ruusaanrambles - Ruusaan's Ramblings
Ruusaan's Ramblings

A lover of all things star wars, mandalorian, steampunk, and more, I'm here to share my nerdiness with fellow nerds. My current main project is drawing a mandalorian every day for the year of 2023. ~ I also cosplay, write, craft, and make my own cardboard armor.

634 posts

I Want To Dress Up As A Stormtrooper With My Friends And Go Stand On Random Street Corners Watching For

i want to dress up as a stormtrooper with my friends and go stand on random street corners watching for rebel scum and keeping each other in line

I’d be the one you have to yell at to stop dancing and be professional ^-^

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More Posts from Ruusaanrambles

1 year ago

confession time most of my mandalorian characters aren’t children of the watch I just don’t like drawing faces

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1 year ago

I think about mandalorians way too much I honestly wish I could turn it off sometimes.

that said it is nice to have something that consistently makes me happy and I have just made a whole playlist of youtube videos of mostly mando cosplayers dancing at conventions with a couple other goofy skits tossed in and I love it so much

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1 year ago

Fate of the Jedi is a really weird series

half of it is really interesting and half is just 🤨 can we go back to the political drama now? I’m reading the seventh book right now so if you care spoilers up till then

Much of the plot is a political drama and you have a chief of state challenging the Jedi on their “military power but not military accountability” but then becoming more and more paranoid and control hungry until you end up with a war between the Jedi and the government and meanwhile there’s the imperial remnant being civil with the new republic government and even while its leader is engaged to marry a Jedi and there are conspirators working together to take down both the republic chief of state and the leader of the imperial remanent. Oh plus there’s currently a bunch of organized protests and slave revolts happening in the new republic which is another thing for the chief of state to worry about. And what does she do? She hires mandalorians because she can’t use the regular military.

Then you have these Jedi who went mad and thought that everyone was an imposter and started attacking people (this was the tipping point with the chief of state)  and so Luke skywalker and his son head off to find what is causing it and they find an ancient being who can consume force users and one of the people it consumed was one of Luke’s ex girlfriends and we meet another one who is in very short order also consumed by this monster and they’re trying to figure out how to kill her and oh my here’s a civilization of sith no one knew exsisted and now luke and his son are workin with one and the sith girl and luke’s son are maybe falling for each other and then we’re about to make headway on the ancient monster problem but then we switch back to the political drama

And there are so many povs. The whole time the force stuff is going on I really just want to go back to the political drama

I mean I’ll be the first to admit I’m kinda biased against the force as a deep mando lore nerd but at the same time I adore the high republic novels so idk.

anyways I rather like these books

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