sak39rvd-cliffr - Sak39-CliffR

Husband, Father, Friend, Martial Artist, Nerd.

122 posts

Despite What #zacksnyder, #jasonmomoa, #warnerbrothers, And Even #dcentertainment Say. Aquaman Has Always

Despite What #zacksnyder, #jasonmomoa, #warnerbrothers, And Even #dcentertainment Say. Aquaman Has Always

Despite what #zacksnyder, #jasonmomoa, #warnerbrothers, and even #dcentertainment say. Aquaman has always been cool. #dccomics #dcuniverse #aquaman #superhero #gailsimone #comics #dawnofjustice

More Posts from Sak39rvd-cliffr

9 years ago

The music…

8 years ago

Tells you about all the new readers the movies make...

How to spot a fake geek guy:

says robin is useless

says aquaman is useless

worships batman bc batman is invincible

doesn’t “understand” superman because he’s not relatable or interesting

makes “hero vs hero” posts

probably smells like axe

9 years ago

Why do you dislike Frank Miller?

because he wrote one good batman comic30 years ago and then everyone rode his dick (or as he callsit “the beef needle” presumably for size and tecture)but everything he’s written since is so awful I’d be angry at myself for evendreaming them, his work is so juvenilely grim dark if he wasn’t sodevistatingly old and awful looking I’d assume he was a 13 year old trying toget back at there parents for not letting him change his name from Kyleto “Darkness Knife”, holy terror is still one of the most offensivething’s ever read and knowing how hard he tried to get it made is disgusting,like DC said no to it multiple times and they ok’d a phone in poll aboutwhether or not they should kill a 15 year old, honestly the fact that it haseven a 1.9 on good reads is baffiling to me but then again I guess there isn’ta “when I carry this comic with me on the street birds attack me” button,please go illegially download it and see what a dumpster fire of a comic it is,it is the physical emobdiment of waking up hungover to find you’ve thrown up inyour own lap, his art used to be servicable, not good but like first year artstudent, though overly lined and dark and of course all his drawings of womenare super gross but lately it’s like something they used to leave children inforests for drawing, if I drew anything even half as terrible as his wonderwoman I’d have to kill my hands before they killed me because we’re obviously fighting, all this is without getting into how offensive his comics are, whatwith the xenophobia and racism and making wonder woman a straw man feminist who just needs some dick, and even when his comics aren’t being offensive they’re stillbad, all-star batman is a joke he doesn’t get, sin city is even more unreadablethen the movie is unwatchable (which don’t tell anyone I said that because I’mpretty sure those combination of words is illegal), 300 only found popularity becauseof the movie’s cinematography, Dark Knight strikes again is so boring andforgettable I can’t even make fun of it, his Elekctra and X are just classic garbage™, he also has a ton of like 2-1 issues on a ton of different series because I assume as soon as he turns in his work the editor has to fire him because the pages wont stop turning into snakes, like I could go on and on but everyonealready has, honestly everything he’s written since returns has been almost universully panned and yet he still gets work and I have to hear about what a genius he is from every guy at a comic shop with a killing joke tattoo, the only good thing about him is he often insists on doing the “art” for is own comics which insites such a base primal fear in you you already know to stay away, also he drew this fuckinghilarious Hulk cover

9 years ago

christopher nolan: I've made a masterpiece

anyone who's ever read a batman comic, ever: you've fucked up a perfectly good vigilante is what you did. look at him. he's got angst.

9 years ago


Lets Get #KeepBingingYJ Trending This Saturday!

Let’s get #KeepBingingYJ trending this Saturday!

As everyone has heard, there’s a big chance of Young Justice getting picked up for a 3rd season over on Netflix!

To get the word out, and show Netflix how dedicated the YJ fans are, let’s try to get #KeepBingingYJ, a tag spearheaded by Greg himself, trending!

Now, for those who weren’t present during our original twitter trend attempts, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Make sure to @netflix in your tweet; it’s crucial so that, even if we don’t manage to trend, we can still make a dent in their notifications.

Only use one hashtag per tweet. If you add more hashtags, it won’t count towards the trend.

Tweet as much as you can! Let’s try to get a worldwide trend again.

Be courteous. Should go without saying, but just in case, this isn’t CN that we’re messaging, this is Netflix, and we need them to like us.

Lastly, I will be streaming a few eps for the duration of the trend! Gonna start right at the beginning, and work our way from there, so you can watch while you tweet. Link for the event is right here, so join us if you wish!

Don’t forget to spread this around! The more people who know about this, the bigger our chances are to trend!