roxygen22 - Inner Ramblings of a Recovering Perfectionist
Inner Ramblings of a Recovering Perfectionist

Call me Roxy (she/her) *~Born in the 1900s~* Welcome to my eclectic collection of fandoms and hyperfixations ☆Minors DNI☆

689 posts

Uuugh That Smile After He Says, "You *are* Beautiful," Just Makes Me Melt.

Uuugh that smile after he says, "You *are* beautiful," just makes me melt.

my babies 🤍

cr. IG the_goodfilms

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More Posts from Roxygen22

11 months ago

hi bb! if youre not loaded already can i request a teethrotting fluff w paul based on summer - brockhampton🥰 where fem!reader n paul are spending their time walking near the beach, picking flowers and stuff like that you dont have to include these ideas tho but it’d be cute!

Hi Bb! If Youre Not Loaded Already Can I Request A Teethrotting Fluff W Paul Based On Summer - Brockhampton

Basking in the sun’s warmth, you balanced your head against the nook of your arm, breathing in Caladan's rich costal atmosphere. Your lungs filled with the scent of the fresh sea air with dull hints of sage and even lavender. Lying still in the short green grass, Paul hums in delight next to you.

"This is nice. I miss the Summer." He says.

"So do I. Do you think Gurney would let you train outside?" You ask, turning to the young man at your right.

"Hmm, maybe." Paul responds, turning to face you.

Gazing at Paul, his dark curls fall perfectly on the side of his face, making him the most beautiful boy you've ever seen. Softly smirking, Paul leaves his comfortable spot on the grass, and balances above you.

"Why do you ask? Care to see that old man shirtless?" Paul teases.

"I'd rather see you shirtless, Atreides." You reply, leaning a tad upward to answer him.

Above you, Paul's bright hazel eyes beam towards yours, before he places his forehead to yours. Briefly touching his bright pink lips to yours, Paul gently lays you back down on the grass, enjoying your first kiss together.

Parting away, Paul's curls trace against your cheeks, tickling them in the process. Smiling widely, you and. Paul both giggle in delight with each other. Picking a small end of a purple flower, he touches the plant to the tip of his nose, then to yours, earning a laugh from you.


Closing his fingers around yours, the cool blue water rushed above your ankles, as the two of you ran into the ocean. Jumping into the sea, you relished in the cool water before diving under a wave. Swimming upward, you broke the water's surface with a large gasp for air.

Running a hand through your wet hair, you swam toward Paul, who was already back on the beach. Shouting towards Paul, you waved for him to come in for a swim. Removing his thin long sleeved white shirt, Paul ran in after you. Diving beneath the water before wrapping his arms around you and laughing in your ear.

11 months ago

Back To You

Back To You

Wonka: Willy Wonka x female reader

Warnings: nsfw / fluff / se&ual actions / love confessions

Words: 1,5k

Summary: Willy just got almost drowned in chocolate & you take him home so he can get a nice and warm shower ... things get a little bit out of control


Willy almost got drowned in chocolate but it doesn’t seem to bother him that much. Because now he finally was free from being bullied and sabotaged by the three mean chocolatiers. 

All covered in chocolate he was standing on the marketplace, watching the people around him cheering and applauding. That’s when something catches his attention. 


The girl he had a crush on since he’d come to this town with that boat. You were the first person he met that night, but you didn’t know, because he just saw you from afar. 

Since then Willy was a little bit … obsessed with you as someone would might say. 

„Willy? What happened?!“, you shouted as you saw him standing there all covered in sugar sweet liquid. 

He smiled cheeky. „Oh nothing important. I just almost got killed by three evil chocolatiers, but eventually got saved by a little orange man with a flying machine.“ 

Your jaw dropped in disbelief. „Excuse me?“ 

„I said …“ 

„I know what you said, Willy!“, you interrupted him briefly. „Well I shouldn’t be that surprised, because you experience the wildest adventures, but this one seems kinda extreme even for you.“ 

Willy scratches the back of his head ashamed and realised that the chocolate already began to dry. 

You frowned. “You have to get that off of your body before you become a life size chocolate man.” 

“I guess you’re right, even if the idea of being made out of chocolate is kinda tempting”, Willy said. “I probably should take a bath in the harbour to get it off.” 

Your jaw dropped again. “Did you hit your head while being almost drowned? You can’t take a bath in the harbour while tasting like a treat. You will get eaten by a shark and after that he becomes diabetic!” 

Determined you take his hand and pull him after you. A big smile appeared on Willys face as he risked a look at your tangled hands. 

