78 posts
Salomea27 - Lost In My Thoughts... - Tumblr Blog
Why Yandere isn’t okay
After my dash being full of it, I decided to make a post in the hopes that some people will agree with me, and follow suit.
‘Yandere is a Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone before their devotion becomes destructive in nature, often through violence.’ (Google)
Smut, sexually explicit content is very popular in Kpop fan fiction, and some forms of it are okay (but there have been countless problems including age/etc). But Yandere genuinely confuses and repulses me- it is not bdsm or ‘dom’. It glorifies and pretty much encourages rape, sexual abuse and abusive behaviour- and yet people are happy to read it. It’s easy to forget when you’re wrapped in your little Tumblr bubble that people, men and women are becoming victims to this every second of everyday- that there are people who this has already happened to. Creating imagines out of such a horrendous subject is completely sick and twisted.
Not only that, but it can give people the wrong impressions of these artists in real life- people start to think that’s what these people are like (of course, we don’t know for sure, but you understand my point). It’s always the same people too, members of the group who are quiet or have been described as ‘Tsundere’ are often the subject of this- and I worry about how they’d feel if they saw some of the things being written about them. Yoongi, Taeyong, Jaebum, are some notable ones, but I’ve seen the same regarding even underage artists.
So, from now on, if I see it on my dash or come across it- it’s getting reported.
Some time ago I don't like K-pop. I heard about BTS but I don't really care. Until YouTube put that song, exactly that clip of dancing and singing V so many times like an ad. He is so beautiful and talented, and I adore his faces... I can't resist so now I fan of BTS and I love all of them.

taehyung ➝ mcountdown 190425
Tae is such a sweetheart. He make me like a BTS and love all of them. He's a #1 BTS fan in the world.

“it’s no big deal” by kim taehyung
I love Jimin so much. He is so nice and hard working. He deserves love and appreciation.
The way Jimin antis said that he tops the brand reputation cause he tweets the most and not of the gp relevancy. Ah, what a day; He has tweeted less than five times this year, the least out of all the members and yet, here he is topping the brand reputation the 7th month in a freaking row and 9th month in total with a gap the size of SK. I keep telling y’all, you don’t listen; Karma might be a bitch but she has always been a Jimin bias first, motherfuckers.
Now go cry about how Jimin is Korea’s resident IT boy and he doesn’t even need to try. Jimin nation, the way we all deserve this. You see this is what happens when you focus your energy on supporting your faves wholeheartedly rather than trying to bring others down, take this as a lesson, JM antis; as long as you focus your energies on envying Jimin and trying to bring him down, as much hate you show him, we’ll show him twice the love and you can’t fuck with God’s favorite child. Y’all always want to know what we will do if Jimin doesn’t win anymore, well, I guess you’ll never know cause hardwork and sincerity always win in the end and Jimin is the physical embodiment of how hardwork and pure passion coupled with kindness and humility is gold and as much as y’all try, his success is already golden. Come back and try mess with his success again when y’all bored and feel like humiliating yourselves again loves, until then, stan the face of kpop cause you yourselves know, the only reason y’all hate him is cause your faves ain’t him.
PS From the past two months BTS’s associated most searched words are “Jimin”. BTS have been topping the group BR with the word “Jimin” literally being a key search word for the group, need I remind y'all that Dream glow was the biggest OST from Bts world with nada promotions. He is the most popular idol in Sk right now, your jealousy can’t fuck with his fate. Y'all come for his organic gp popularity in Korea again, Karmy themselves will deck you my luvs.💅

That's it, that's the post.

