saint-hadid - 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩

✯"𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 "✯

203 posts

Saint-hadid - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Gentle Reminder!

You AREN’T persisting in your ‘assumption’ because you don't currently have your desires, but simply because it is all real and truly taking place in the only reality that matters: the 4D! You're only reminding yourself this very fact if you forget because your desire is already fulfilled and nothing else needs to be done.

Stop constantly checking the 3D for results. Would you wait on something you already have? No, right? You would enjoy it with peace. Impatience comes from feelings of lack from the 3D so just fulfill inner self using your imagination. Deeply immerse yourself in your desire using your imagination, it helps on focusing on the 4D reality.

Just because what you imagine in the 4D is not tangible with senses does not mean what you imagined wasn't as real as what you see in the 3D.

Your every perception literally creates the reality you occupy, but reality itself has no power over you because God (consciousness) is always above its creations (awareness).

— Star’s Reality

5 months ago


You have the answer to literally every single one of your problems. But yet you remain wavering? Do you enjoy living in misery? WAKE THE HELL UP!!

You are in control. You're in control of all +8 billion people, the infinite universes, literally every atom that exists and will exist.

Rewrite your damn story. You're the producer, the director, the main character etc. literally it's all you. do you want your life to look like a lifetime movie, or some low budget ¼ star movie. or some masterpiece by tarentino or scorsese?

Stop sleeping, stop the complaints, stop the nagging and acceptance of anything that you don't want. DO NOT CLAIM OR ACCEPT ANY BS THAT YOU DON'T WANT.

Now. Go have fun living your dream life. NOW.

Tags :
5 months ago

Me when repeating affirmations twice works and I realize me and my procrastination are the problem.... so I CAN instantly manifest and thinking I had to condition myself was a limiting belief. Oops.

Me When Repeating Affirmations Twice Works And I Realize Me And My Procrastination Are The Problem....
5 months ago

purest state of consciousness: the simple yet full guide

Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide
Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide
Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide







**all notes in pink are the simplified versions of the notes**

Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide


pure consciousness, a.k.a. the void state, is a state where all of your physical senses are "deactivated", and your conscious mind is active/unactive. you won't be able to feel, taste, hear, smell, nor see anything physically. it's simply pitch black or white nothingness.

pure consciousness is a state of consciousness and state of awareness where you're conscious/awake while having no physical awareness.

this state is often described as pitch black/white emptiness. in this state, all negative emotions and thoughts stemmed from the physical world vanished, because you will not be identified with the physical world, but whatever you decided to manifest while in this state. you may experience feelings of peace and/or euphoria.

Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide


instant manifestation is guaranteed while being pure consciousness.

while you are pure consciousness, the physical world is completely disregarded, therefore whatever you affirm to be while you're pure consciousness, will instantly reflect in the physical world, cuz as always preached in the loass community, the physical world only reflects what we are naturally being in imagination.

Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide


to induce pure consciousness, all you have to do is relax your body -> focus on the darkness behind your eyelids -> affirm/daydream/think -> pure consciousness

induce it like neville goddard

pure consciousness was never hard to induce. all we are instructed to do, is to get comfortable, relax, take deep breaths, and affirm. nothing more. we're doing this so our state of consciousness and state of awareness can naturally shift to pure consciousness.

Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide


your soul is leaving your body

you're entering another dimension/another plane/an actual void

it's luck

you're not supposed swallow

if you move the "process" will start all over

you're not allowed to daydream

apparently it's impossible to affirm cuz it's so peaceful?

manifesting is limited in this state

you need a good "void concept"

Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide


pure consciousness is way to simple for y'all to overcomplicate this so easily. you can induce it within this very hour, as long as you do what you are ought to do. if you "failed" just take note of what you did and note what should have been done. you will know how easy it is to induce pure consciousness, if you do what you're supposed to do– relax, ignore the physical world, affirm/daydream. when you induce pure consciousness, mentally check. don't physically check with your senses, and you'd realise that it was that easy!

Purest State Of Consciousness: The Simple Yet Full Guide
5 months ago

If this pops up while you’re scrolling, I wish you unconditional love and massive success.

