Call me Roxy (she/her) *~Born in the 1900s~* Welcome to my eclectic collection of fandoms and hyperfixations ☆Minors DNI☆
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Tumblr Feels So Different Without The Boops
Tumblr feels so different without the boops

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More Posts from Roxygen22
Storms and Bad Dreams
It was another night of you and Timothee curled up on the couch. Timothee had been struggling to sleep for the past few days and it was clearly taking a toll on him. You held him close and kissed him. He sighed and rested his head on your shoulder.
It was storming outside the apartment and Timothee clung to you as you both sat listening to the loud storm. Timothee buried his head in your neck.
You felt warm tears on your neck and knew he was crying.
“It’s alright I’ve got you honey.” You carded a hand through his curls.
The nightmares that had been keeping Tim up all night were exhausting for the both of you. You hated seeing him like this and unfortunately you had run out of melatonin gummies to give him to help him sleep.
He had been working so much and so hard for so long that it was bound to catch up with him and hit him hard. He had already been sick and had missed the Dune Montreal premiere. Now he was dealing with nightmares and overall struggling to sleep.
Timothee continued to silently cry as you held him tight slightly rocking him in your arms.
“Shh mon amor.” You said trying to calm him down as lighting illuminated the living room and the thunder caused him to flinch.
You grabbed another blanket to wrap around the both of you. A heavier blanket hoping the deep pressure would be enough to soothe him.
You closed your eyes and leaned your head against his.
He kept his face buried in your neck as he cried and shook. He was so tired and miserable and you couldn’t stand to see him like that.
You already knew your plan for your day off work the next day. Sleeping in and then going out to stock up on melatonin gummy’s and anything else that Timothee might need to help him finally rest.
The storm raged on as you both sat curled up on the couch wrapped up in blankets and pillows. You were exhausted but you were fighting sleep because you wanted to give Timothee whatever he needed. The only thing he seemed to want was cuddles and you happily obliged.
You yawned and stretched a little. Timothee whined and nuzzled you with his tear stained face.
“Shh I’m here.” You remind him “I’m not going anywhere don’t you worry.” You say calmly.
Timothee sighs and finally pulls away to look at you. His green eyes tired, sunken and bloodshot .
You wipe away a tear with your thumb.
A loud crack of thunder goes off in the distance but it sounds like it’s right on top of the building.
Timothee startles and grips your pajama top. Looking at you with panic in his eyes.
You hold him tighter knowing that’s all he wants from you.
You rock him in your arms and kiss his face over and over.
You don’t know how or when but at some point you both finally fall asleep.

Pin for survivors

“I love you”
laurie laurence x reader

not my gif! credits to the owner.
a lovely anonymous requested; If you weren’t thinking about continuing it, can I request a Laurie imagine? soft Laurie being in love but too afraid to tell y/n - the March sisters tries to help him but it only leads to misunderstanding between Laurie and y/n so in the end he just tells her, accidentally goes off about how much he likes her kdkskslsl just wanna see soft Laurie in love thank you!! xx
note: WE LOVE SOFT LAURIE!! hope you like it!
“So, what are you going to say to her?” Jo March asked Laurie for the third time.
“Hey, Y/n, we’ve been friend since we could talk. And I wanted you to know that I have feelings for you.” Laurie said quickly like he was reading it from a paper.
“Yeah, that. But say it with more feeling this time..” Jo said and let out a little laugh.
“I’m nervous!” Laurie defended himself.
“You have a couple of hours to relax, so do it before you blew it up!” Jo said before going outside the house.
Laurie followed her and tried to stop her. “Can we do it again?” He asked and Jo sighed.
“This is the last time!” She said and Laurie nodded.
You were walking towards the March sisters’ house. After you decided that you wanted to learn how to play the piano, you asked your friend Beth March if she could teach you, which she said yes with excitement.
You were about to turn around the house but stopped when you heard two people talking. You recognised Laurie and Jo immediately.
“What are you trying to say, Laurie?” Jo asked.
“I’m trying to say that I like you, I like you a lot. I can’t stop thinking about you, you’re the first thing that I think about when I wake up.”
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard his voice. It wasn’t news that you had a huge crush on Laurie, but you never said anything to anyone. The fact that you just heard him confess his love to another women made your stomach turned and your chest hurt.
When you were about to turned around, your dress got caught in a branch that made you trip into the floor. You felt a light pain in your leg and then heard two people walking towards you.
“Y/n! Are you ok?” Laurie said and helped you get up.
“Yes! I’m fine!” You said quickly and then turned to the other side to walk away but Laurie stopped you.
“Y/n! You’re hurt! Let me help you.” He tried to grab your arm but you were fast to walk away.
“It’s ok! I’m ok. You have a lot to talk with Jo. I’m don’t want to interrupt that!” You said with more anger in your voice than you intended to.
“What?” Jo asked you. “Laurie, she heard. Go after her!” That was the last thing you heard Jo say before you got into the woods.
You felt that some tears were trying to go down your cheeks but you didn’t want that get to you. You were a strong girl and you didn’t need the love of anyone to be happy. But damn, that hurt like hell.
“Y/n! Stop! It’s not what you think.” Laurie yelled behind you trying to catch you.
“Laurie, I know what I heard. I don’t care about it, you have to go back with Jo. You two need to talk!” You tried to sound like nothing was happening inside.
“No! It’s really not! You’re the one I have to talk to!” You slowed down your walk when you heard his words.
“What do you want to talk about?” You said more calm than before but your heart was still racing.
“I-.” He said but then shut his mouth. The moment he was waiting for was right now. Otherwise he would ruin things with you. So this was it. “The things that I say to Jo, weren’t really for her.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him confused. “What do you mean?”
He sighed. He wanted to let the words out. But the nerves inside of him were making it more slow than he wanted. “There were for... you.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you stood there with nothing to say.
“I was saying those things to Jo because I was practicing, for when I was with you. Believe me, Y/n, I’ve been practicing for a long, long time.” He sighed again and prepared himself for the words that were about to come out of his mouth. “I like you.” He shook his head and then stopped for a second. “Screw that. I love you. You are the only thing I think about. I can’t take you out of my mind. I close my eyes and you are there, smiling at me with that beautiful smile of yours. Or telling me a joke, that makes the whole room burst into laughter. The face you make when you cook, your little smile and how you sit down on the floor when you think you failed. But you could never fail, because everything you do is perfect. You are perfect. I love you, Y/n. More than I could ever love someone.”
You stood there with your heart racing and the words stuck in your tongue. You couldn’t believe that this was the way Laurie felt about you, you always thought he saw you as a friend and he could never lay eyes on you romantically. But he did. He loved you.
“I love you too, Laurie.” You finally said and he let out a little smile at your words.
“Really?” He asked still a little surprised. You nodded and his smile went bigger. He quickly wrapped your arms around your waist and hugged you closer to him. You let out a little laugh and felt his worm body against yours.
You two stayed there enjoying each other’s bodies until Laurie grabbed your cheek and united his forehead with yours.
“Can I?” He said softly looking at your lips. But you didn’t say anything, you just pressed your lips against his and then felt more happy than ever.

