royallogana - Royal Logana
Royal Logana

Simp of Mk1(12) and 11 Raiden mostly, Bloodbear, Bi- Han and Micheal Any pronouns Request are open

24 posts

Time Turly Flies When You Are With The Transformers

Time turly flies when you are with the transformers

For the Transformers 40th anniversary, have a collab with studio TRIGGER and Bump of Chicken

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More Posts from Royallogana

7 months ago

Dear Arkansas Daughter

Dear Arkansas Daughter

Fandom: Lucifer (Netflix)

Main characters: Michael Demiurgos, Lucifer Morningstar and Irene Rose

Mention characters: Chole, Daniel, Ella, Trixie

Relationship(s): Michael/Lucifer(hinted), Michael/Irene(hinted),Samael/Rhiannon Elisheba(past)

TW: Sickness, Male Pregnancy, weird angel anatomy, Oc Insert( you can read this as a name reader also), mentions of child loss, medical inaccuracies

Note: This is my au of the show and inspired loosely by a fan-fic on AO3 "Emerging from the shadows" by Auroralumea. This is a Oc Insert but you can read it as x reader. This is a cross posted on AO3 under Strawberry_Wonderland. Irene name is female based but she is genderfluid(like the author) and uses all pronouns. If you think I missed any warnings, please PLEASE let me know. THIS HAS HINTED TWINEST SO NOT YOUR THING THEN PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ANY HATE COMMENTS.

Dear Arkansas Daughter

Plot: This is inspired by the song 'Dear Arkansas Daughter' mainly and my playlist on Spotify. We take a trip down memory lane and get a glimpse of Irene's hatred for Lucifer.

Extra note: I didn't not finish the whole song because the song lyrics would make throw in the sea of lore. So you are stopping at part of the 2nd verse.

Dear Arkansas Daughter

Take a swim in the water~

Irene stood cradling a Billionaire's Mocktail slowly sipping,(a habit he gained from Samael when they were younger) enviously at Lucifer and his unborn twins, with Michael hovering around him like Samael used to do to her. Irene smiled slightly at the memories of her and Samael telling everyone about their unborn child, Samael fussing making sure that they were comfortable. Oh did she miss those days.

Take a swim in the water~

"-ene, Irene" Michael called with a worried look on his face.


"You have been drinking that Cocktail for the past 2 hours and that's not like you."

"I am fine just tired and I think Lucifer should be brought to Mansion, so we can protect him from that Chole girl. Also it would be safe enough for Daniel and Beatrice to stay with us so Lucifer would not panic."

"That's a good idea..."

"I am hearing a 'but'."

"How do you know so much about pregnancy and you have never been pregnant."

"I cannot tell you that."

Dear Arkansas daughter~

Dear Arkansas Daughter

You with the dark curls, you with the watercolor eyes~

"Rhiannon Elisheba, where are you? Mikael is with me today I hope you don't mind."

"Over here darlin, of course my mate's brother is always allowed-" Rhiannon stopped dead in their tracks.

".....Rhiannon dear, Elisheba..., Irene"

"Samael why didn't you not tell me that you are identical twins."

"Aye, you called me Samael and not Sammy. Also yes, I am a twin." Samael stated with his hands up and hid behind the unknown male.

"Hello, you must be the Princess of the Abyss, um Lady Elisheba, is it."

"Ah, sorry yes it is and you are?"

"Mikael, the Archangel of the .../..../.-/-../---/.--/... and Fear."

"Wait who is or are the oldest Archangel or Archangels."

"You two discuss that, while I go and annoy Father about his new project and I hope mum and .-/-.-../-./---, honestly I hope Abyssal King doesn't mind if I would be late to dinner right?"

"Of course not silly, besides my dad is going to be late anyways and tell mum and my mom I said hello also the Almighty."

You who bares all your teeth in every smile~

The twins visited every day and made her smile like no can. The kingdom of the abyss was happy that the princes were getting along nice and with the Archangel marriage upcoming in due time, they were happy.

Says I can always hear you sing, I wanna hear you speak to me~

Rhiannon smiled slightly at the soft singing coming from the nest's direction. They walked in on the sight of Samael rocking Irene and his baby boy to sleep with Mikael curled up next to him.

"I see Mikael couldn't sleep with you singing or the little ones" Irene gestures to the little girl on Mikeal back. Samael looks and giggles slightly at the moment.

"I guess you are right."

While a stranger braids my hair back out on the street~

Mikael sits with the little boy in his arms while the little girl, getting his hair done. The little ones remind him of his siblings every time he looks at them. Rhiannon looks at Mikael with love in her eyes and admires him for how he is so patient with them but disappointment hits her way because Samael could not see his children because of his royal duties.