5 months ago

shifting is literally so enlightening to me because i've never felt like i belonged in this reality ever since i was a child. i was always craving something... more. now i know why, i was meant to shift, i was never meant to stay in this reality. i get that with LOA i can definitely assume that i belong in this reality but i honestly don't want to. i don't want to stay in this reality any longer. i don't want to force myself to fit in a reality that i know deep down that i do not belong. where i truly belong is in my main drs and drs.

5 months ago

Go back to zero

You are :

Not the body , you're aware of it.

Not the mind, you're aware of it.

Not the memories, you're aware of it.

No personality, this is part of the mind , you're aware of it.

All of these are seemingly always changing, wether it is the body, mind, personnality, life , all. There is one thing that never changed, never will. The "I" who is aware of all of those seeming changes.

If you go back to zero, and nothing is left, only blank, who or what is aware of this blank also. What is aware of this "I"? There is this pure presence. You know it.

This is not an object, that you can conceptualize, this is not a thought, it is not an interpreation. It is the one in wich all of this appears. Don't try to visualise , to think about what it is, to search it. You are IT , you are aware of everything, of that seeking, that feeling of being stuck , all.

And this everything is actually also you. Because you are Existence itself. Being (I would even say the verb itself , not the word ,what the verb points to ). You appear as divided , as many different forms but you are not limited by any of them, they are not real in themselves, you are only experiencing yourself. The only thing there is to "them" is your awareness of it.

Because you are pure Existence itself, appearing as many.

That way, nothing is actually affecting You. You are the screen of existence in wich all of this movie appears. You can enjoy the movie with its ups and downs knowing you are all of it and it's only just a movie (inspired by Swami Sarvapriyananda). You don't need to do anything, to change anything. Just understand what it already is.

Go Back To Zero
5 months ago

i just have this nagging feeling that all of this is fake and i cant shake it. i want to believe it so bad because my current 3d is so shitty - dw i wont trauma dump lmao but its BAD - and i NEED the law to be real but everytime i start to apply my brain tells me its not real

God I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve felt like this. I’ve followed the law for about four years now (& less formally for longer) but the thing that always kept me going was this: what would I lose if I just believed in it, even for just a little while?

And the answer was always nothing.

What you do in your imagination is completely private. No one knows your beliefs. No one can see what you’re imagining for yourself. Absolutely no one can judge you for what you do in the privacy of your mind. There is no action to be taken in the law of assumption. It’s all internal, so you lose absolutely nothing by just trying. You lose nothing simply allowing yourself to test the law.

You just continue to live your life normally externally, but internally, you are living as though you are the person you desire to be. You are thinking from your desires and living in your truth in imagination.

That’s all it takes.

So what if it doesn’t work? Then you move on. You live, you’ll survive. I reconciled myself with that a long time ago. But I can tell you with certainty and from personal experience, it’s real. So you’d only be doing yourself a disservice by not trying. And not half-assed trying, either. Genuinely trying. Anything done genuinely, with genuine desire, will succeed, no matter what.

I use this mentality all the time in real life. It helped me manage my anxiety and depression, and it helped me truly give my all when it came to the law. And it paid off.

5 months ago

just a reminder that shifting and manifesting is supposed to be fun. its not supposed to be a chore. the entire process of shifting (meditating, the act of shifting, etc.) is supposed to be fun. stop thinking like you have to do something because u dont have to do anything. its all about what works for you and what you want to do. “i dont wanna do this” then dont do it. its a simple as that. shifting is simple, and it can be easy if you choose to do what you personally like and motivates you.

