sabiekay - SabieKay’s corner
SabieKay’s corner

36 years old || she/her || cisgender womanSometimes I write stuff…mostly I rambleMasterlist! Networks: BangtanArmyNet

581 posts

The Colors? The Packaging? The Contents Envelope That Literally Looks Like A Wedding Invite??

The Colors? The Packaging? The Contents Envelope That Literally Looks Like A Wedding Invite??

The colors? The packaging? The contents envelope that literally looks like a wedding invite??

Damn, Jungkook said “our mutually delulu parasocial relationship is getting upgraded”, didn’t he? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • untanglingearphones
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More Posts from Sabiekay

1 year ago

taehyung: *sees yoongi*

also taehyung: i must pick that lil guy up

1 year ago

Here we gooooooo!

challenge Seokjin to a round of bobbing for apples (he claims his large mouth is superior but you don't go down without a fight!!!) OR agree to keep track of how many apples Jungkook can get (but lose count while resisting the urge to pat his butt. it's right there!!!) 🍂 hold Hoseok's hand while walking through the corn maze (it's marketed for children but he's still afraid.) OR build a scarecrow with Yoongi (he even brought some of his old flannels to use!) 🍂 dress in couple's costumes with Jimin (the Barbie/Ken to his Ken!) OR let Namjoon paint your face at one of the activity booths (he did a cat nose & whiskers, and you can tell he wants you to paint him next.) 🍂 wander with Taehyung while he helps a lost child locate their parent (you come up with fun songs along the way.) OR hold onto the goat snacks for Jungkook while he feeds them from his palm (this way, your hand stays slobber-free!) 🍂 decorate pumpkins with Hoseok (he's hoarding all the glitter paints!) OR mummify Namjoon with several rolls of gauze (everyone is amused by how many you end up using just for his thighs, alone!) 🍂 cheer Taehyung on while he plays classic carnival games & performs feats of strength (with his sleeves rolled up, ohh la-la!) OR make flower crowns with Jimin (you hope he will want to exchange them, and you match the flowers that you pick out to his outfit.) 🍂 go apple & berry picking with Yoongi (all the while planning what to bake with your bounty) OR ride the "haunted" hay ride with Seokjin once the sun sets (he thinks it's funny to try to startle you, but he also keeps an arm draped over your shoulder.)

This was fun, Harrow!

Everyone who I would have tagged has already been tagged for this game, so if anyone who follows me or sees this wants to join in, go ahead!

🎃 this or that: bts at a harvest festival 🎃

i come from a farming state where the harvest fests always took place out in the middle of nowhere, under the hot, hot sun. think pumpkin decorating, costume contests, petting zoos, and more! 👻my games get wordy, but i hope you enjoyyy!

challenge Seokjin to a round of bobbing for apples (he claims his large mouth is superior but you don't go down without a fight!!!) OR agree to keep track of how many apples Jungkook can get (but lose count while resisting the urge to pat his butt. it's right there!!!) 🍂 hold Hoseok's hand while walking through the corn maze (it's marketed for children but he's still afraid.) OR build a scarecrow with Yoongi (he even brought some of his old flannels to use!) 🍂 dress in couple's costumes with Jimin (the Barbie/Ken to his Ken!) OR let Namjoon paint your face at one of the activity booths (he did a cat nose & whiskers, and you can tell he wants you to paint him next.) 🍂 wander with Taehyung while he helps a lost child locate their parent (you come up with fun songs along the way.) OR hold onto the goat snacks for Jungkook while he feeds them from his palm (this way, your hand stays slobber-free!) 🍂 decorate pumpkins with Hoseok (he's hoarding all the glitter paints!) OR mummify Namjoon with several rolls of gauze (everyone is amused by how many you end up using just for his thighs, alone!) 🍂 cheer Taehyung on while he plays classic carnival games & performs feats of strength (with his sleeves rolled up, ohh la-la!) OR make flower crowns with Jimin (you hope he will want to exchange them, and you match the flowers that you pick out to his outfit.) 🍂 go apple & berry picking with Yoongi (all the while planning what to bake with your bounty) OR ride the "haunted" hay ride with Seokjin once the sun sets (he thinks it's funny to try to startle you, but he also keeps an arm draped over your shoulder.)

feel free to reblog with your responses so that i can see them! and tag all your friends!!!👻 thank you to my baby star candy @echotoyou to coming up with this idea!!! i had fun putting this together!