And in your dreams we are shooting at snakes~

Samael was not coming around anymore because of his duties but Mikael is and Rhiannon feels disappointed with that feeling. Mikael tries to help cheer him up but nothing helps. Rhiannon gets nightmares of Samael leaving her permanently and Mikael couldn't even help. Many moons Mikael would finish his work and rush towards the Abyss Castle he would make to help Rhiannon anyway he could but Samael never came back. Mikael would hand Rhiannon letters that would have been written by Samael stating and explaining each job he did; creating the stars, help making the planets with the Almighty, and many more.

And while you were asleep, I was surely awake~

When Rhiannon was able to get permission to visit Silver Selune, he flew there (with the help of Mikael of course). He was thrilled that all the angels could see the gratification on their own face. The Almighty allowed him to stay with the twins until the coronation of the younger twins. Even though she moved to their room, Samael was not there as much as he thought even though his job was the chief musician and 'Will'.

"Samael why aren't you staying in the nest at least one night. No one is going to "get red in the face" if you take one day off."

"Rhiannon, my Astraea please look at me." He gently curved their face to him. "I may not have come around to see you often-" He was cut off by Rhiannon grumbling 'or not at all'. "Or not at all but I am the one who sent Michael to make sure you were ok, he even started to go by himself without me telling him too, just to hear him rambling about you and the children to me.... And besides who is going to make sure you, Mikael and little ones are safe. I stay awake while you guys are surely asleep. I promise."

"You're sure?"

"I promise."

Dear Arkansas Daughter

I was talking at a cigarette~

Irene smiled menacingly at the promise. 'I promise' replayed in her mine like that broken record Michael keeps. He hated him for not being there but he knew that his 'cats' were killed by his curiosity. If he didn't go after Him her children would be alive but if he didn't follow Him this curse he placed would have been worse.

There's nothing left to say~

Irene wearily looks towards heaven, smoking a cigar. They heard their name called with a critical but comical tone, when he turned around Irene smiled seeing the merciless look of Fear embodiment.

"Yes, Michael what do you want for me." Irene voice sounding muffled with the cigar.

"You're smoking."

"Last time I checked even Toph could see it."

"Duh, of course she can see-...wait she blind."

"Anyways, are you sure we should move Lucifer even though we don't know who the father of twins?"

Before Irene could answer a cough signalled that someone was listening. The two turn only to Lucifer looking at them with disdain while holding a book. Michael immediately reconsidered the book mentioning the Curse. Lucifer floored Michael response with a look 'explain this now' then headed inside.

"So, would you two explain what this means and is."


"Mikael don't, start explaining or am going to throw you off the balcony."

Irene smiled slightly at threat and sat down. He out the cigar in ash tray and gestures to Lucifer to calm down.

"I will explain but I can't explain all sadly it tied to the same curse."

"Well then go on."

"Right, Lucifer no Samael this curse ties Heaven, Hell and the Abyss together. The curse can be broken but only by the two persons the curse were intended for but we don't know who they are. All we know is that we need to find out who is this 'Akino' person and tie they have with us."

"Earlier, you said that we know each other but I can't remember you."

"I am sorry but I can't tell you that."

"But I need to know-"

"NO I WILL NOT TELL YOU AND DON'T ASK ME AGAIN" Irene slammed his hands down, a venomous anger laced his words. Lucifer flinched but got up and followed the woman who was currently shape shifting to her male form.

"Listen here, I don't care if you don't want to tell me about what happened between us but at least tell about the curse." Lucifer stormed after the man to the penthouse's library.

"How about a no." And with that Irene locked himself in the library.

"Are you serious right now?..... Michael stop standing there and come and be useful."

Said Michael was eating soufflé (how and when did him get that) and watching what was going down. Michael immediately stop and raise his head pointing to the door before shaking it and turning to walk away.

"Useless" Lucifer grumble before lock picking the door.

But he should have been there anyway~

Irene has been always scared of that day this curse started and the death of his parents. Samael promised he would be there for Rhiannon but no one had promised to be with Irene. Irene raked his hand through his hair brushing out any knots in the crystal mane, he heard the door being lock picked and sat in chair waiting for who it was.

For I didn't sing a single song, all day~

"You know that you and Michael are stubborn as hell." A smooth and relaxed voice sounded through the library, sending chills down Lucifer spine.

"I think Yuika will always be stubborn, especially when he does get his way."

"You still call Michael that?"