5 months ago


you guys need to put your time elsewhere


idrk if this is a weigh-in on the situation/discussion that’s been going on but it’s a message to you guys in general…

you guys need to mind your goddamn business, if yall would put that energy you do into dictating what people can and can’t do in THEIR OWN realities, into actually tapping in, you would be in your new reality with no worries in the world or in a much better place regardless.

before i was someone who actually posted on here, i was just a lurker and would see you guys bully people off this app because they didn’t condemn the choices other people made in their reality, for example: race changing. you guys automatically assume that someone who had better things to do than give a fuck is “siding” with people who race change or age up or down and relentlessly harass them until they deactivate. like wtf guys??

and as for me, i don’t give a fuck

if you wanna race change or change ethnicities, go ahead

if you wanna age someone up or down so you can date them, sure go do that

if you wanna script that your friend’s man is actually yours, even though i will never understand that because there are plenty of fish in the sea, BE MY FUCKING GUEST

because guess what? someone’s reality isn’t for me or you to understand. and you guys can say my morals are fucked for saying that but this isn’t about my morals, this post has nothing to do with my morals or yours because those two things have no importance in SOMEONE ELSE’S reality

and the thing is you are wasting your breath because people will do whatever they want at the end of the day. and you are wasting your time ESPECIALLY if said person wants to permashift or respawn because it means they won’t remember anything, it would be like they looked that way and lived like that their whole life, they won’t even remember this whole ordeal and won’t remember your rehearsed thinkpieces that no one asked to hear (including mine)

you don’t have to agree or follow what they are doing, just mind your business and focus on the prize, being your new and perfect reality, you guys could have ANYTHING and wanna focus on what others are doing?? come on now….


go get your dream life, do whatever you want and don’t let anyone tell you shit because it’s your life and that’s something big

yall are so quick to apply pressure to other people for their life choices but never quick to apply all that you have learnt to get your dream life



5 months ago

the side that's not talked bout much: anxious about their dream life being in the physical world

The Side That's Not Talked Bout Much: Anxious About Their Dream Life Being In The Physical World
The Side That's Not Talked Bout Much: Anxious About Their Dream Life Being In The Physical World
The Side That's Not Talked Bout Much: Anxious About Their Dream Life Being In The Physical World

as many of y'all know, i speak from experience. and many of y'all (including myself a few days ago) probably have wondered, "how are there i am state bloggers who preach about pure consciousness being so 'easy' to induce when they haven't even manifested their dream lives?"

my personal reasons were becuz: 1. i was procrastinatin HEAVY TIME and 2. cuz i was anxious about actually having my dream life in the physical world.

this isn't just to pity this end of the spectrum, but to tell anyone who can relate is that i get it. i know how you feel. you read a lot of success stories and you wonder when will you ever send yours. ik it may seem overwhelming to get that dream life within this very hour, but if you ain't gonna do it now, i'm sure you'd wish you did when things get harder.

you don't deserve to feel insecure about yourself. you don't deserve to live in this house that can be blown down by the wisp of someone's breath. you don't deserve to continue hearing, "we don't have the money," or, "where we're getting the money from?" you don't deserve to have more bed rotting vacations knowing that the sky is the limit for opportunities. you don't deserve to feel sad about your parent/s not being able to buy lil luxuries cuz they got bills, groceries, and gas to worry about. you don't have to be sad about not going to the Maldives, Bora Bora, Jamaica or South Korea for your upcoming birthday. you don't deserve to have another boring Christmas. you don't deserve to look at others for their things and be sad that you don't physically have them, when you can within this very hour. you don't deserve to continue daydreaming about your dream life and becoming disappointed when something unfavourable pops up in this physical world. you don't deserve any of this ❤


forget the "what if i fail? 😭😣"......okk?? and you're going to take notes and not repeat the same mistakes next time even if you "failed". real failing is completely giving up, and that's NOT what this community is on‼️💪🏽

and honestly, this is also to appreciate @salemlunaa 💞‼️

i felt the need to write this, cuz ik there are persons who can relate to these feelings, and prolly needed a little sign or sumthing. reading @/salemlunaa's posts definitely helped me realise that i don't have to keep pitying myself any longer and i don't need to 🤦🏽‍♀️. my family deserve to live a restful life and so do i. no more procrastinatin 🙅🏽‍♀️

5 months ago

fuck methods, fuck visualisation, fuck subliminals, fuck scripting, fuck guided meditations, fuck affirming, fuck everything else, all is needed is YOU.

