You Know Today Is Going To Be A Bad Day When You Can't Even Get One Eye To Look As Good As The Other
You know today is going to be a bad day when you can't even get one eye to look as good as the other
sad-gamer-noises liked this · 1 year ago
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merlin au where merlin makes friendship bracelets for everyone he likes but plot twist he’s merlin and he likes everyone like come on he adopts ppl like 2 minutes into meeting them
obviously gwen has one - one of the first if not the first he made in camelot - yellow and purple
and gaius too but his is one merlin made when he was a kid - its really old so the colors are faded but its made of all the thread merlin could find and its kinda ugly but he loves it anyway cuz he’s a fucking sap
and then during some attack on camelot sir leon pulled him back because its his fucking job but merlins like <3 omg a new friend and leons like uhhhh but he never takes it off
lancelot leaves camelot with honor and a yellow bracelet and a new best friend <3
even the great dragon has one but its less of a bracelet and more of a ring
a bunch of the servants have one - almost everyone in the kitchen (they give merlin extra food so he’ll make one) the guards outside gaius’s door (which is lowkey why they never report the magic because they and merlin are besties)
morgana wears it with her ridiculously fine and expensive jewelry
sometimes visiting nobles leave with one
a bunch of shop owners have one
because merlin’s literally besties with everyone
but who doesn’t have one?
not because merlin doesn’t like him (though he’ll admit (only to himself) that perhaps he doesn’t want to be just friends with arthur) but because merlin simply doesn’t think he’d like one
on the other hand arthur’s seething with rage and jealously and when leon showed up with one arthur may have been a little more vicious in training
when one of the other knights gets one he gets vicious in training every training session since then
morgana knows and makes sure to flash her bracelet in front of his face
on the other hand merlin knows that arthur wouldnt like one but merlin still adores him so mayhaps he sews in a little pattern on the inside of arthur’s shirts that he’s mending where no one will notice but merlin will see him wear the shirt and think he’s wearing merlin’s friendship :)
Arthur: Merlin, what are you doing?
Merlin: Oh, I am just sorting the letters you got into three categories; from your sister, death threats and death threats from your sister.
Arthur: Listen, I can explain...
Leon: You’re making $500,000 and you’re only gonna pay me $30,000?
Gwaine: You’re getting 30 grand? I’m getting $1,000!
Merlin: You guys are getting paid?