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obsessed-with-book-boyfriends liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Rosiesmcposies
Would you write some for Cicero? Something platonic though. Maybe just listener meeting Cicero and being interested in mother and he explains it to them? I think that’d be fun! Thanks in advance <3
Yesss, I love Cicero and the listers dynamic sm no matter what form it takes on. Honestly cicero would rant to the listener about the nightmother for like hours, he’s iconic.
Literally he would be so happy someone asked about the nightmother
He would give a full annysis and history lesson on the nightmother and just the dark brotherhood in general which is genuinely relatable
Honestly I’m picturing this as in like the dark brotherhood sanctuary when he first shows up with the nightmother bc you have the option to ask about her
Like he will give his theories to if you ask
After like an hour of this history lesson he feels like he’s bugging you so like he changes the subject
If you tell him to continue to rant he will be so happy
Like he will drag you back to his room to talk about how much he loves the nightmother at like 1am
He’s genuinely suprised you don’t know about her tho
He’s not like mad he’s just genuinely suprised
If you show major devotion for the night mother he will also be so happy
Like he’s so happy he has someone to talk with about the nightmother without seeming weird
Honestly I love it when I can rant about my interests, that’s why I love this app sm
Cicero would own a shit ton of furbys. The listener takes miraak and serana to the sanctuary and chaos just happens
Could you do a headcannon were farkas and miraak (separate) see there S/O has been badly wounded when they came back from battle? Like, how would they react and Do? This is my first ever request (:
Oooh ok! Srry for taking forever to write this 💀 literally I wrote for this and it got deleted anyway, I’ve been really busy and I apologize for not getting to this until now
Ok he wouldn’t of let you go alone
So you didn’t tell him or just went without him
Which makes him kinda angry
Not because like he thinks you need him, he just wants to protect you
Anyway he would tend to your wounds
He would be fully prepared with supplies
Also your not leaving your bed alone for a few months until your healed
If you want to do something he’s coming with you, you cannot reason with him
He will leave you alone if you want but he does become very overprotective
He kinda blames himself in a way for not sensing that you were going to do that
But he shakes it from his mind bc he needs to help you
He will make food for you and buy it if he fails at cooking it
But also he does not leave your side at night
He’s just very over protective
But yea he tries his best to help
He stays pretty calm because he dosent want to stress you out
Internally he’s really stressed
But he dosent let it show
He knows you can take care of yourself and don’t need his help so he dosent care if you battle n shit
He is worried and does express it but he trusts you and knows your gonna be fine
His intuition was wrong like once
He was majorly freaking out
Like he carried you back to his room and looked for anyone who new how to tend to wounds
Which Vilkas did bc books
Vilkas kicked him out while he tended to your wounds
Farkas was pacing back and fourth in the hallway and then decided to gather food
In case you were hungry ya know
Anyway he becomes more protective
He’s seen wounds before, normally it dosent freak out when people get wounded
He trusts it will heal
But he genuinely loves you and the thought of you dying scares him
But he stays with you every day
Ditching missions sometimes
He will tend to your wounds by cleaning them and shit
hey! could you do headcannons for farkas, serana, and brynjolf (separate) with a s/o that starts crying/having a panic attack in front of them ?
Yea ofc! I’m not that really familiar with brnjolf so sorry if this is ooc :)
Honestly it suprises him at first, it was just pretty sudden
But he almost immediately gives you a hug and holds you close
He asks what’s the matter and he’s just really worried
He was afraid he’d be awkward with comforting you but he’s pretty good at comforting bc strong himbo gives good hugs
But after you have calmed down he definitely buys you your favorite foods and he does whatever he can to calm you down
Honestly I think he’d be pretty good at comforting
Also he would probs take you out to the woods
Just to like calm you down and embrace nature
And to pick flowers
He just wants to comfort you the best that he can
If you need space he kinda understands it
But he checks up on you pretty frequently
Honestly dosent know what to do for a good few seconds
She just stands there contemplating how to help
But she finds a way to comfort you pretty easily
She also hugs you and asks what’s wrong
You find a good place to talk and you tell her why your upset
She will try a way to fix it(if it’s a fixable issue)
But if it’s not fixable she will comfort you by giving you your needed affection
I don’t think serana would be a touchy feely person with everyone but she really cares about you
So she wants to give you your needed attention and or space
If you need space she understands and will occasionally check in on you and ask if your feeling any better
Honestly he could sense something was up
But he understands not everyone wants to talk about it
But then you start to cry
Then he’s worried and asks what’s wrong
You both sit down wherever you are and talk about it
He’s very understanding and will hold you if you want
If not he gets that and will ease up the thieving jobs
But he will give you your space and trusts you will come to him if you want
But after a day or so he’s gonna check back in and ask if you wanna do a job with him
Overall he’s very understanding and pretty good at comforting
.... Cicero has pointy teeth,,,,,,, no I will not take criticism