6 months ago

Manifesting is just deciding what food to eat (what you want to manifest) and eating (persisting) until you're full (desire materializes in the 3d).

It's that simple. Stop overcomplicating it.

6 months ago











affirming, visualization, feeling, states, none of it fucking matters unless you PERSIST


6 months ago

persistence ≠ affirming to change the 3D

persistence = affirming to confirm your desires exist

Tags :
6 months ago

Do me a favor and don’t scroll past this post

Read as much as you can, I understand attention spans but if that’s a problem scroll until you see the 🥚

I’ve manifested:

Superpowers (aerokinesis, pain healing, some sort of Ergokinesis, telekinesis, fast reflexes, future predicting even if it’s just little events)

+ some telekinesis because I closed my door, felt like something was gonna happen and then the door locked on its own without me touching it…and you can’t lock it from the other side, you HAVE to be on the inside of my room and only I was there I don’t share a room

Magic into my life + my belief in magic

Attracting magical people

Lucid dreams

Stopping a future event from happening

Seeing stars in my room for a second


Being perceived as beautiful

seeing my aura without practicing AT ALL

Money (this manifestation happened three times without me thinking much like not kidding OMFL)

Feeling like a master manifestor and shifter

Feeling motivated to script

Slight height increase

Being a chaos witch (not the marvel version, the belief version) + maybe a familiar too???? I was meditating and I randomly had a vision and thought simultaneously “black cat” and then some ‘time’ later (not the same day) I hear a cat outside my room at night)

Forgetting about my horrible past (not completely because it was a learning experience but I just don’t think about it like I used to)

A mini Disney princess nature expirience that made me cry

Attracting birds + my connection to my element (wind/air)

Spells I cast working

Paranormal activity (not the door locking)


And what’s crazy is that sometimes I compare my manifestations to people who manifested fairies or went into the void and I beat myself down…

Even if it was little, even if it was such a little thing compared to these other manifestations you see on YouTube and tumblr and shit.

I want you to understand this


You still manifested! You manifested a desire!

That might not take a lot of bravery in the eyes of many loa people but on a world we’re less than 1% know and believe and USE this shit?? Everyone thinks we are Kookoo for cocopuffs for believing in this what they call “delusional witchcraft” or whatever.

You stared them right in the face and said “fuck you I don’t care, I HAVE A CHANCE to get what I want! And I fucking will!”

It took a lot of bravery to do that, this world is full of copy cats. You stand out! You’re you! You’re original, you are MAGICAL!

So yeah august 26th I’m heading to college…I want everyone who Is scared of change, scared of outcome, scared of it all to do me a favor okay?

Manifest it all! Conquer the world!

Sometime…you’ll be on your death bed and either be thinking “wow I did it!” Or “shit! Why did I let my fear block me???”

(Unless you manifest absolute immortality)

But don’t worry you aren’t on there now are you?

This is the story of YOUR life

Not theirs


Love, Luvely

6 months ago

why do u think time never really slows down is it just that time is manmade like deadlines and such? weekends feel like 5 hour breaks rather than a time where we actually have to do nothing for? even then we still end up doing something. thanks for the replies and its nice to talk about other things as well!


Yeah I actually believe time isn’t a real thing and it’s man made and it’s quite obvious actually

Past and future wasn’t ever a thing , past only exists in your thoughts and no where else and future never exists as even if u were to think about two weeks from now, that is still only a THOUGHT and only exists in your brain and even once you experience two weeks from now it will only exist in the PRESENT moment

Since there’s infinite realities, 1990s, 2000s, 2050s ect, are all happening all at once.

6 months ago

If you assume that you are what you want to be your desire is fulfilled and, in fulfillment, all longing is neutralized. You cannot continue desiring what you have already realized. Your desire is not something you labor to fulfill, it is recognizing something you already possess. It is assuming the feeling of being that which you desire to be. Believing and being are one. The conceiver and his conception are one, therefore that which you conceive yourself to be can never be so far off as even to be near, for nearness implies separation.

