18+ Only Male Vore Gay Muscle Bear Pred>Prey Oral>Anal>Cock I own none of these photos. If you'd like something taken down, message me. I'm always taking submissions and you can message me for personalized stuff too (It'll be our little secret)
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Safehaven2 - Male Vore
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More Posts from Safehaven2

A Staff member wanted to leave early. The boss swallowed him to keep him at work.
A short, scrawny guy who envies the 8 or 9 foot tall "giants" in his life with their beefy, thicc frames. So he decides to get bigger by eating one of his giant buddies in his sleep. It's hard work, especially for a first meal. But he succeeds, depositing the statuesque man in his belly which pins him down. All his energy is devoted to digesting this meal and when it's over, he's much taller, beefier and his features more chiseled and Greek statue like
(This one realy stood out to me so I had to write it. Digestion, unwilling vore, scat.)
Connor has always been small. Growing up he was always on the shorter side standing at an even 5'8”, he was always on the thinner side, the weaker side. Then when his friends all began to tower over him and started working out, it only cemented his insecurities. At first he tried to work out with them. If he couldn’t be tall then at the very least he could build muscle. Right?
Wrong, apparently. No matter how hard he tried to gain muscles, no matter how much his friends couched him, he just couldn’t keep the muscles on. The shakes and special protein meals didn’t help either. Despite following the instructions very carefully it only resulted in a bigger appetite and a soft bloated belly. His friends all just smiled thinly at his troubles while they packed on the pounds effortlessly. Telling him not to worry about it because despite being small, he was at least healthy.
Healthy could kick rocks for all he cared. His face twisted into a dark scowl as he scrolled through another ‘obscure’ weight gain article. He wanted to be big! He wanted to be huge! To be honest he was very close to trying steroids. But his best friend, Lewis, he was always there. He was always trying to encourage him and pleading with him to be happy with his body.
Lewis knew that his bulging muscles and towering frame made Connor insecure. So much so that he began wearing larger clothes to hide his godly physique. Slouching to not seem as tall or wide, and through the spike of envy that twisted his heart, Connor felt bad that his friend would do this. But it also made his heart soar knowing that Lewis cared so much. Lewis was the one who did the most for him. Constantly telling Cannor that he would do anything for him. Even at his expense.
As Connor sat in front of his computer reading the information that belonged only on the darkest corners of the web, he wondered how much he would actually do. The light of his computer cast an eerie glow on his face as he read over the instructions listed once again. The author of the article claimed to gain his Adonis body by devour someone of that body type. But it wasn’t just the typical description of cannibalism. No, instead he claimed to gain his dream body by swallowing his prey whole. That was another thing Connor noticed, all throughout the article the author referred to himself as a predator, and his victim as his prey.
Connor scoffed the first time he read it. But as his eyes scanned to instructions again and again, he began to consider it. His belly rumbled, having finished his protein packed snack, it wanted more. But he couldn’t eat someone could he? His mind drifted to Lewis then. His best friend who had the perfect chiseled body, he was 7'2”, and easily weighed in at 20 stones. Essential the exact body that Connor has always wished for…and all of it slept soundly upstairs.
His eyes darted across the instructions one last time before clicking out of the secure browser. First rub jaw in circular motions until a soft pop is felt, then start on one end slowly begin to swallow the prey. Easy enough. So, with his heart racing, Connor slowly climbed the stairs to his bedroom. What seemed like hours passed as he stood in the door and watched his best friend sleep in his bed. His massive body dwarfing the the double bed underneath him. His bare leg hung over the side with the covers draped only over a portion of his body. After letting Lewis sleep in his bed for the first time, he ended up learning that Lewis prefered to sleep in the nude.
Connors belly rumbled and he hurriedly clutched his middle, as if afraid it would wake his giant friend. His heart beat rapidly as he took measured steps to his bed. Slowly sitting at the foot of the mattress, his eyes never leaving the sleeping behemoth of a man. Lewis always said he would do anything to make Connor happy. And, maybe that was just him flirting with him, but Connor needed this. He needed to grow. And if the article turned out to be just some weird fetish fantasy, then no harm done. If Lewis woke up to Connor sucking on his toes, well he never had to learn Connors real intent.
