in a way that wouldn't embarrass you in front of the city's greatest protector. “I know, I know, I shouldn’t do anything to add to your workload. My boss is sort of a sadist, though. Believe it or not, this was the earliest I could get out.”
He didn’t respond to that, not immediately. He scanned over you, instead, his eyes drifting from your face to your wrinkled post-shift hoodie and back again. He raised his hand, and you kept yourself from pulling away as gloved fingertips ghosted over your jaw. You’d almost forgotten about the small bandage plastered over your eye until he brushed against it – a result of a short-lived bar fight that’d gotten out of hand while you were behind the counter. It’d stopped bleeding in a few seconds, but better safe than sorry, right?
“Oh, that’s nothing you have to worry about.” You tried to smile, to shrug, but he was already cupping your face, tilting your head to the side with more force than he seemed to realize he was using. It was obviously a reflex; one he’d probably earned from years of protecting injured civilians. Your personal space, and the bruise his grip would leave on your jaw, were insignificant, in comparison. “Just a minor incident at work. It’s not a big deal, I promise.”
For whatever reason, that didn’t seem to satisfy him. “You should be more careful. A dive bar with a reputation like that isn’t a good place to spend your time.”
You were starting to think he might’ve been better as a shadow.
“I don’t remember—”
“You should move, too.” You were really, really starting to prefer his shadow. “Your neighbor, three doors to the left – you know he’s wanted for arson in another city, don’t you? It’s dangerous for you to be so close to such an unstable person.”
It occurred to you, for possibly the first time since he’d initially shown himself, that you were in a dark alley, in the middle of the night, totally unarmed and totally trapped by a man who seemed to know you better than you knew him. You tried to remind yourself that it wasn’t just any man – it was Batman, but that name brought you less reassurance than it had, a few minutes ago.
“Uh, Batman, sir,” You started, suddenly struggling just to spit something out. “I… I really think I should be getting home.”
If you didn’t know better, you would’ve said he was smiling. “Of course. I’ll take you back to your apartment.” And then, after a short pause. “To make sure you don’t get hurt, again.”
His hand dropped from your cheek to your wrist. He began to pull you forward, but you dug your heels into the cement, jerking yourself out of his hold. His reaction was immediate, instinctual – a sharpened glare, a deepened scowl, only fazed by your clumsy attempts to stumble around him, to back towards the main road without letting your stiff grin falter. “I’m alright, I—” You cut yourself off, biting down on the side of your tongue. “I just don’t think that’d be such a good idea.”
He took a step towards you. You took one back. “So, you don’t want a superhero escort?”
“It’s late, and I—”
“You’re willingly putting yourself in danger.” You spared a glance over your shoulder. “You asking me to let you put yourself in harm’s—”
“Please.” You shrunk into yourself, shutting your eyes. “Please, sir, I just want to go home.”
You felt his gaze burning into you, for a few seconds.
But, when you found the courage to open your eyes again, he was gone.
His absence might’ve been more comforting, if you hadn’t still been able to see that little, flickering shadow in the corner of your eye.
We're Okay- Neil x F!reader

Pairings: Neil x Fem!reader
Genre: Angst/hurt/fluff
Warnings: Injury, talk of death?, blood, gunshot.
(Y/N) and Ives’ team was just dispatched to Tallinn, Ives had told her Neil had called for the cavalry, that was enough for her to rush in, with each moment closer to getting to Neil and The protagonist, her veins were fueled with Anxiety, hoping to god Neil wasn’t hurt.
(Y/N) was the team’s second in command, psychotherapist, and medic. She was the real deal. She and Neil were recruited together, and since then they were inseparable as ever. They were the dynamic duo of the entirety of Tenet.
So it would make sense when Neil was sent to take care of the protagonist, she was beyond anxious for him. Even though he reassured her his safety both at the agency and at home, she couldn’t shake it off. But nevertheless let him go as it was his job. But to her delight she had to start the mission for and with him, while he started things in Kiev, she made sure that the Mumbai mission would go as planned. She was the shadow of this mission before they had taken her to the team. This was actually the longest time the two would be separated from each other.
“Jesus Christ Neil!” she gasped looking at the wound in his shoulder, quickly getting her supplies out. “Take your stupid gear off.” she grumbled, he frowned but complied nonetheless.
He knew her better than anyone on this planet. So he could quite literally see the gears in her head turning so fast, he swore they would malfunction. He did feel a bit guilty for making her worry too much, he loved her with everything he had and the last thing he needed was for her to hurt. To hurt the woman he loved. “(Y/N/N)…”he tried, but she refused to meet his eyes and continued working on the wound, trying hard to stop it from bleeding. He sighed knowing she wouldn’t listen to him right now. All he wanted was to tell her everything would be okay.
She was trying not to panic with the blood seeping while she tended to it, she tried. She tried really hard not to let her feelings cloud her judgment but that clearly failed seeing she decided to stay mad at him. She couldn’t bare to see him in pain, she loved him too much. The last thing she needed was for him to hurt. See the man she loved get hurt. “(Y/N/N)…” every time he would call her that, she wanted nothing more than to call him hers. But right now, she had a job to complete and a man to be mad at. She heard him sigh knowing very well he got the message.