Neville Goddard, Out of This World

6 months ago

everyone is you pushed out

Metaphysical solipsism is a variety of solipsism based on a philosophy of subjective idealism. Metaphysical solipsists maintain that the self is the only existing reality and that all other realities, including the external world and other persons, are representations of that self, having no independent existence.

everyone is you, everything is you, you are the only soul.

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7 months ago
saint-hadid - 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩
7 months ago



You probably have heard this a billion times but there really is no time crunch because you ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW IN IMAGINATION. There is only NOW. RIGHT NOW. Time is an illusion, and it is! People have time travelled in their success stories and revised many aspects of their life so you can easily manipulate time to your heart's desire!

I have to admit that time has always been one of the biggest obstacles I faced throughout my LOA journey because I would always be worried about time passing, not getting what I wanted in time, or other time-related concerns. I am sure many of us also feel or have felt the same way so I am here to reassure you that there is NO TIME CRUNCH because it's ALREADY HERE NOW.

The whole "time crunch" thing only implies that you don't have your desires yet and that is why you are still worried about time, and spiraling over something that you SHOULD already be owning in imagination!

In conclusion: You ALREADY have everything you desire, you are ALREADY living it in imagination! Stop thinking about time and just go back to fulfilment within! I promise you the law works and it always does, stop giving your worries an the 3D your attention!

7 months ago

You're not "going" anywhere you're becoming aware of the fact you're already there.

You're Not "going" Anywhere You're Becoming Aware Of The Fact You're Already There.
You're Not "going" Anywhere You're Becoming Aware Of The Fact You're Already There.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

Your awareness shifts and your senses follow, so stop letting your senses dictate your awareness.

You are already in your DR. It's a real reality that you have lived, breathed and cried in. It already exists and you already exist within it.

You are shifting your awareness to a life that you're already living. I know that you feel in your heart that it exists inside of you.

You are not just a physical body you are the potential of everything that ever was or ever could be. You're still holding onto the belief that in some way you're tethered to this reality but the truth is nothing can hold you.

I know you can shift because it already belongs to you. You already exist in that reality. It's already yours. The ONLY thing you have to do is become AWARE that its yours.

You know the truth. You belong in that reality and some piece of you, however much your fears deny it, is already there. The second you declare it as yours it is.

Once you accept that it is yours nothing can take it away from you. It has to happen.

There is no "trying" you do not try to exist you just do. You live there, that reality is natural to you. Just become aware.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

7 months ago





first of all, you need to realize that NOTHING is permanent here. you can EASILY change your appearance no matter how drastic the change is. EVERYTHING is possible because YOU create your reality

( ♡ ) a common myth held by lots of people while manifesting is that "manifesting physical appearance changes takes time"

NO. physical appearance changes are AS easy and quick to manifest as any other desire

there is no fixed time to manifest appearance changes, you can grow 15 cm overnight if you say so !!

nothing is fixed here. you can LITERALLY change your genetics by manifestation !!

just assume that you already look like your ideal self and that's it. get into the mindset of having your ideal appearance. the moment you desire something, KNOW that there are infinite realities and infinite versions of you that already have what you desire

so by getting into the mindset of having your desires, the reality will SHIFT to give you your desires

( ♡ ) not seeing results in the 3D?

the only reason for that is the assumption that you're not seeing results in the 3D.

believe it or not, you ALREADY have your results

PERSIST in the assumption that you already have your ideal appearance even though there is no evidence in the 3d for it

if you are beautiful and attractive in your imagination, then you're beautiful and attractive period.

the 3D ( reality ) just reflects the 4D ( imagination ) so focus on changing the 4D and not the 3D

you don't need proof in the 3D to know that your desires are yours

the moment you desire something, it takes form in the 4D plane

but if you PERSIST in the assumption that the desire is yours, then it'll take form in the 3D too

that is how simple it gets, you think of your desired appearance, you persist in the assumption that you already look like it, and you become it

you can change EVERYTHING about your reality

the 3D is like play dough,

you can mould it the way you like to create what you desire <3

anything and everything is possible if you think so

7 months ago
On God

On god