Connor closed his eyes and took deep calming breaths. In and out. In. And out. Opening his eyes again, Connor leaned forward and dragged Lewis’s heavy leg onto the bed and straightened the man out as best he could. He slowly dropped to his knees and stared hard at the bare feet in front of him. It was now or never. Lewis would help him get strong; even at his own expense.
He brought his hands up to his jaw and rubbed firmly. Stretching his mouth wide as he dug his fingers his temporomandibular joints, feeling his jaw steadily open wider. Until finally the joints popped, feeling something like cracking a knuckle. Connor dropped his hands and opened and closed his mouth a few times. He couldn’t believe this was happening; his mouth opened in humanly wide, farther than bus skin should ever allow.
His eyes fell down onto Lewis again. His belly growling quietly as drool dripped down his chin. ‘It’s now or never’ Connor thought to himself. Slowly lowering his face to his friends feet and giving a careful lick. Flavor exploded in his mouth and Connor can’t help but moan. Pulling Lewis’s toes into his mouth and sucking on the divine taste of his soft skin. Connor’s eyes fell closed as he sucked more of Lewis’s foot into his mouth his tongue dancing across the smooth sole before he dragged the other foot into his gaping maw.
The toes grazed the back of his throat and his eyes flew open as he gagged, struggling for a moment before swallowing hard. The feet slowly filling his mouth and throat as Connor crawled onto the bed. His cheeks stretched wide across the beefy calves as he dragged his tongue all across them. Swallow after swallow slowly pulling the large man into him. He felt the feet enter his belly and moaned again as it stretched around them. He’s never felt so full before, and it felt amazing.
Lewis’s firm thighs passed quickly through his mouth. Connor eyed the massive semi hard cock that large balls as he slowly inched closer. It was just another thing of Lewis he wished he had. A dark blush covered his cheeks as he tongued the cock into his mouth, his sucking and swallowing causing it become more erect. Forcing it out of his mind, Connor worked on getting Lewis’s delicious bubble butt into his mouth. The cheeks a pleasant mic of soft and firm.
His belly ached wonderfully as he swallowed more and more of Lewis. Stretching out comically as the giant begins to curl inside the tight organ. His lips stretch even more as he shoves Lewis’s hands into his mouth. Each one easily the size of his head and the muscled arms attached where as wide as his ribs. It was a struggle but Connor slowly inched his way up Lewis pillowy bosom. Gnawing on the hard muscles as the slipped into his throat.
Once he reached his throat, Connor paused. Taking one last moment to memorise his best friend-now dinner’s face before he swallowed him completely. With a nod to himself, Connor gave one massive swallow and dragged Lewis’s head entirely into his mouth. The bulge in his throat slowly shrinking as Lewis passed completely into his pulsating belly. He did it. In his heart he never thought he would actually be able to eat his best friend. But now as he lay in bed, his enormous belly pinning him in place, he begins to laugh quietly.
With a smile on his face, Connor rubs his hands into his groaning belly. Glad that Lewis is such a heavy sleeper. He can feel his belly working around Lewis, pulsing and contracting around the pure protein packed meal. He can hear and feel the acid filling his belly, the growling growing more wet and sloshy with each contraction of his belly. Exhaustion hits when he feels Lewis begin to move. His eyes drifting to sleep as his prey begins to thrash around, sending pleasant jolts through his body.
Connor’s eyes close slowly and he smiles. Ever so glad to have a great meal like Lewis for a friend.
Throughout the night Lewis fought and pleaded for help as his body was slowly digested. He had no idea what was happening other than everything hurt. Fortunately he passed out soon after waking up, having used up his little oxygen. His last thoughts where of his friend Connor, wishing for him to help him. If he had only known that was so desperate to be like him, he might not have spent the night. Instead he sat curled up in his best friends powerful belly. His flesh blistered and melted away, his muscles boiling and liquefying, while his bones turned jelly like in the meat soup of acid. Connor’s stomach walls squeezing and grinding him into pasty chime.