warnings: DUNE PT. 2 SPOILERS!!
a/n: requested! i’m so sorry for how short this is, this is more of a blurb than anything - but i honestly havent written in a while, but im hoping these new paul requests/fics will get me started again!!
SYNOPSIS: Paul new something you didn’t, and you thought it was about time you confronted him.
“Paul, can you talk to me? Please?” Your voice pleaded with him, showing your vulnerability.
The past week in the desert, Paul had been avoiding you. Any chance you got to talk to him, he’d swerve in the opposite direction, silently telling you to not follow him. But you’ve had enough of the silent treatment from him.
“You shouldn’t be out here, it’s dangerous.” The first sentence you’ve heard him say to you in days. It was quiet as the words left his lips, but stern enough to tell you he was being serious.
“You’re out here.. Muad'Dib.” You reply, your tone getting angrier as you kept talking. For once, Paul stops walking. You follow in his footsteps, pausing your feet and noticing the few feet between you both. “Just tell me what happened.” You whisper, staring at the back of his head, his unruly curls moving with the wind.
Paul shook his head slightly as he looked down at his feet, sighing softly. You began taking steps towards him, slowly rounding his standing frame. Reaching up to rest your hand on his cheek, you force him to look at you. You felt his jaw flex underneath your palm, already used to the anxious habit of his.
“Tell me, Paul. Please.” The wind could’ve blown your words away with how quiet they were. You silently begged for him to answer you, to follow through with your beseeching. When his eyes met yours, there had been tears in them for the first time in months.
“I,” he paused, choking down a sob. “I saw you die, Y/N. I watched you die.” He reveals, his voice wobbly, but he tries to keep it together.
You felt your stomach drop at the confession, but you tried not to let it show how it affected you. Swallowing dryly, you swipe your thumb gently against his cheekbone, wiping away a tear that managed to fall.
“Paul, listen to me,” you put your other hand on his cheek, holding his face softly. You lean his head down and meet him halfway as you rest your forehead against his, his brunette curls still blowing with the wind. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? We’re gonna get through all of this together… together.” You reassure him, hoping he’ll believe it since you don’t. Paul’s visions have almost always been right, there’s evidence of it. But you tried to push that thought away as you consoled your boyfriend, letting one of your hands stray to the nape of his neck, gently brushing through his hair.
You felt a slight nod against your head as Paul closes his eyes, sinking in the feeling of you against him. With all of the work and trouble lately, you’ve both barely had any time to lay together. You both shared a tent, but with Paul ignoring you, it was hard to get his attention. But finally, with Paul in your arms, everything felt normal again… as normal as it could get.
if there's one thing we can learn from this booping experience it's that we need to give people notes and interact with them for tumblr to be fun and thriving