"Of course, he is my 'Moon flower'. Now don't change the topic, what is the curse or what happened."

"You would not give up, will you?" Irene turned around in the chair, looking in Lucifer's direction and then gestures to the sofa in library.

"No, not to you tell me at lest about the curse or how we know each other."

"Ok fine, but I am only telling you about the curse not about us. Not yet." He whisper the last part but Lucifer didn't push it.

Dear Arkansas Daughter

My heart is full of swords~

"Wait, could you repeat what the book says one more time." Lucifer leans forward trying to understand the curse.

Once the sun dies,

The moon will not cry

For it knows that his lover will return,

But as fragile as dust

Cold as his starry heart.

He will return as bright as morningstar,

For jealousy caused his wife envied.

The star cries for his Akino,

"Clementine, his name is Nicholas"

"That is the curse." Irene snickered at Lucifer's face.

"And here I thought Dad spoke in riddles but this takes the cake. How can something so beautifully written means something equally deadly." Lucifer groaned in annoyance at both Irene and Michael.

Michael walks in with three trays of food in perfect balance. He placed the first two trays down and took the last tray down.

"Trust me if you think that crazy just until he comfortable enough with you to tell you how he knows us." Michael said while shoveling food in his mouth. "I was embarrassed for two months."

Irene looked at Michael in disgust at his uncouth behavior and at the mention of their meeting before hitting him on the head, only to look across to see Lucifer of all people doing the exact same thing as Michael.

Full of, full of swords~

Rhiannon walked the now familiar path to the throne room, she saw the door slightly open with the sound of muffled voices. She didn't know if to go or not but she decided against it until they heard a scream and loud crash. She ran to the ajar door and peeped in, a scream of horror ripped from her chest.

Golden blood ran from the throne onto the ground and a man with a similar style and face of The Almighty wielded a bloody sword, which was pierced in the chest pinning him to the chair. The man turned to scream and sent two swords in her direction, cutting her tails off which were protecting him then sent one straight into his stomach.

Your love, it knows the Lord~

Snapping back to reality, Irene felt like someone was falling out of heaven. Only to hear the earth shattering scream that Lucifer let out, when she rushed to see if he was ok. Irene saw that the angels fell from heaven.

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1 year ago

Ok I am confused but I am not 11

Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.

1 year ago


i have been thinking of Halsin doing the barbarian rage scream upon seeing Astarion downed by a critical hit, and avenging him so hard the rest of the party goes


that's all, thank you.

oke oke goobaiiii~ ehe

11 months ago

Taps mic Hello, Hello is this this on? My name is Royal Logana or Strawberry Arctic (Genderfluid( I use any pronouns), 18+). I am artist and fanfic writer and upcoming story writer. I am dyslexic so please forgive my spelling.

I am currently interested in Baldur's Gate 3, Mortal Kombat and Lucifer (netflix)

A03: Strawberry_Wonderland Celestial Mess(Lucifer Netflix)

But here are my rules and characters I write for.


Raiden Mk 1 and 11



Michael (Lucifer netflix)


Lucifer Morningstar(Lucifer Netflix)


What I am willing to write


Drugging (to certain extent)

Incest (to an extent and only for Michifer(Lucifer and Michael)

Kidnapping(Baldur's Gate only)

Murder(Baldur's Gate only)

Age regression

Beatiality(Baldur's Gate only)

X male, female, genderfluid, gender neutral reader


What I will not write


R*pe/ non- con

Scatophillia(sexual arousal and please of feces)


Physical/sexual abuse (unless it is metion or canon in the series)


Age play

(Age play and age regression is not the same. Age play- roleplaying in which an individual acts or treats another as if they were a different age, sexual or non-sexual. Age regression- when a person's thoughts, emotions, behaviour revert to earlier stage of development which can be triggered by stress or traumatic memories)

If you are unsure about something here or something I didn't mention please feel free to ask(even if my ask are closed)

Constructive criticism is absolutely welcome.

Please if miss any warnings on my works. Please tell me.

I will not always have my ask/request open but you ask if it open. If it is closed I will only take requests a day after it is closed. And it will take a while, so please be patient with me.

Thank you for time and support! I hope you your time in the royal court.

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1 year ago

This is- This is art

Shadowheart: interested to see what you’ll add to our little group as we travel, Halsin.

Halsin: oh trust me. Our friend has already given me an important task to ensure we stay on track and out of trouble.

Shadowheart: and that is?

Astarion: *spots something interesting/potentially dangerous in the distance and goes to investigate*

Halsin: *picks him up by the back of his jacket like a kitten* The brat catcher.