Ives grimaced looking at the two, feeling sorry for the guy while he gave orders to his team. (Y/N) now moved to the protagonist, letting out a breath of relief when she found no serious injuries on him. She stood up, refusing to meet Neil’s gaze, moving past Ives, nodding, walking away to go over the new orders.
“She seems pretty mad.” Ives commented, as the trio looked back at the woman who was checking on the weapons. Neil let out a frustrated breath, running his hand through his hair, followed by rubbing his face. Ives snickered at his actions.
“Who is she exactly?” The protagonist asked. Making Ives chuckle.
“(Y/N) is one of our best agents, she’s kind of a multiasker, she’s an expert marksman, medic, psychotherapist, and she’s my team’s second in command.” Neil couldn’t help but feel pride hearing Ives’ words. She was his best girl. Neil politely excused himself from the conversation, preparing himself to talk to (Y/N). Ives patted his shoulder as a good luck.
He saw her in the corner of the room, doing something with her back facing him, with one quick motion there was a dagger in his neck, threatening to cut it when he touched her shoulder “Neil you know better than to sneak up on Me.” she mumbled going back to facing away from him, checking the weapons.
“Hey.” He wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her back to his chest. His chin on her shoulder. She closed her eyes, stopping whatever she was doing, enjoying the way their bodies were flushed together. “I’m okay.” He whispered in her ears, sending shocks all over her body, she was glad she was still in her full handed gear, he didn’t have to see the Goosebumps that decorated her skin.
“I was so scared Ni.” she spoke in the same tone, resulting him to tighten his hold on her.
“I know.” he kissed her temple “but hey,” one of his hands left her body and into his pocket to pull out a talisman, hanging on a single red thread. “Lucky charm, you told me I’ll be safe as long as I have this on me when you gave this to me didn’t you?” she simply nodded taking a deep breath.
“I’m sorry.” she sighed out, feeling bad for being mad at him.
“This is our job (Y/N), you can’t save everyone.” he stated calmly. That was enough for her mind to enter a spiral of ‘what ifs’ again. Neil noticed and immediately turning her around, the grip still on her waist moving to hold her face in his hands. “(Y/N)…hey…we’re okay.” he started only to be cut off her by her.
“Neil, I can’t lose you.” She shook her head with glassy eyes. “I can’t…you’re all I have.” she threw herself on him, he was quick to hold her against him.
“You won’t lose me (Y/N).” he promised. “besides, if anything were to happen to you, I’d go out of my mind love.” he remembered the times she went on missions without him, he would stay back in the office scared out of his mind, wondering what would he do if she never came back. As their ranks increased the dangers increased. She pulled back when she felt a drop of tear in her shoulder.
She took his face in her hands, wiping the tears which decorated the curves of his cheek. “We’re okay Neil.” she repeated his words, he nodded firmly making her smile. “Lucky charm.” she showed the said lucky charm in her hands making him roll his eyes.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to pick my pockets?” he playfully glared while taking back the talisman.
They never realized how close they were until now. (Y/N) looked up at him only to see his eyes fixed on her lips, she took a sharp intake of breath, letting out an airy whisper of his name to which he gave a soft smile, while his eyes asked the question which she was too eager to answer.
And she did. She pressed her lips to his, smiles breaking out on their faces, the two genuinely could not believe they were doing this. Finally. He was the first to pull back breathing heavily, closing their eyes and foreheads touching, they started laughing in disbelief.
“God I wanted to do that for so long.” he panted with a huge beaming smiles, her face mirroring his, nodding in agreement.
“I love you Neil.” the soft tone of her voice made Neil close his eyes as though it was one of the most beautiful song of the universe.
“I love you (Y/N).” he let out another breathy laugh, connecting their lips again in pure bliss.
“I thought you said they were best friends?” the protagonist asked Ives, watching Neil kiss (Y/N). Ives stood there with a proud smile and a relived thought saying ‘finally, that took way too long’
“Yes I did” he laughed walking away.
Robert Pattinson
Temporary Annoyance (Female!Reader)
Robert gets jealous after sensing your chemistry in an interview with Chris Evans.
"Let's go, Vengeance." (Female!Reader)
You are Robert Pattinson's proud girlfriend during the Premiere of The Batman.
Protective (Female!Reader)
Robert will always protect (Y/N) when she needs him the most.
Clueless (Female!Reader)
A clueless barista and his even more clueless crush.
Astraphobia (Female!Reader)
Robert comforts (Y/N) during a heavy storm at night.
Safe Harbor (Female!Reader)
When a reporter snoozes too much on (Y/N)’s personal life, Robert is there to cut her off.
Let me be yours (Female!Reader)
Zoe and Robert have gotten surprisingly close during Batman’s shooting. (Y/N) is worried she might lose him.
You finally get hired to a big production. You are worried your chemistry with your co-star Robert Pattinson might ruin it all.
Fight for him
When Prince Robert scares away all his suitors, King Victor decides to make a tournament to decide who will marry his son.
Falling for you (Female!Reader)
(Y/N) surprises Robert during her first concert on her new tour.
Imagine finding THIS while dating Robert Pattinson
Lasting love Story (Female!Reader)
Robert's love story with his PR assistant, in this case, you.
The distance that tears us apart (Female!Reader)
When (Y/N) and Robert’s vacation time gets shortened, (Y/N) might just have reached her limit.
You come back earlier from a work trip, excited to surprise your boyfriend. It doesn’t end well.