rowney-eiyt - Rowney

SiMPLY aN aRT eNTHuSiaST oF aNYTHiNG i FeLL iNTeReST WiTH, eiTHeR SFW (SaFe FoR WoRK) oR NSFW (NoT SaFe FoR WoRK) CoNTeNTS. (eaRLY WaRNiNG iF Ya eNCouNTeReD aN eXPLiCiT CoNTeNT oN Ma PaGe)i Do NoT CLaiM MYSeLF To Be CaLLeD aN aRTiST BeCauSe i'M JuST a HoBBYiST WHo HaVe LiTTLe TiMe To DRaW STuFF. i Do DRaW BuT NoT aS a PRoFeSSioNaL aS iT LooKS, iT MaY LooK GooD oR SoMeTiMeS a FaMiLiaR aRTWoRK eXiSTiNG SoMeWHeRe Due To THe aRTSTYLe ReFeReNCe THaT i uSe. (We aLL KNoW THe CoPYRiGHT THiNGY So... i'M aWaRe oF THaT aND TRieS MY BeST NoT To "CoPY" THe aRT ReFeReNCe MaTeRiaL THaT i uSe)BeFoRe i FoRGoT eVeRYTHiNG... i'M Rowney, aN aDuLT MaLe PeRSoN WHo THiNKS WiLL BoRe You iF He DoeSN'T SHaRe HiS SeXuaL oRieNTaTioN To THe TuMBLR CoMMuNiTY... *WHiSPeRS* "i THiNK i'M "Bi"". aNYWaY... eNGLiSH iSN'T MY MaiN LaNGuaGe So PLeaSe "BeaR" WiTH Me... (iNSeRT "BeaR" PuNS HeRe) i'M oPeN To eVeRYoNe WHoSe WiLLiNG To KNoW/aPPRoaCH Me BuT i HaVe To WaRN You THaT (i BiTe) i'M a MooDY PeRSoN. i MaY HaVe DoNe FeW TRaDiTioNaL aRTWoRKS BuT, i HaVe To ReMiND You THaT i DoN'T Do ReQueST oR CoMMiSSioNS, JuST RaNDoM FaN-aRTS oF aNYTHiNG i WaNTeD To DRaW. (So PLeaSe aSK THoSe "FRee aRTWoRK" ReQueST To SoMeoNe WHoSe GeNeRouS aND KiND eNouGH To TaKe THe BaiT...)oVeRaLL... i'M a TRaDiTioNaL NoViCe aRTiST WiTH aN oDD PeRSoNaLiTY BeHaVioR. aND MaiNLY! SoMeoNe WHo aLWaYS TYPeS iN aLTeReD LeTTeRS SiMiLaR To a HoMeSTuCK CHaRaCTeR. (JuST CoiNCiDeNTaL, DiDN'T CoPieD HiM) iT MaY LooK DiFFiCuLT To ReaD BuT PLeaSe BeaR WiTH Me aGaiN FoR MY oDDiTY, i HaVe GRoWN QuiTe aTTaCHeD To THiS STYLe So You CaN CoNSiDeR iT aS MY OCD. (oBSeSSiVe-CoMPuLSiVe DiSoRDeR)SHaRe/ReBLoG, LiKe (HeaRT THaT THiNG), CoMMeNT, LeaVe a NoTe, SeND Me a MeSSaGe, TaKe CaRe aND HaVe FuN aLWaYS?!~ Rowney ~

275 posts



🐾 WoRK iN PRoGReSS? đŸïž

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): DRaWiNG SuBJeCT TaRGeT - THaT BLiTHeSoMe aND aN eXCePTioNaLLY SKiLLFuL GReeN CoLoReD TeeNaGeR NaMeD: "BeaST BoY" 😄.   

oRiGiNaLLY, He'S NoT oN MY LiST oF "THiNGS To DRaW". i JuST FeLT THaT i NeeDeD a CHaNGe oN MY DRaWiNG GeNRe aND SoMeTHiNG eaSY To CoLoR. 😅

aNYWaYS, STaY TuNeD FoR THe "aCTuaL" DRaWiNG & HaVe FuN aLWaYS!? 😜

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More Posts from Rowney-eiyt

6 years ago
ORiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & ARTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)
ORiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & ARTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)
ORiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & ARTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)
ORiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & ARTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)
ORiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & ARTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)
ORiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & ARTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)
ORiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & ARTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)
ORiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & ARTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)

oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR & aRTWoRK BY: Me!! (Rowney)


WeLL? i GueSS iT’S aBouT TiMe To LeT ouR NeW “DaDDY” To SHoW HiMSeLF aND PRoVe THaT He’S a GooD aDDiTioN To MY (Rowney-Eiyt) FaMiLY oF oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeRS.