“You can take a shower at my place. The warm water will wash all of this sticky stuff off in no time!” 

Willy gladly obliged to your stubbornness and followed you back home. 

Back at your tiny apartment you gave Willy some towels and dry clothes, that you brother once left while he was visiting town. When you hear the water splashing you realized for the first time what’s happening right now. In you bathroom was a man. Naked. 

All of a sudden your cheeks began to burn and you heart just made the attempt to jump right out of your chest. You couldn’t bring your thoughts to focus on anything else than … him being … naked. 

„Thank you for the warm shower, y/n. Its truly a relief to…“ he keeps on talking, but your ears weren’t capable of listening anymore because he just stepped outside the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. 

The air got a little steamy because of the hot water and his dark curls were soaked and falling over his face. Willy looked like a dream that weren’t meant to be real. 

„Are you alright?“, he asked concerned and comes closer to you. His hand touched your face and you snapped out of admiring him. „Don’t tell me you are getting sick.“ 

„I-I’m not sick. I-I just …“, you stuttered. He was so close to you, that if you would just reach out your hand a bit, you could touch him. But you were way to shy for that. 

His gaze softened. „Good. Because you had me worried for a second.“ 

„You were worried about me being a little sick? Why?“

He moved his thumb gently over your cheek without even considering to let go of you. „Because … because I care about you, y/n.“ 

„Why?“, your mind was long gone, that’s why you couldn’t think of any response that would made sense. But Willy didn’t seem to bother. He chuckled softly. 

„Because I really like you.“ 

Your heart was pounding like it just ran a marathon by itself. Then it stopped, just to pound even faster. „I like you too, Willy.“ 

Slowly he leaned his forehead against yours, still touching your warm cheeks. His eyes closed like he was fighting with himself about what to do next. „My consciousness is telling me to put my clothes on and leaving for good. But my mind wants me to kiss you so bad. I don’t know what to do.“ 

A little smile showed on your face. Willy was not a man who talks in riddles. He only speaks the truth and doesn’t care about what the people would think. „I always liked the way your mind works.“ 

Willy didn’t need to hear more. He kissed you. So slow that it would almost be in slow motion. His lips felt soft on yours. Tiny water drops were falling down from his wet hair, but you didn’t bother. Your hands find their way up his chest and holding on to him while resting around his neck. Willy was quiet tall, so you had to go up on your tiptoes while he had his arms wrapped around your waist, pressing your bodies together. 

You could feel how much he liked to kiss you and couldn’t help but smile devilishly. Without even think about it, you paused kissing Willy and grabbed the fabric of your dress and pulled it over your head. He was just staring at you with mixed emotions showing in his eyes. 

„What are you doing?“, he asked slowly and out of breath. You could see in his eyes that he clearly enjoyed this, but he was too much of a gentleman to ever take advantage of you. 

„I thought it was a little unfair to let you be the only one being … not fully clothed.“ The only thing you were wearing right now was a thin underdress. He was looking at you with a deep desire in his eyes, that you couldn’t ever escape. 

Willy had to swallow hard. „You don’t have to … I mean I would never …“

„I want to“, you simply replied. 

And again, Willy didn’t need more confirmation. He made a step forward and his lips crashed against yours. A surprised noice came out of your throat but you leaned into the kiss in no time. His hands grabbed your waist, making clear what his intensions were. He wanted you. 

His touch leaves your skin burning in desire for more and before you could even catch a breath his hands grabbed your legs and you find yourself wrapped around his waist. His hair was soft between your fingers and if you gently pulled it, he let out a little groan. 

„You have no idea what you do to me“, his voice sounds dark and heavy. „Being with you feels like magic to me.“ 

Willy walked over to your bed and as he managet to let you down gently, the towel vanished from his body. He kissed you passionately while his hands find their way beneath your underdress, exploring your body. The useless fabric joined the towel on the floor and you could feel him skin to skin. A little moan escaped your lips as you feel his length inside you and Willy moved slowly to give you time to get used to the intense feeling. 

„How does it feel, my love?“, he whispered to make sure if you are alright. 

You smiled. „Like magic.“ 

He began to move, slowly at first to find a rhythm. With every kiss and every touch he gets faster and you couldn’t keep it quiet any longer. His kisses find your neck and his grip got so much tighter. You hold onto him with everything fiber while reaching the climax at the same time as he does. 

His muscles began to relax again and you could feel his weight on your body. Your legs were still wrapped around his waist and Willy buried his face at your neck, breathing in your scent. Time passes. You had no idea how long the two of you stayed in that position, but you wished it could last forever. 

„You called me my love.“ The words were spoken before you could even think about it. 

