my soul sees its equal with you

268 posts

[4:44 Pm]

[4:44 pm]

“babe, your phone’s blowing up.” he feels the vibration of your chest as he pushes himself closer to your neck. “i don’t want toooo.”

jaemin’s whiny voice makes you giggle, your fingers pausing ever so slightly from running themselves through his brown hair.

“but—mark will kill me if you’re late.” your hushed whisper pulls a curse from him as he reluctantly leaves your embrace.

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More Posts from Rnjfy

3 years ago

warning/s: overworking, mentions of bad habits like skipping meals and losing sleep.

[6:51 pm]

“you’re overworking yourself.” renjun simply huffs as he tugs on the sleeve of your shirt. he wasn’t wrong, but you had so many tasks due and you couldn’t help but glue yourself to your chair.

“just a few more minutes, ren. i promise i’ll come to bed, yeah?” your promises fell on death ears as he raises his eyebrow—clicking his tongue as he starts to tug even harder.

he didn’t like seeing you push yourself so much when he knew that it meant skipping meals, losing sleep and draining yourself of energy.

“woah—babe.” your boyfriend sighs as he catches you in his arms, your exhausted body nearly toppling over when you went to get up.

“it’s okay, i’ve got you.”

3 years ago
Nct Dream Headcanons :: Their Protective Gestures !
Nct Dream Headcanons :: Their Protective Gestures !
Nct Dream Headcanons :: Their Protective Gestures !

nct dream headcanons :: their protective gestures !

Nct Dream Headcanons :: Their Protective Gestures !

mark — he protects your space in crowded spaces. when you’re about to collide into something or when someone is about to accidentally bump into you, he’s quick to grab your waist or the hem of your shirt to pull you against his chest as he instinctively says things like “whoa, careful,” and a “you okay?” afterwards.

renjun — he’s always the first one to speak up if someone says — or even implies — something mean about you. one time, his friends were taking it too far with the teasing that it was making you uncomfortable and he sensed it immediately and shut them off with an almost nonchalant-sounding “watch your words,” and a serious look. and if it was a stranger, he has a way of telling them off while also remaining civil. so basically, no one can bully you except him.

jeno — he always walks on the outside of the street when you’re walking together. without even thinking about it, he puts a hand on your back and moves to the side where cars are passing by, all the while continuing to talk with you. he also has a habit of looking over your shoulder for you and trying to keep an alert eye on the surroundings when you’re out together.

haechan — when you’re walking in a crowded area, he holds your hand with you behind him, leading you both to your destination. he does this thing where he occasionally glances back at you with a small half-smile. and when you walk up right next to him, he slings his arm over your shoulders while still holding your hand.

jaemin — he gives you his jacket or hoodie when you're cold. sometimes you think he doesn't notice but he always does, and he casually drapes it over your figure without you having to ask. when you're wearing shorts or skirts/dresses and you have to sit down, he always hands you his sweater so that you can cover your lap if you feel uncomfortable.

chenle — he always makes sure to walk you home or drive you to places as much as he can. it’s partly because he wants an excuse to spend more time with you but also because he doesn’t like the thought of you walking alone, especially at night, unless you tell him that that’s what you want to do. and even when you reach your place, he waits and watches you get inside your house/building safely and only then he walks away or drives off.

jisung — he always reminds you to be careful and asks you to text or call him when you get to wherever you’re going to safely, when you get home safely, when your bus stops, when your plane lands. whenever you’re about to go out with friends, he always follows up his ‘bye’ with a habitual ‘have fun, be safe’ and a casual kiss on the forehead.

Nct Dream Headcanons :: Their Protective Gestures !
3 years ago

warning/s: overworking, mentions of bad habits like skipping meals and losing sleep.

[6:51 pm]

“you’re overworking yourself.” renjun simply huffs as he tugs on the sleeve of your shirt. he wasn’t wrong, but you had so many tasks due and you couldn’t help but glue yourself to your chair.

“just a few more minutes, ren. i promise i’ll come to bed, yeah?” your promises fell on death ears as he raises his eyebrow—clicking his tongue as he starts to tug even harder.

he didn’t like seeing you push yourself so much when he knew that it meant skipping meals, losing sleep and draining yourself of energy.

“woah—babe.” your boyfriend sighs as he catches you in his arms, your exhausted body nearly toppling over when you went to get up.

“it’s okay, i’ve got you.”

3 years ago

hey there(๑・̑◡・̑๑) may i request a college/school au with xiao on how he'll react to hearing his s/o collapsing due to the built up stress of never-ending assignments & tests

Hey There() May I Request A College/school Au With Xiao On How He'll React To Hearing His S/o Collapsing
Hey There() May I Request A College/school Au With Xiao On How He'll React To Hearing His S/o Collapsing
Hey There() May I Request A College/school Au With Xiao On How He'll React To Hearing His S/o Collapsing

𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 🍭

order for: xiao

flavor: fluff/comfort

order summary: with exams on the come up you were more than ready to be done with the stress so when xiao makes an unexpected visit he’d gladly take a load off your shoulders

warnings: none

[thank you for the request! i had a good time writing this one, i just finished up my exams so i understand the stress that comes with them T-T. hang in the re though, xiao and i are cheering for you <3]

Hey There() May I Request A College/school Au With Xiao On How He'll React To Hearing His S/o Collapsing

the keys jingled in the lock as xiao struggled to open the door to your dorm only to find you open it yourself a few seconds later, upon letting him in he noticed the usually (somewhat) clean environment had been less clean than before.