Imagine comparing Jimin with anyone else when Jimin had one year of training while everyone else had three years and EVEN THEN Jimin ended up being the main dancer and lead vocalist with zero prior experience in singing.
Imagine coming for Jimins vocals when y'all saw him perform 'lie' live; maintaining vocal stability while singing a song that difficult and while literally being lifted up in air and being blindfolded.
Imagine coming for Jimins vocals when he sings all the highest range parts in BTS songs and gets the most lines after Kookie whilst being the center of choreography/killing parts in most songs and even doing flips and shit back in the day.
Imagine coming for Jimins dancing when he's the only kpop boy to recieve a wholeass award from SK's governmental cultural merit association for a 30 second fan dance.
Imagine coming for Jimins looks when blood sweat and tears is the song that gave BTS the biggest outbreak and everyone knows BST was Jimins bitch chereography wise and not to mention he also made the melody for BST.
Imagine coming for Jimins brand and his organic popularity in SK when he has been topping brand reputations for six whole months in a row.
Imagine coming for Jimins popularity and GP impact when he has the most streamed solo from BTS on spotify and soundcloud both and not to mention but the single biggest Korean solo on sc and the only solo from wings that actually charted top5 in SK.
Imagine coming for Jimins stage presence when he has the record for the most views on both official and unofficial fancams in the entire kpop industry.
Imagine coming for Jimin when he was called out at MAMA 2018 on national television as the dancer with the best dance lines and he stood up and did a wholeass bow like the humble and respectful boy he is while all other artists were simply acting smug.
Imagine coming for Jimin when everything he touches becomes legendary. 333Fire guy, 424Not today guy, BST intro guy, Dope red hair guy, Mama blindfold guy, Butterfly Dance break guy, The boy in the red suit, The boy with pink hair; things like these trend when he so much as breathes because his damn star presence is so much that even locals take a whole turn and have to ask, who is this guy?
Imagine coming for Jimin when he has been called the face of kpop, Bts' frontman, stage commander, trending emperor, dance break legend, dance line standard, by the K media and k netz repeatedly but have never once showed off or been anything but humble.
Imagine having the audacity to come for Jimin when the other members have repeatedly said that he's the single most hard working member and that he's the one that they all need in times of stress. He is the one that supports every single one of your biases with his whole chest whilst carrying his own weights and y'all think you can come for him on how he is as a person? I have to laugh.
Imagine coming for Jimin, the purest, nicest most humble and most hardworking boy just cause y'all insecure as fuck and can't see hard work and sincerity thrive.
Like? Coming for Park Jimin is an act of sheer stupidity in itself cause you don't have anything on him. Come for him when you actually have any grounds to stand on. He's constantly winning at everything in life be it streams, relevancy or existence in general. If you're coming for Jimin, you're clowing and embarrassing yourselves luv, move. 💅

I'm almost 30 and I'm write fan fictions.
Reblog if you are or know of an adult fan fiction writer
I’m trying to prove a point
I hope she feel better soon ❤.
I need your help.
Please. I know you’re scrolling through. Just, please, take the time to read this.
Something terrible has happened with my little sister. It happened this morning , in fact.
I.. technically am not supposed to go into details. Just know that my sister will be kept under supervision until Friday.
The point of this? I need your help to get @markiplier and @therealjacksepticeye ‘s attention.
I would like to get them to call her; they’re two of her favorite people.
I may have failed at being a older sister, but this is one thing I can do.
So please. Help me do this for her.
How did “Who Killed Markiplier the Final Chapter” make you feel?

reblog with your own reaction
Hafflepuff pride!
Reblog if you're a Hufflepuff.
gryffindor | ravenclaw | slytherin

I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.
There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.
Reblog this if you pronounce 221B as "two-two-one B."
I’m trying to prove something to my little sister.
If you pronounce it as “two-twenty-one B,” go to this post.
If you pronounce it as “twenty-two-one B,” go to this post.
If you pronounce it as “two-hundred-twenty-one B,” go to this post.
Reblog if you’d be more than happy to see Sherlock and John together.
Trying to count all of us out there…
Yes, please!
Petition for Jack to make a Drawing Your Tweets video with Wiishu
Reblog if you agree.
@therealjacksepticeye You are amazing person, my friend and I truly love you. You deserve for everything good and your hard work will achieve even more. You make me feel important and valuable. You make me feel happy. I’m truly thankful and I hope you have a great time too. (Sorry for my English)

I'm so excited 👻


@therealjackseptikeye make me smile everyday, sometimes I cry with him. It is very good because I don’t have too much emotion in my life. Maybe it sounds pitiful but in most of time I don’t feel anything. Jack, is my hero, he changed my life for better - he enter happiness into my life and I will always thankful for that. I also talk to him, sometimes out loud, sometimes in my mind but in that way I don’t feel lonly anymore. Am I crazy?
(Sorry if my English is not the best but I try).
Fanart made by my little sister, I am very proud of her (http://deblaria.deviantart.com/art/Fanart-for-JackScepticEye-620008157)
This made my day! 💚 😂 I truly love it!
Using a video from @therealjacksepticeye for more than just making your dog shut up

I found this game and this character look like @therealjacksepticeye 😊 So choice was easy - I called my account jacksepticeye.
Polish girl during the votes
Me: at least we are not last
Me: fuck only Germany behind us
Me: omg did we suck this much?
Me: votes from the people huh? Maybe we will raise our game a little.
Me: not bad, not bad. Still waiting for our points.
Me: holy shit mom grab some popcorn
How many Supernatural fans are there on Tumblr?
You are only allowed to reblog this ONCE. Any more than once and this is completely ruined.
Reblog if you’re a Supernatural fan so we can see how many of us there are out there!