rosasusannah - Rosasusannah

Aspiring artist, comic consumer & budding bibliophile. Not to mention a bl enthusiast (and sometimes critic.) I am also a baby ARMY.Here you can expect to find observations on representations of gender and sexuality in books, comics, movies, dramas and pop culture in general. Also, lot’s of fangirling.

276 posts

Good Point! I Must Say, Though, That The Idea Of Jimin Telling Everyone To Listen Carefully And Then

Good point! I must say, though, that the idea of Jimin telling everyone to “listen carefully” and then instructing them to go clean their showers had me laughing out loud. 😂😂 Like damn, I know the bathroom is due for a cleaning, I don’t need you telling me! 😅

Translation is important

Weverse translates:


Google translates the same thing:


A “half-bath” is a thing where you soak in a tub of hot water up to your waist with aromatherapy and sweat a little, then finish with a shower. A “futon” is a japanese word for bed/mattress. 

Jimin says skip the half-bath and just take a hot shower and jump under the covers to stay warm!!! Probably exactly what he did as soon as he got home.

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2 years ago

Of fucking course. 🙄 Of course the homophobes and the Tkkrs would already be coming up with ways to twist things to suit their agenda. Why is this even a surprise? I had more faith in humanity than I thought and what a disappointment.

Jimin has, to my knowledge, never expressed a discomfort with shipping the way that, for example, Tae has. What Jimin has done, however, is to consistently emphasize BTS members’ sincerity as something that is important to him and them. Seriously, it’s something he wants them to be remembered for:

Of Fucking Course. Of Course The Homophobes And The Tkkrs Would Already Be Coming Up With Ways To Twist
Of Fucking Course. Of Course The Homophobes And The Tkkrs Would Already Be Coming Up With Ways To Twist

He could have spoken about their amazing performances and impressive choreography or their dedication to working hard for armies. He chose to highlight sincerity instead. It’s not the only time Jimin has spoken about this topic either, I just can’t think of when and in what context. This interview was just memorable but I digress.

So does it make sense that, in the context of an innocent transaction like Jin picking off a feather or whatever from his face, Jimin would suddenly be like “no, don’t ship us, I hate it!” or rather that he is once again reiterating that they are all sincere and genuine in their interactions with each other? This time specifically when it comes to their bonds, which I appreciate on behalf of the pea brains who didn’t make the connection before.

Whether BTS does fan service depends on what you consider fan service to be. Is it showing their genuine chemistry and closeness to the fans because that’s what the fans love to see and the members get a kick out of driving armies wild? Then there is probably an element of fan service to their interactions during performances, but they’re not doing anything they wouldn’t be happy to do anyway. Is it faking a closeness that isn’t really there just to please fans? Then no, BTS emphatically do not do fan service.

I really respect Jimin for valuing sincerity and authenticity considering the industry he works in. Please notice this beautiful trait and give him the due respect and listen.

Hi! 💜 I wanted to ask if you could recommend me some translations accounts on Twitter that you trust, cuz most of the time I’m confused when it comes to Jimin or jikook topics, I’ve noticed that the translation can go from one context to a completely different one depending on if the account likes the idea of Jikook or not 😅 for example on yesterday’s concert “bromance moment” with Jimin and Jin, some accounts are saying that he basically said that he hates people insinuating that he has something going on with the members (openly denying jikook) and others are saying that he was talking about what bromance means in Korea which is fanservice (scripted and false interactions with the other members) which it would be on the context of “everything I do is real and genuine with them”

This moment:

Hi! I Wanted To Ask If You Could Recommend Me Some Translations Accounts On Twitter That You Trust, Cuz

Lol okay, well I can name a few of my favorite translator accounts, but it's worth noting that most did not translate this moment or much of the concert other than their little speeches and ending mentions. These off hand comments tend to slip through the cracks. Because ARMY translators are often focusing on enjoying the concert, as they should be.

As well as the only people I've been seeing say this (from my admittedly small sample size) are solos, ships that include jm or jk in them and are anti his other ships (mostly tkkrs), and just firm anti shippers in general. So I mean, those opinions should all just be taken by a grain of salt regardless. Fanservice does not equal shipping or lack of shipping. Those are two totally seperate things.