“i’m sorry for not being able to hang out, i have more studying to do tonight before my exams.”

he just nodded and said that it was fine. he followed as you walked to your bedroom where the desk was piled with papers and textbooks, messy pens and scraps of paper lying everywhere and he sat down on your bed observing you. he watched as he noticed your pajamas and develoshed hair, you pushing up your glasses as he took note of the bags forming under your eyes. how long has she been like this? his mind wanders in a worryful state, he can only hope that during this time of the school year you’re taking care of yourself.

you excuse yourself from the room to go get a cup of tea, you said you’d get one for xiao as well so he could stay where he was. but why haven’t you come back? you went into the kitchen at least 10 minutes ago, so where’s the tea he didn’t really care about? he got up in a state of confusion and made his way towards the kitchen, standing at the door frame he calls your name only to see you lying on the floor... passed out. shit. he can’t think of anything other than to carry you back into your bedroom and lay on the bed, he was panicking on the inside but being xiao he didn’t show it.

how long had she been passed out? is something wrong? is it medical or just pure stress? should i call an ambulance? what do i do?

the poor boys head was a mess, not a single coherent thought was coming in and his only idea was to call his friend aether in hopes that he could get some answers. knowing that you and aether go to college together would also be useful in how to help you with your studying after you awoke, so with that conclusion he unlocked your phone and looked for aether’s contact.

of course upon hearing the news; aether panicked and was worried as but hearing xiao calming tell him that they need to cool down and think of something made his conscious clearer. after talking to aether for a few more moments he looked over at you one more time before his brows furrowed and a frown adorned his face. he then left your room after cleaning up your desk of all the distraught papers and unorganized books.

you awoke confused, what even happened? why am i in bed? oh yeah, i was studying. wait, what happened to my studying?! you sat up too quickly, the blood rushing to your head pounded like a hammer. you were about to get up when you saw xiao in the doorway, he looked like he was on the verge of tears. he set down the bamboo tray in his hands that carried two cups of tea and some pastries before he made his way over to you, he sat down on the bed and brought his face close to yours.

“you’re an idiot you know. don’t overwork yourself so much.”

he moved in closer, your face was burning in anticipation. just kiss me already damnit.. was what you wanted to say, but of course you wouldn’t and within mere seconds you felt a strong sting on your forehead. closing your eyes and bringing your hand to the area of injury you realize he flicked you.

“i know that you’re struggling with school, but your health always come first. who cares if you don’t have the best grades, you shouldn’t stress yourself out over something that’ll pass so quickly.”

his eyes widened just the slightest bit and he wrapped his arms around you, you were confused until you felt his wet shoulder. were those... tears? you closed your eyes and embraced him, letting out a sigh you let yourself relax in his arms even if only for a moment.

“thank you xiao, i love you.”

“i love you too (y/n).”

Hey There() May I Request A College/school Au With Xiao On How He'll React To Hearing His S/o Collapsing
3 years ago
From This Tumblr Prompt Post By @smurfet !

from this tumblr prompt post by @smurfet !

warning/s: angst and crying:(

silence — lmh.

in which he can’t seem to let you love him.

you hadn’t really noticed him, he was always quiet and stuck to his small circle of friends. the boy whose hair never seemed to stay one color, the boy who would only laugh when he was among his friends—the boy whose name was mark lee.

“who?” when your friend had pointed out that he was “so checking you out!”, you didn’t really know how to feel.

your eyes meet his for a brief moment—before he’s looking away a slight blush on his cheeks as his friends erupt into a burst of loud laughter. and it was like the world was on his side, because you started to see more of him.

“i’m so sorry!” his smooth voice distracted you from the sound of your books and papers scattering all over the floor. his movements were frantic as he goes to pick up your fallen items. “it’s okay, really.”

he likes to think it was your smile that had his heart racing, the easygoing and friendly one that always seemed to grace your face. that what he was doing—reaching out, trying to get the chance to talk to you even when he had literally no reason to other than the fact that he liked your voice—was totally reasonable. you could be acquaintances, who talked. almost every day.

“so, how’s it going with y/n?” jaemin would casually bring you up, now that you both were talking on a regular basis. mark felt a weird heat rise from his neck to his ears, stumbling to reply to his younger friend.

“it’s alright. she’s a great girl,” the boys around him let out loud whoops, raising their imaginary glasses in a sort of toast. “i’m happy for you.”

renjun’s smile is gentle as he pats mark’s back. he was scared. truly. he didn’t know why he was feeling the way he did and didn’t believe you could return the way his heart was pounding.

but you did. you loved the way he strummed his guitar with a hidden confidence and the way his eyes would disappear as he laughed. the months you both had spent talking were great and he made you feel the most alive.

there were days where you’d catch his eyes on you and the subtle pink tint on his cheeks as he looks away. you’d find him upset when you were wearing someone else’s jacket. you were sure, so sure that he liked you back. that he would catch you because you were falling. falling for the boy who built a cage around his heart so—

“don’t.” you were confused. don’t?

“don’t love me, y/n.” his sad whisper nails you to your spot in front of him. you had your bag over your shoulder and his jacket around your body.

his eyes stared at you, sad and empty as he pleads with you. “i’m not worth it. not worth your love—“

“is that really your decision to make?” your voice comes out softer than you had liked. you didn’t want to cry but you felt your throat closing as the tears stung the back of your eyes. mark watches closely as you gulp down your feelings, face scrunching as you struggle to hold in the emotions wishing to break free.

his heart was breaking, but this was better. wasn’t it?

“i’m—i don’t love you.”

he had forced the words out. he knew he had to. he didn’t want to let himself feel the way he felt around you—because he could see it all leading down the same path.


your dejected face stayed etched in his mind as you walked away. as the tears won over your stubbornness, falling freely down your cheeks even when you were tugging off his jacket. he watched in silence as you disappeared, from him that night—from his life forever.

this was better. he knew it was. but why did it feel like it wasn’t?

my mark drabble debut! it’s sad, but i’m trying to get over my writer’s block huhu ;-;