Willy raised his head to look at you with a satisfied smile on his swollen lips. He looked so angelic that it was almost not real. „That’s because you own it. You own my love. You own my heart. Since the day I stepped into this town … I am yours, y/n.“ 

You could see in his eyes, that he truly meant every word. „I love you too, Willy Wonka.“ You whispered and kiss him softly. 

„I’m very aware how bad the timing is … but I kinda have something that needs to be done. I arranged that Noodle can meet her mother for the first time in her life and … I don’t want to miss that.“ His eyes were full of sorrow. Willy was afraid that you might get mad at him for leaving again just after the two of you … found together. 

„You go and do what needs to be done. I will be here.“ You made clear that you understand his good intentions by touching his cheeks and followed the line of his lip with your thumb. „Will you come back to me after that?“ 

Willy smiled and leaned his forehead against yours. „I will always come back to you.“ 

11 months ago
 Kudos Crab

🦀 Kudos Crab 🦀

If you are scrolling and see Kudos Crab, your fics will be blessed!

You will get good comments and kudos!

You will beat your writers block!


11 months ago

Bottled Up

"My Little Cocoa Bean" Series

Summary: Ben/Bean (age 12) battles a bout of nerves before the school play. Willy tries to get his mind off of things.

A/N: See if you can spot the reference to Dune Part 1.


You were preparing dinner in the kitchen when you heard the front door fly open and fast, erratic footsteps echo throughout the house. "Mamma?!" you heard Ben shout.

His loud, brazen entrance startled you. You were glad that you had already finished chopping up the vegetables and put away the knife, or else you may have accidentally cut yourself when you jumped. "In the kitchen, dear," you called back.

Ben sprinted through the kitchen door, nearly sliding into the table in his rush. "Mamma, Mamma! I got the part! I got the part of Peter Pan!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, Ben! That's fantastic!" You jumped up and down and clapped your hands with glee. "I'm so proud of you! All of those hours of practicing paid off." You wiped your hands on your apron (and the tears from your eyes) before wrapping him in a big hug. At just twelve years old, you and he nearly saw eye to eye. He was going to be tall and lanky like his father, who arrived at the house a couple of minutes behind Ben. The boy had apparently run ahead after he visited the chocolate factory after school, eager to share his news.

Bottled Up

"There's my thespian!" Willy announced proudly with a big grin on his face when he caught up to the two of you in the kitchen. He joined your hug and wrapped his arms around both you and Ben.

Charlotte and Brownie came running in from playing in the backyard to find out what all the fuss was about. "What's going on?"

"Bean got the lead role in the school play!" Willy informed her as he opened his arms to invite her into the group hug.

"Great, now we have to listen to him practice the whole show, not just that one piece?" The sassy 8-year-old rolled her eyes but then smiled and hugged her big brother. "Good job," she mumbled into his side.

Ben had obsessively practiced in the weeks leading up to the audition and continued to do so until the day of the event. Willy enjoyed spending his evenings running lines with the boy, and even offered tips for dramatic flourishes. What he didn't enjoy, though, was watching Ben be so hard on himself. As the big day neared, he would practically fall apart if he couldn't remember a line or deliver it perfectly.

"I- I can't do this, Papa. They should have picked someone else for the role," Ben lamented after a particularly rough rehearsal. He sat on the front porch of their house with his head in his hands. Willy seated himself next to his son and put a hand on his back, gently rubbing in a soothing circular motion.

"I really think you need to take a break. I never thought I would say this, but you have to get your nose out of that book. You've been practicing nonstop for days. Weeks, even. Your brain needs time to rest or else you will stay in this fog," Willy said in a low, calm tone.

"But there's only a week left until the show!" Ben shouted, his voice strained from holding back tears. Willy's hand stilled at the uncharacteristic outburst.

"Bean. I am serious. I respect how you are putting your heart and soul into this performance. But it shouldn't come at the expense of your health." He paused. "I don't want you to look at that script this weekend."


"No buts, Benjamin. We are going to find something fun to do to get your mind off of things. I can almost guarantee you'll feel better by Monday."

Ben knew he had lost the argument when his father used his full name, which was rare. "Okay, fine," the boy grumbled.

"Besides, it will help you get into character. Peter Pan is a carefree spirit, after all," Willy joked as he ruffled Ben's hair. "Say, that gives me an idea. How about we go out in the boat? With the wind in your hair, you'll feel like you're flying, just like Peter Pan!"

