robby-bobby-tommy - RobbyBobbyTommy

"There's no rhyme or reason to what I do, I just do. A scoodly doo." pronouns: any, prefered she/her/🐍ask permission and tag me, if you want to use my works!!🐍/

325 posts

Lady Stronghart Is Here!

Lady Stronghart is here!

One of the most extraordinary woman of her century. She isn't marry, but she's very rich and powerful.

Lady Stronghart Is Here!
Lady Stronghart Is Here!
Lady Stronghart Is Here!

(Yasss, it's fem!Lord Stronghart, and I'm very proud of it:DDDD)

I wanted to save this vortex motif in her hair style, so I gave her this curls (and I guess it was stylish in her epoch, maybe)

Anyway, love you, byee ❤

(Btw, you can Recommend someone to draw gender swap from TGAAC)

  • addicted-to-12th-intro
    addicted-to-12th-intro liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Robby-bobby-tommy

2 years ago

It looks beautiful, ma comrade❤❤

And yeah. CHAOS>:D

And Then They Immediately Placed Their Base Next To The Pillager Outpost So They Could Terrorize Their

And then they immediately placed their base next to the pillager outpost so they could terrorize their friends

2 years ago

Totally boy best friends, totally platonic. Stronghart is just wine aunt, that talks sh@t about others. And jigoku obviously does it too. They kinda want to kill each other, but then remembering that without the other one, life's gonna be boring.

Also I want to see smol Barok, like Kay, always around the crime scene/brother. While Gregson babysitting him, like Badd. Like a child, like an inspector.

listen I need a game that goes into the dynamics of those first three exchange students more because they’re all classic AA dynamics. we’ve got “totally platonic best friends” Genshin and Klint, “guy and weird little girl” Yujin and Herlock, and “power-hungry worsties” Jigoku and Stronghart. this is whole game plot material. or at the very least spin-off anime adaptation material. please Capcom I beg of you

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2 years ago

This is the last one, I swear...

This Is The Last One, I Swear...
This Is The Last One, I Swear...
This Is The Last One, I Swear...

Here's fem! Satoru Hosonaga:DDD

I love this character soo much. I would love to see him more often in the game, but anyway here's some content with him/her❤

Love you, goodbye 💕💕💕

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2 years ago

well, I wanted to post it somewhere, but it isn't finished so I'm wasn't sure. Anyway I decided to post it here, cuz why not. Also there'll be a lot, and by that I mean, A WHOLE TONE of spoilers for TGAAC. So be aware.

So basically, I was thinking about making fanfiction or smt like that for my own TGAA3. It's very similar to AAT&T. Like first and forth cases are flashback ones, and three other ones are at the present.

So, now I'm gonna describe what they would've been like. They aren't really particularly thought out cuz I'm dumb as hell, so keep reading if you want to.

Well, first one is a flashback case,in which we're playing for Yujin. He's arriving at London with Genshin and Seishiro, and shortly after they meet Klint with prior Lord Chief Justice (Klint's mentor that was Lord Chief Justice before Stronghart). After giving LCJ report, they're going on a tour of London with Klint. In doing so we meet 17yo Barok and 29yo Gregson. They're working on a very important case of corruption in court and they decided to invite Klint. He says he's busy, but he maybe could join later. Barok runs of, saying he's gonna make his brother proud by solving case with his inspector friend. Before Tobias left, Klint asks him to bring Barok home by 9 after their adventure. Gregson agrees and takes his leave. Klint is very polite, but likes to tease Japanese Trio. After the tour, Klint takes his leave due to some Chef Prosecutor's job. Genshin desires to go and investigate this case Barok was talking about earlier. Mikotoba and Jigoku agree, so this trio goes. They're arriving just in time to meet young Herlock. And a new character. I haven't came up with his name yet, but basically he's just a corrupt judge. He is one of the nobles and doesn't respect anyone lover his status. Of course he doesn't like Japanese people or some filthy detective and inspector. He respects Barok a little bit more due to his noble blood and money his family posses. Basically he just talks with a people with money and takes bribes from everyone with money. Also he has this big as hell smoking pipe,cuz I want you. After a first ever chronologically Logic and reasoning spectacular, we get scolded by this corrupt judge, who openly mocks everyone around just cuz they're lower status. He "kindly" explains us that he won't get any punishment for taking bribes, cuz "Do you really believe everyone's gonna believe someone middle aged immigrants, boy next door detective and an inspector who's supposed protecting citizens, and not wasting my time on empty chatter. My god, is this really what our police forces became nowadays? It's truly embarrassing to show this kind of work before some filthy immigrants. I shall not tolerate this kind of behavior to someone as noble as me. We're gonna have problems, if I hear about something like these false accusations ever again. Did we understand each other, Inspector? ". Gregson has to eat his pride, and response something like "Understood". Barok is literally disgusted and disappointed with Judge's behavior, but Gregson stops him, saying that everything's fine (ofc not, he and van Zieks bros became friends due to having the same idea of everyone treated equally in court. Even noble ones weren't supposed to go unpunished, if they did some crimes). Japanese trio is also very displeased with Judge's words. Genshin is almost ready to draw Karuma, but controls himself pretty good, Mikotoba's sad, and Jigoku's already ready to fight this judge. Herlock clearly is offended by these statements, but Gregson stops him. Before this corrupt dude takes his leave, Klint finally shows up and passive aggressively confrontes "his Excellency" (As you may understand it's the story of the first Klint's victim). After this first day the trio decides where they all are gonna spend night. Jigoku and Genshin's gonna rent an appartement together and Mikotoba has no choice, but agreeing to Herlock's offer to rent together.

After a few weeks the first professor killing took place..

That's all I have for today, I'm gonna post some information about other cases when I come up with ideas later

Love you, bye<3

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2 years ago

Guys?! Please ?? Is this legal to be so cool at drawing ?!?!

I absolutely adore this masterpiece, and give this comrad some attention ❤❤❤

Is It?

is it?