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S):

LiSTeN uP eVeRYoNe! i’Ve GoT a NeW (DaDDY) oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR To iNTRoDuCe aND “i” WaNT eVeRYoNe To “BeHaVe”. i MeaN
 Be (GeNTLe) “KiND” To HiM WHiLe He’S GiViNG You a FRee SeRViCe To FaNTaSiZe HiM. NoT SuRe iF i’LL uSe HiM oN a ReGuLaR BaSiS
 BuT HeY?! JuST CHeCK THe PRoViDeD CHaRaCTeR Bio BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT (DaDDY) THe CHaRaCTeR:

Name: Kenji H. Braithwaite Age: 34 Status: Single (Complicated) Height: 5'8" / 1.77 m Eye Color: Cognac Brown Hair Color: Medium Ash Brown

Appearance: A big Caucasian long haired man who we oftentimes see his hair tied into a top knot or what people call as “Man Bun”, has an average built body with a tuft of chest hair which trails down on his abs, pass his belly button and ends vastly on his Pubic hair, he got some hairy forearms and legs, also has a fair amount of facial hair or what he calls as: “Extended Goatee”, he doesn’t have any piercing or tattoos and mostly seen wearing typical summer/spring clothes.

Personality: Creative, Organized, Practical, Selfless, Patient, Good-tempered, Friendly, Modest, Mellow and Open-minded.

Hobbies: Making drafts for future projects, Doing cardio & core workouts, Cooking (and eating), Playing Cricket (Sport), Outdoor trips and Volunteering for charity.

Likes: Seafood, Origami, Milkshakes, Domestic animals/pets, Bed (Literally) and Blind dates.

Dislikes: Gossip, Politics, Booze, Stalker, Laziness, Racialist and Irresponsible or Arrogant people.

History/Bio: Son of a mere British  woodcraftsman named “Jasper Braithwaite” whose happily married to an Asian or Japanese lady named "Hara Nana” who he had met working on an arts & crafts specialty gift store in Bristol a city in England. The two simply had a typical love story resulting to have their first born who they’ve named; “Kenji”, a name which Nana or Mrs. Braithwaite requested for liking the said native name on her birthplace in Ryukyo Islands of Japan. Kenji spent his childhood in Wolverhampton, England where his father lived and works at a local woodworker shop that makes furniture while his mother does some sideline jobs like assistant preschool teacher and a babysitter. Kenji was known to be friendly, sociable, brave, confident and energetic preschool kid on their place who had managed to befriend everyone on their neighborhood. At the age of 7 Kenji isn’t bothered being “Hāfu” or having the biracial traits of Half British and Japanese kid, hence he did enjoy growing up on two different cultures like eating authentic homemade Japanese foods which his mom or “Okaa-san” cooks, Kenji also likes the Japanese artistry on paper folding (Origami) and those bold history and looks of a “Shogun”. On the other hand; Kenji did like his father’s sophisticated British culture, specially the “Tea break” and their “accents”, thus Kenji couldn’t speak his mother’s native tongue and only know few Japanese words making him a common English speaker in a regular basis. Kenji at the age of 13 become interested with his old man’s profession and become a lil apprentice to his dad by helping him with his work by handling few minor wood worker tasks, meanwhile Mrs. Braithwaite (Nana-san) still works at the private preschool and luckily managed to get a fine job on a local community college as a foreign or Japanese language instructor. During Kenji’s teenage years, his personal “social” charisma didn’t change, making him popular on his school as he made lots of friends and a bunch of hopeful suitors despite of his odd and shabby appearance on being the a skinny yet toned built (Otter mode) teenage guy with a little top-knot and taper-fade hairstyle matched with a mean petit goatee, making him look like a modern shogun or a teenage samurai. We may admit Kenji dated a lot of randy teenage girls but never went into serious relationship with them for being too focus and serious with his education.