Ben offered a closed-lipped smile and nodded in agreement. Willy clapped him on the back before going back inside to brief you on the plan. After some discussion, you thought it best if you took Charlotte into town for a girls' day while Willy took Ben out on the boat. She had a knack for winding Ben up, as siblings do, which would be counterproductive in his current state. Besides, you were overdue on taking some one-on-one time with your daughter.


The weekend came, and Ben and Willy made their way to the docks early Saturday morning. Willy noted Ben's posture as he walked ahead toward the boat. Slumped. Defeated. Weary. He was more determined than ever to help his son out of these doldrums.

They loaded their supplies in silence, and Willy navigated them to the beach they had first visited many years ago when Ben was only three. The boy's curly hair flowed behind him as he faced into the wind. He looked back and smiled at his father as they neared land. Ben loved this place. Willy shined a hopeful smile in return.

Once the boat was tied off, the pair started aimlessly ambling along the shoreline. Willy stayed silent, wanting Ben to take the lead when he was ready to open up. It didn't take long. Ben paused to stare out at the sea.

"I'm scared," he said flatly, without looking at his father.

"I know." Willy stayed a step behind, watching his son stare off into the distance. "Want to talk through what exactly you're scared of?"

"That I'm going to mess up my lines and make a fool of myself and my castmates. That I wasn't the right choice for the role." Ben sighed and ducked his head.

"I see. So you think Ms. Harper makes poor decisions?"

"What?! No, she's the best teacher I've ever had!" Ben replied defensively.

"Then perhaps you should trust that she made the right decision about you. Now, of course, I might be a little biased, but I have seen you practice. You own the role so well that you transform, Bean. I no longer see my son, but a mischievous, adventurous scamp who fights pirates and flies to distant worlds on nothing but faith, trust, and pixie dust. You transport people into the story by making it so believable. Not just anybody can do that." He laid a hand on Ben's shoulder and squeezed. "And if you don't get a line quite right, the audience will be none the wiser. Especially if they are enchanted by your delivery. They won't have the script in front of them."

Ben looked to the side at the hand on his shoulder and covered it with his own for a moment. Willy responded with just a light squeeze, then the two continued their trek down the beach.

They eventually made their way up to a grassy hill where they decided to sit a spell. Ben laid back to watch the clouds drift slowly. Willy sat next to him, legs bent so he could rest his arms on his knees and look out across the water.

"You know, this reminds me of the day we spent together before your very first day of school. We went to the park, ran around, and watched the clouds float by. You were nervous then, too," Willy reminisced.

"Yeah? Seems to be a theme," Ben scoffed.

His father chuckled. "Perhaps. But you faced that first day head on even though you were scared. You didn't let it stop you. I have a feeling you will tackle this in much the same way. Even if the play is a disastrous flop - which it won't be - you're still the only thing I ever needed you to be." Willy looked down to make eye contact with Ben. "My son."

The boy's lip trembled. He sat up and wiped tears from his eyes. Willy wrapped an arm around and pulled him into his side. Ben buried his face into Willy's shoulder, and the floodgates to his tears opened. The poor boy had bottled up so much stress. In time, his sobs subsided, and he pulled away from his father to sit up straight again.

"Thank you, Papa," Ben said softly as he wiped his red, blotchy face. "You were right, as always. I do feel better."

"I'm glad I could help." Willy clapped him on the back then pushed himself off the ground, brushing the dirt off his pants as he stood. He held a hand out to Ben to help him up. "We better get going if we want to get home before dark."

On the walk back to the boat, Willy noticed the boy walked a little taller with a bit more spring to his step. There's my boy, he thought.


The rest of the week passed quickly. Ben was still nervous but not to the point of incapacitation like before the trip. On the evening of the play, Willy handed Ben a box full of giraffe milk macaroons for him to share with his castmates. In the box, you included a note that said, "Break a leg and have fun!" Ben kissed you on the cheek, shook his father's hand, and left early to get into costume.

You, Willy, and Charlotte arrived at the auditorium and took your seats. Willy's leg bounced up and down with nerves until it was time for the show to start.

"Are you alright?" you whispered.

"Just a little nervous for him. I know how much this means to him."

You squeezed his hand and turned your attention to the stage as the curtain rose. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Willy mouthing lines throughout the performance and holding his hands to his mouth during the most dramatic scenes. He was the first to jump up to applaud when the curtain fell, triggering a standing ovation. The cast and crew came out once more to take a bow.

"Bravo, bravo!" Willy yelled, catching Ben's attention, who smiled at his family and waved excitedly. Willy looked over at you with glossy eyes. "He was perfect," he whispered.

"He's a natural showman, just like you."

"My little cocoa bean."



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11 months ago