The last thing I'll bring up before getting into this that it's important to remember that these live concert subtitles are not true to word or literal/exact translations. These are translated and typed live, in a rush, and usually summarized. You'll notice a lot gets left out while the main points will be subbed (which can often confuse non Korean speakers or be easy to get twisted around). You'll also notice some spelling mistakes, etc. It's why even our amazing army translators on Twitter who are amazing during vlives often miss things or sentences here or there. And they know that people can eventually go back to subbed lives. If they miss topic b while translating topic a, they can usually just fine move on to topic c. Does that make sense? These captioning people are working over time on hearing what is said, translating it and then captioning it in as close to real time as possible. This is why you'll see people go back to Twitter to find the ending mentions of the guys instead of solely relaying on what the concert subs said.

So for reference, here is the clip of this moment, with concert subs someone recorded off their TV I'm assuming lol

Hi! I Wanted To Ask If You Could Recommend Me Some Translations Accounts On Twitter That You Trust, Cuz

You should be able to tell, even without speaking the language that a lot more words are being said then what is being translated. The subs have Jimin saying "I hate such things. I know, we are an idol group." This doesn't totally make sense, because things got left out. Lol and Jin said ALOT and only a little was translated to "but I had to get that for you."

Bromance, in kpop especially, is often in reference to fanservice. Not always, but definitely does. Similar to how in Korea, TMI means just share a random fact about you/your day. Such as "I've been working out my core more." Where in America, it means "too much information" quite literally. Like a friend describing their one night stand in explicit detail or describing their latest trip to the toilets instead of just telling you their stomach hurts. Lol quite different in the ways we think about the phrase generally. An example would be when Jin and Jimin (lol JinMin with the bromance again) acted out a drama based on farting and it was extra as hell. Lmao Yoongi said it belonged in the genre of noir bromance. And this was an acting silly, goofy extra with each other type skit they gave JinMin to do as a punishment. It was *acting*

So no, Jimin wasn't saying he hates being shipped or he hates interacting with the members. Basically he said "even though we are an idol group, I hate that fake stuff and I (we) don't do it." Aka, he is geniune and intentional with his actions. If he is affectionate, it's because he cares for real and wants to be affectionate. If he is giving out kisses and/or cuddles to his members (any of them), it's because he WANTS to and not for anything scripted or for fanservice. He is NOT *acting* here or just in general.

Credits for one person's translations here of this same moment and the exact phrasing Jimin used in full:

Hi! I Wanted To Ask If You Could Recommend Me Some Translations Accounts On Twitter That You Trust, Cuz

Basically, Jimin went to start talking. Jin interrupted to pick an eyelash or stray feather from black swan or whatever it was off Jimins cheek. Hobi and another member then start teasing going "ooo bromance!" and "oh you're an idol!" etc. Meaning teasing him about the fans getting excited over the cute JinMin interaction on the big cameras. Aka referencing kpop idols putting their bromance on display while in focus on stage for fanservice.

To which Jimin replied, "even though I am an idol, I really hate acting fake/unnatural." Again, referencing that fansevice joke and saying that's not him, it's not them as a group.

And Jins response to this, since the poor man was just trying to clean off Jimins face! Lol was something like, "I don't know what to say, but it was stuck to his face like an ugly thing! So I had no choice but to take it off for you"

So again fanservice ≠ shipping, regardless that shippers and anti shippers use it to fuel whatever their personal shipping agenda is. Jimin said nothing about shipping, he essentially just said we (BTS) do NOT do fanservice. All the shit we do, that's just our geniune selves. Which I mean, I've been saying. But regardless. That means that when Vmin jump into each other's arms, it's not fanservice. When Jimin kisses Joons head, its not fanservice. When JK hugs Yoongi from behind while dancing, it's not fanservice. When Hobi kisses Tae on the head, it's not fanservice. When Tae backhugs JK to thank him for cooking, it's not fanservice. When Jin compliments Jimins ass, it's not fanservice. When Tae and Jin cuddle on stage or off, it's not fanservice. When Hobi shoves his hand down Jimin shirt to slap his chest and compliment it, it's not fanservice. When JK slaps everyone's ass as soon as its within eyesight, it's not fanservice. When JK puts Jimins ear in his mouth, it's not fanservice. When Jimin pets JKs head and says they spend all their time together, it's not fanservice. When JK tells Jimin "ILY" it's not fanservice. When Jimin hugs JK on stage or posts photos with him, ITS NOT FANSERVICE.