Outside, Connor sleep soundly. A satisfied smile stretched across his face as his once friend dissolved and flushed into his bowels. His body buzzed pleasantly as it grew. His bones elongating and his muscles swelling. His body changed steadily as it absorbed his nutrient rich feast. His once angular face filled out as his jaw squared out. His thin oily hair filling out and becoming softer, and his dry flaky skin glows with health. In the end growing from messily 5'8”, 120lbs to an impressive 7'8” and 300lbs. His new muscles countered with a healthy amount of fat on top.
Hours pass and his belly shrinks and lowers to a fraction of the size. Shrinking to about the size of a large watermelon. It growled and groan as what remained of Lewis passed through Connor’s bowels. Stretching out his intestines as gas built up around the useless waste.
When Connor woke up in the morning, it was to an intense amount of pressure in his lower stomach. His strong hand sluggishly rubbed his compacted belly, his fingers poking and prodding along his rock hard belly. His mind, still fogged over from the best sleep he’s ever had, tried to piece together the odd dream he had in the night. He dreamed that he had eaten Lewis in some weird desperate attempt to get fit. But the longer he laid there, feeling the shifting in his bowels, the more he remembered.
The memory of Lewis’s flesh making him salivate as realisation struck him. Sitting up, Connor inspected himself. A smile spreading across his face. Aside from his bloated belly he was perfect. Muscles covered every inch of his body, a small amount of fat softening his edges ever so slightly. Amidst his inspection, his belly cramps and rumbles. Causing Connor to grimace and clutch his rock of a belly. A loud and rancid fart thunders through the room. Relieving only a little bit of pressure in his belly.
Standing too quickly, he stumbles out of his room. Not quite sure how to maneuver with his longer legs. He tears of his previously too large shirt as he enters the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror. His grin widens even more as he relishes in his now handsome physique. His belly groans again and he strutes to the toilet. One hand caressing his swollen belly as the other fishes his cock out of his shorts. Surprise takes over before being replaced by smug delight as he realises all of him has grown.
His belly groans again as he finishes and he swivels around on his foot, plopping down on the toilet with a sigh. Both hands rest on his belly and rub soothing circles across the stretched skin. Connor grunts and pushes down hard as he passes Lewis out of his body. The crackling of shit filling the room as the massive, hard log of shit inches out of him. Falling with a splash in the bowl bellow.
Connor moans and rubs his belly as he realises the first large log didn’t even dent the mass in his bowels. As the next log begins to slide out of him he readies himself for how long this will take him.
Connor sighs in relief as he’s finally finished with Lewis. Cleaning himself up he stands and stares down the toilet as he flushes away what remains of his best friend. His fingers rub his now empty belly, fingers sinking into the slight curve on his abs. The fat on his belly actually making his muscles stand out more. Connor smiles to himself as he admires his reflection, happy to have had a great friend like Lewis. His belly growls in hungry, and as he makes his way to his kitchen, he can’t help but wonder if any of his other friends would be willing to help him get even more perfect.
Are you on gear yourself? Or just a fan?
I am on Gear bro!! In fact I'm going on the God Gear during my winter bulk! That's right boys, RoidedCubb is finally adding HGH to the team!!!! Time to mutate into a muscle freak!!
chest pump

This is me irl
Winter Bulk Cycle (October-March)
SW: 241.4 lbs. GW: 300 lbs

Week 1-4: 600 MG Test C, 200 mg Tren E, 200 mg Primo, 50 MG dbol daily
Week 5-14: 1000 MG Test C, 400 MG Tren E, 500 mg Deca, 50 MG dbol daily
Week 15-18: 1200 mg Test C, 500 mg Tren E, 500 mg Deca, 50 MG dbol daily
Week 19-22: 800 MG Test C, 200 MG Tren E, 300 MG Deca, 50 MG dbol daily
Week 23-24: 500 mg Test C, 200 MG Tren E
Week 25-30: PCT