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1 year ago

Reblog for Namjoon’s bday! 🎉

AMOMK Drabble 2 - Of Rambling Thoughts and Too Many Choices

AMOMK Drabble 2 - Of Rambling Thoughts And Too Many Choices

Just like the first drabble in this AU spinoff, this work was based on the original story A Map of Mrs. Kims (and the drabbles that started it all!) created by @bonvoyagenoona​ and various members of the Tumblr BTS fanfic community! (You can also read it on ao3!). All rights regarding this universe of characters are credited and belong to her. I honestly did NOT expect to write a second little drabble in this universe, but almost a year later here we are...thank you so much to @bonvoyagenoona for letting me play in this little world for a bit again, and you can also read this particular drabble on A03 here

Names swirled through your head, mocking you with every thought. Kim Seokjin. Kim Taehyung. Min Yoongi. Kim Namjoon. You could hardly focus on your work when all your brain could do was loop those 4 names – those forms – over and over again. Now that you had them in hand, were you really so selfish to grab all 4 applications? Were you no better than someone at a cattle auction, waiting to nab the best in show? After all, it was one application out of dozens, possibly hundreds, to win the mere chance to go on a date with these men. To try to be a good, noticeable, outstanding candidate, to prove to these strangers that yes, you could be a good wife in the future. As if that’s all you needed in life.

But then again, that seemed to be what modern dating was nowadays. Click on a profile, read a basic summary, see a few photos, and swipe right. Pray that the person on the other end wasn’t a creep or a bot. On the dating apps, you didn’t have to see the humanity behind the screen; just one click and move onto the next. Hope for a match. Hope that profile leads to something more. Find another if you don’t. To walk up to these very real men and ask for every list and form available – in front of their mother no less! – now forced you to face the apparent greed of your actions. That maybe you should have been firmer in your decision, to just pick a profile and pray for the best.

Kim Seokjin. Kim Taehyung. Min Yoongi. Kim Namjoon. It would be all too easy to blame Ji-a. After all, it was her crazy idea to apply in the first place. However, she already made her choice – the singular application for one Kim Taehyung was filled out and submitted the second she got home from the country club. So why were you waffling around like someone staring at a takeout menu at 2 am?

It could also be the lingering embarrassment from realizing Kim Namjoon was Museum Boy. There was no telling how you’d live that realization down. You’d even changed when you visited the museum because of it. Ji-a squealed when you told her – she insisted that this was fate, that this just was evidence you and Namjoon were meant to be, how your only choice now was to fill out the pre-destined application and make it official, just like her favorite romance stories. But all you wanted to do was hide. How could you face him? Before, Museum Boy was a concept. Just a handsome man with similar tastes in art. He was safe, distant, a small constant in your hectic life - like when the barista already knows your order at your local coffee shop. But now? Now you could only imagine just how crazy you looked from his point of view: a woman just so happens to run into him at a museum several times, enough to be recognized. Then she shows up once again at the same exact country club at the same exact time he happened to be there. Then saying “Uhh…. all of them?” when asked which application she wanted…Ugh, no wonder he probably thought you were a stalker. Numerous true crime documentaries have proven people would do much less for attention.

Kim Seokjin. Kim Taehyung. Min Yoongi. Kim Namjoon. Each attribute, likes, and dislikes gave you a small glimpse into who they were – you’d practically memorized them by how many times you’ve agonized in making your choice:

Seokjin, eldest of the Kim brothers, loves to cook, visiting farmers markets, and to go fishing on his few days off. A hard worker and dependable, every detail jotted down in his profile just screamed “Perfect Husband Material”, and it would be all too easy to imagine a simple, domestic life with him.  

Taehyung, baby of the family and massive flirt, listens to jazz and is a photographer by trade. A creative soul, you could tell just by reading each response that he would be fun and adventurous, each day just as spontaneous as the last.

Yoongi, not even related to the Kim brothers but still somehow has his own form, writes songs and plays both piano and guitar when he’s not teaching. Each answer seemed direct, but thoughtful, something you’d sorely missed in your last couple relationships.