After finishing high school and becoming a young adult, Kenji decided to further his learnings on woodcraft and took a carpentry course to help his nearly retiring father on his work, Kenji managed to finish his curriculum and begun working on his old man’s place at the age of 19. Despite of being a productive and responsible adult after working few years as an official woodworker or wood craftsman, Kenji didn’t forget to balance his social life by spending quality time with some old and new pals he met on his life, including dating some “amusing” and “cheerful” girls and few “diverting” or “jaunty” guys, making him a “Bisexual”. Both Mr. & Mrs. Braithwaite (Jasper & Nana) didn’t mind if people see their son being a homosexual or whatsoever, they were accustomed on a setting and generation where people lived normally with those “people”, making it normal to get associated with such individual.

At the age of 30 Kenji was still a “bachelor” and successfully helped and provided his parents an economic support, wherein Kenji and his parents decided to establish their own business of a novelty shop in the main city, Mrs. Braithwaite (Nana-san) along with some trusty employees runs the shop after she ended her work on the community college as an instructor, Kenji acts as a good transpo service to his “Okaa-san” along with being a part investor on their family business where he and his old-man (Mr. Braithwaite) provides some novelty products of wood crafted souvenirs, or if lucky they also offer some wood works for custom-made furniture and any other wood related handiworks. On the present day, Kenji enjoys his life with his family and friends, not having any thoughts on “marriage” despite of his age, thus he just focus on providing and satisfying the needs of his loving and supportive parents (No comment about giving grandchildren). Kenji along with his friends also volunteers on charitable causes to help others in need (Such a Benevolent man).

Extra info: Kenji being an attractive “big” chick/guy magnet on their place who have dated various individuals, has always made a good outgoing relationship with his past lovers despite of their quick and friendly history/experience (More of an “Ex with Benefits” thing). Additional info is that he had never met his grandparents or any relatives on his mother’s side and only grown and met his old-man’s ancestor/family. And his favorite quote is: “You will not love the most beautiful person in the world; hence you will love the person who will make your world the most beautiful.”

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6 years ago
ART-DuMP FiLe 101

aRT-DuMP FiLe 101

SuBJeCT: THe Rowney

MooD: MuM 😐

aRTiST?: Me? (Rowney)

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): THe “Rowney” BeHiND “Rowney-Eiyt” đŸ˜¶ No FuRTHeR QueSTioNS. đŸš«

ART-DuMP FiLe 101

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6 years ago

TRYiNG To GeT aCQuaiNTeD...


THaT MoMeNT WHeN THe uNeXCePTioNaL "SoL KaWaii GuY" MeT THe GReaT & ouTSTaNDiNG "nainsoo". 😐


A: iT WaS GooD aT THe BeGiNNiNG. BuT TuRNeD ouT TRauMaTiC aT THe eND WHeN i "aCCiDeNTaLLY" MaDe a "FauLTY DeeD". đŸ˜„ DoN'T eVeN aSK... THuS... iT WaS a GooD eXP. 😅




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6 years ago

đŸ‘€ WoRK iN PRoGReSS SNeaK PeaK đŸ‘€

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): WHo CouLD THiS Be? 😕 a “DaDDY BeaR?” 😗 WHoeVeR iT iS? i’M SuRe He’LL BeCoMe aNoTHeR VieWeRS FaVe oN “Rowney’S GaLLeRY oF HaWT MeN”. 😅 aNYWaYS
 😁 STaY TuNeD FoR THe FiNiSHeD & CoMPLeTe DRaWiNG WiTH VaRiouS VeRSioNS. 😉

HaVe FuN aLWaYS!?😆

BoRDeR/FRaMe & STiCKeRS © Photo Grid

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6 years ago
ART-DuMP FiLe 101
ART-DuMP FiLe 101

aRT-DuMP FiLe 101


MooD: LaZY 😔

aRTiST?: Me

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): DiD SoMeoNe SaY: “MoNSTeR MaRCH” 😐 i GueSS i WaNT To PaRTaKe oN THaT “aRTiSTiC oCCaSioN” aND GiVe iT a SHoT BeFoRe THe MoNTH eNDS
 😅 aNYWaYS
 THiS iS “MeiDHaL”, oNe oF MY MiNoR oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR/CReaTuRe
 JuST CHeCK iT’S iNFo LiNK BeLoW: “iNFo LiNK”

P.S. iT’S HaRD To Re-DRaW SoMeTHiNG i DoNT uSuaLLY “DRaW” oN a ReGuLaR BaSiS 😒

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