Hi! I Wanted To Ask If You Could Recommend Me Some Translations Accounts On Twitter That You Trust, Cuz
Hi! I Wanted To Ask If You Could Recommend Me Some Translations Accounts On Twitter That You Trust, Cuz
Hi! I Wanted To Ask If You Could Recommend Me Some Translations Accounts On Twitter That You Trust, Cuz
Hi! I Wanted To Ask If You Could Recommend Me Some Translations Accounts On Twitter That You Trust, Cuz
Hi! I Wanted To Ask If You Could Recommend Me Some Translations Accounts On Twitter That You Trust, Cuz

It means, Jimin is a geniune person and he has said so himself multiple times, but now he has basically flat-out said "I don't do fake acting with my members." If they do it, it's because they want to do it. Nothing else.

Now back full circle, lol sorry! My favorite translators on twitter are lovemazejikook, btsinthemoment, btsbaragi_jk, tteokminnie, haruharu_w_bts, BTStranslation_ and kookceptional

Hope that helps! Sorry this was probably longer and more of an answer you were wanting! Lol

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2 years ago
220313 PTD in SEOUL BTS JIMIN 지민 엔딩멘트 4K
220313 PTD in SEOUL BTS JIMIN 지민 엔딩멘트 4K

This lovely new angle of the PTD concert in Seoul ending ments for day 3 was uploaded on YouTube. The focus is on Jimin. 💜 The man is just the most beautiful. 😭 Enjoy the lovely, giggly whispering Jikook moments from the front. What a view! 🥰

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2 years ago

I watched that too many times probably. I’ll come back for it eventually too I’m sure. Some armies have made good points about not sexualizing the members but what can you do when they do something like this? Park Jimin explain yourself. Or just carry on. Hobi got a good laugh out of it. 😂💜

Jimin is a freak 🥵 I seriously can’t stop watching this!

Jimin Is A Freak I Seriously Cant Stop Watching This! Https://

One time before I die I want to be in a club with this man.


Park Jimin is a dancer. Hobi can relate.

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2 years ago

Aw. 💜 Everything about that clip is just perfect. JK looking at Jimin and then sitting close. You know he had something he wanted to share with him. Then the smile immediately after like he has no doubt JM will find it hilarious. Then the adorable smile and playful slaps. Adorable! 😭💜💜💜

PTD Seoul day 3

In a world of their own.

PTD Seoul Day 3

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3 years ago

Yes, let’s! This scene is one of my favorites for sure! To add, I love how Fiat wearing Leo’s clothing got his attention and that horny look is just 👌🏼👌🏼. Perfect. I also noticed the reflexive movement of Leo’s hand when Fiat turns away like wait, don’t go. Some of these little details just feel so unscripted and genuine. My heart! 💘

Leo throwing Fiat on the bed was fantastic and I can’t help but think Leo really took Fiat’s feedback about how he can be rougher in bed to heart. I imagine that’s how Leo is when he’s just being himself since that’s how Fiat described him to Natsu after their first time. Second time, Leo tried to “do better” by perhaps being more careful and then Fiat gives him the okay to just be himself since rough is how Fiat likes it. Well then, on with the manhandling. ♥️

This scene was also my favorite because of how openly they’re enjoying themselves, smiling at each other when Leo climbs on top of Fiat. I love it when couples smile or laugh during intimate scenes in general and these two do it quite a lot but this instance is right up there with the best.

Can we talk about ep5 for a sec?

1. Leo looking at Fiat with such hunger in his eyes when he enters the room.

2. Leo’s hand trying to follow Fiat when he turns, like a reflex of some kind, maybe a need to get close to him. I find it super sweet and endearing.

3. Fiat teasing Leo with the toy and getting an even hungrier look in return. We know you BOTH wanted to try come on!

4. Leo throwing Fiat on the bed

I repeat:


5. Fiat looking extra gorgeous all spread out on the bed with his chest exposed and a happy look in his eyes. Asking to be punished.

6. Leo being the dom he is and literally edging Fiat with small fast kisses and pulling back.

7. Fiat being a bratty sub pouting so cutely! Following Leo up with eyes closed asking for more.

8. Leo playing with the toy and First giving the performance of his life looking so aroused when the thing goes down on his belly. Damn!

What’s there not to love in this scene! I’ve been rewatching it non stop because it’s sexy and sweet and they are so good when they get close. And did I mention that First looks hot? 🔥

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