And Namjoon, middle child and Museum Boy extraordinaire, teaches middle school, is passionate about music and writing, and loves having deep philosophical discussions. You could imagine talking to him for hours, delving into the inner workings of the arts, letting those conversations lead you to explore more about yourself and the world you live in.

Maybe you were surrounded by too many choices – on paper, they all seemed amazing, almost too good to be true. You wanted to get to know them individually. You wanted to wait and form some sort of plan. You needed to get out of your head and make a damn decision already. At this rate they might already be married by the time you decide to apply.

The serene painting in front of you was your favorite for this very reason. It seemed simple from far away – a watercolor scene of lotus flowers floating in a pond – but it always felt immersive. You could lose your thoughts as the colors flowed in and out of each other. Imagine the golden light of sunset warming your body. Whenever you were stressed or upset, you would just sit at the bench directly in front of it and mediate, forget about the outside world for a little while. Your troubles started to melt away, thoughts of applications joined the very paint on the canvas.

“Hey stranger, haven’t seen you around here in a while,” a voice suddenly called. You nearly reached the ceiling as your trance was brutally interrupted. To your left stood Kim Namjoon.

“Gah! I – uh – hi! Hi,” you undignifiedly sputtered in response.

“Hi,” Namjoon laughed, the smile never leaving his face. You knew you were sunk if you stared at his dimples for too long. “I thought you might have found a new hangout spot. Usually, our semi-regular greetings are a bit more…well…regular. You’re Y/N, right?”

You looked toward the floor as you nodded, your face already feeling warm. “I didn’t want to seem like a stalker…”

“Don’t stalkers change their patterns once they’re caught?” Taking a quick shocked glance was all you could do as he gave a cheeky smirk, his eyes bright and mischievous. “But no, never thought you were stalking me. I just figured you were a fellow patron of the arts. What brings you here on a Wednesday afternoon?”

“There were severe issues with my work’s telecom system, and rather than let the big wigs think we’re not doing anything or pay us to just sit there waiting for repairs, we were all sent home. What about you? Playing hooky?

“Legally allowed hooky, yes. It’s a school holiday and I somehow managed to get all of my meetings done before sunset. So I'm celebrating and taking a small break before I have to go drown in lesson plans.” Namjoon then gestured to the seat next to you. After you nodded your agreement, he sat a close but respectable distance from you.

“Are you doing okay? You seemed really lost in thought there.”

You didn’t give much of an answer, unable to look at him quite yet. A sigh escaped as you stared at the painting ahead. “Yeah, just a lot on my mind. But it seems so stupid now…”

He turned more toward you, a calm demeanor radiating from his body. “If you feel comfortable talking, I’m all ears.” There was an inkling that he was like this with his students. You hesitated despite the warm invitation, contemplating what you were going to say.

“It’s just….” You started, subconsciously smoothing your hands over your knees. “These damn dating applications that I got from your mother is stressing me out and It’s so dumb because I can’t seem to make a choice. I should be able to just…make up my mind and turn something in if I was so determined to do so at the start. It’s been weeks! But no, here I am, being so ridiculous and overthinking something that I might not even get accepted or chosen for in the first place. I’m a tiny piece of the puzzle, why am I freaking out so much?”  

Namjoon nodded as you rambled, a brief flash of recognition crossed his face. “I totally understand. And your feelings are absolutely valid. But from one overthinker to another, why should you have to make a choice right now? Or even make a choice at all? Why do you even have to choose one single application to complete?”

“It all seems so final, doesn’t it? Like this entire process is some sort of life test or fate or something. My friend was able to just go forward, know which one she wanted to go after, and just fill out the form, so I should be able to do the same, right? But now I just feel greedy, like I’m just lumping you and your brothers together, as if you are some sort of interchangeable trophy to win. That’s not fair to anyone. If I need to make a decision, I just want to be sure of it, you know?” You knew you were rambling, but your brain just couldn’t stop. If this was a life simulation game, you just hoped you wouldn’t see the negative friendship points flash over Namjoon’s head. Why couldn’t you stop rambling?

To his credit, Namjoon only chuckled. “Well, it’s definitely something to think about. And it’s great that you see all of us as separate human beings instead of just the Kim boys or a full unit. Your heart seems to be in the right place. But you have a few options – you could just apply for all of us and take a chance. It might be exciting, like a going on some blind dates, right? You could think about what you want in a relationship, use that to determine which one of us you want to pursue. Or you just walk away, forget about maps and dates and applications. But, if you’re so sure about making a single choice…. would it be easier if I tell you why you shouldn’t date each of us?”


“Yeah, just take a look at my hyung, Seokjin. He’s the best older brother anyone could ask for. Kind, loyal, a hard worker. Takes charge but in a more subtle way. But his jokes are terrible. You’d be forced to listen to the absolute worst dad jokes this side of the world. And that’s before he likes you enough to force you onto a fishing boat before sunrise.”

An eyebrow raised was all it took for Namjoon to continue on.

“Yoongi is my best friend, and is such a romantic at heart. But when he’s focused on a project or work, it’s like he’s dead to the world. I’m actually not even sure he really sleeps at night. And Taehyung is such a thoughtful guy, will do anything for those he loves, and lives life to the fullest. He loves life, you know? But as much as I love him, sometimes he can be downright weird. There are days I wish I could just see what’s going on in his brain. Some people might find him too much to handle.”

Giggling at every description, you could see how much love and respect Namjoon for each of them.

“So, what about you? Why would you be deemed undatable?”

Namjoon paused, a small hint of something unreadable flashed over his face. Perhaps a bittersweet memory? Something sad he wanted to forget? Whatever it was, he didn’t let it linger for long. Just as quickly as that brief emotion arrived, he replaced it with another half-smile. “Well, I’m a middle school teacher who likes fine art. I’m afraid the only dates I’d be able to afford involve takeout and free events.”

A light laughter filled the room as you both focused on painting in front of you. Namjoon checked his watch, sighing as he stood up.

“Unfortunately, break time is over. If I don’t get started on those lesson plans now, I’ll never get them done on time. But hey, don’t dwell too much over whatever you decide, okay? Flip a coin if you need to. Take your time to think, but if that’s all you do, you’ll find opportunities will pass you by. Bye, Y/N! See you when the new exhibits premiere.” With a wink and a wave, Namjoon lightly waved his goodbyes as you continued to sit on the bench, going over every word.

Kim Seokjin. Kim Taehyung. Min Yoongi. Kim Namjoon. A deep breath escaped as you grounded yourself for the task ahead. The mailbox loomed in front of you, challenging you to be brave, to take a chance. With eyes closed, you placed the large stamped envelope inside, ready to let your fate reveal itself. 4 names, 4 completed applications. You just hoped you knew what you were doing.

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1 year ago
I Literally. Just. Did This.

I literally. Just. Did this. 🙃🙃🙃🙃

Truly the all time funniest writer thing is when you're doing edits and you think to yourself "omg I've got the PERFeCT sentence to add right here!" and then you stick it in all excited, only to find that literally three lines down you have virtually that exact same sentence in the draft already.

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1 year ago

Reblog for Kookie’s birthday! 🎉


Author: @sabiekay

Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (can be read as gender neutral)

Rating: Mature (for subject matter)

Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Strangers to Lovers, Fluff

Trigger Warnings: HEAVY descriptions of a non-consensual event (non-sexual), descriptions of panic attacks, mentions of being drunk, mentions of being drugged, cursing, alcohol use

Word Count: 28K

Summary: After what was supposed to be a chill night with your boyfriend at his friend’s house, you wake up the next morning with no memories and an ugly botched tattoo on your thigh that you did not want or even ask for. Especially since it is well known you are very afraid of needles. As you heal from the trauma of that night, you meet Jungkook, a local tattoo artist who is assigned to cover the botched tattoo when you gather your courage to make an appointment. What starts as a chance meeting turns into something more as you find him again when your world turns out to be smaller than you realized. 

Author’s Note: This story will involve cursing and deal with vivid descriptions of a non-consensual event (not sexual) that occurred while a main character was under the influence of being drunk and drugged. There are also descriptions of the OC/reader, who is the protagonist of the story, having panic attacks directly caused from said event and everything surrounding it. I do not take this subject matter lightly, and I understand if this is too much for someone to handle reading. This is ultimately a story about healing and the comfort someone gains from letting people in, but in order to heal it needs to be understood what the person is healing FROM. 


Thank you for reading! I worked so hard on this story and can’t believe I’m finally posting it after 7 MONTHS OF HARD WORK. T____T

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