Hello, welcome to my blog! This is where I write draw and much more. I write and draw what I like and might open requests from time to time. I do hope you like what you see! thank you for checking this blog out! <3 | they/them 23/18+ content on this blog |
38 posts
Omg So Cute Thank You So Much I Really Enjoying This!! Thank You So Muck Again!!
Omg so cute thank you so Much i really enjoying this!! Thank you so Muck again!! ❤️❤️
Can i have a ship? If It is possible for good and bad~ well the name is julia, i'm 160cm tall and have Brown hair that comes to my waist with black and blue highlights I have sky blue eyes I'm shy when you first meet me but if you get to know me i'm a bitt 'crazy' I love music, dancing, drawing and painting Sometimes i can be a bitt sadistic but that's only when i'm in a bad mood I'm a very loyal person! i love gaming and cosplaying Also i really really love you blog! Keep up the amazing work!
Hi there Julia! I would ship you with…Jerome, and Jim!

So what if you could be a little crazy and sadistic at times…Jerome wasn’t going to judge you for that! In fact, this darker persona within you was what drew him towards you in the first place. Jerome was keen to break through your initial shyness as he wanted nothing more than for you to trust him. It wasn’t long before you and Jerome were close, with you pledging your undying loyalty to him - which was all Jerome needed to feel content.

Jim had never met anyone like you before but he wouldn’t have changed a single thing about you. He accepted that you were initially very shy and didn’t mind that you had your quirks; unable to escape the fact that you were a truly kind and loyal person. Although Jim wasn’t big on dancing or dressing up, he welcomed your interests and admittedly did enjoy seeing you dancing around in cosplay. Frankly, seeing you in various different costumes was rather cute and he just wanted to hug you.
I hope you liked it, my lovely! ❤
dreamingofsunlight liked this · 7 years ago
samhelleborewrites reblogged this · 9 years ago
samhelleborewrites liked this · 9 years ago
pastelcoloredpanda liked this · 9 years ago
More Posts from Samhelleborewrites
"boop." your eyes opened to purple eyes of Sombra, slowly you blinked. "hello Sombra, what can i do for you?" she smirk dropping herself into your lap. a small noise came from your lips as she landed on your lap. "I was bored and came to drop by." rolling your eyes she hocked your arms around her shoulder and legs and stand up. once standing you dropped her in your chair walking over to the computer, looking through it for all the results that came through from Moira. "well i'm busy and tired so please leave." "aaaah, (name) come on~" grabbing her chin you looked her in the eyes. "sombra, i like you i really do, but not right now. i am to. busy!" you growled to her, but instead of beeing scared she smirked. "why are you smirking?" letting go of her face, you turned back to your work. feeling two arms wrab around your waist, a sigh left your lips. "sombra." feeling her not move, your head droped down to your chest, again a sight leaving your pink lips. turning around you looked at her. "i me-" feeling her lips connect with yours a surprised sound left your mouth. after like 3 seconds you quickly kissed back, your hands on her waist as hers were wrapped around your neck playing with your hair. pulling back, placing your forehead on to hers eyes closed. "sometimes I just don't know what i should do with you?" sombra smirked lifting your hand to her lips. "i know what we can bedoing." feeling her lips on your hand, you opened your eyes and staired at her. when a smirk came to your lips, pulling her close to you. "if you are sure." a small blush came to her dark cheeks, pulling her to your room. ----- i say short but sweet.
Slow nights (Octane x reader)
Playing some shooter game on the big tv when the door opened to the apartment. Grinning I threw the controller onto the couch, rushing over to the door. Being greeted by a very tired-looking Octavio, who just let himself drop into my awaiting arms. Softly kissing the side of his head, I pulled him up into my arms.
"Long day?"
A small hum came from him and that was enough for me. Picking him up, I walked over to our bedroom, talking him through the day. He liked it when I talk about my day, made him feel at ease. Place him on the bed, taking off his legs, he let himself fall back. A chuckle left my lips as I helped him out of his pants, taking the mask and goggles from his hands placing them over on the chair. The legs always stay next to the bed, just in case something happens or he wakes up before me.
Walking off to the bathroom, waiting for the water to warm up, picking up a brush and a soft cloth. Filling a bowl of warm water, I walked back over to the bed putting down the bowl and brush. Seeing the rest of his clothing were thrown to the chair. Shacking my head with a smile on my face, I dipped the cloth into the water, feeling Tavi's hands taking hold of my shirt, pulling on it.
Turning to him, I straddled his waist, softly cleaning his face. His eyes slide closed, melting into my hands. Hands gripping my tights, as I dipped and cleaned the cloth in the bowl, moving down to his neck and chest. Leaning down I softly kissed him, he really seemed to be out of it. The fast and loud Octane now all slow and quiet, it's nice for a change but today must have really pulled at him to make him like this.
Pulling back, cleaning the rest of him, I dropped the cloth in the water and pulled out some soothing cream for his legs, sliding off his waits letting his tights lean over mine.
"I love you."
I just wanted him to know, he always seems to care for me so much. I massage his legs with the cream, I could hear the relieved sighs coming from him as he flexed his fingers.
"I love you as well, mi amor."
A grin pulled on my lips, his nicknames for me always made me feel giddy. Finishing, I climbed off the bed taking the bowl with me. Cleaning my hands, I returned to the bed, picking up the brush, pulling Octavio up against my chest. His hands returned to holding my tights, drawing patterns on them as I begin to brush his hair back. I smiled as I see his eyes beginning to drop closed, placing away the brush, I pulled us both down. Tavi laying on his back, placing my head on his shoulder. He rolled over, pulling me into his chest.
"gracias, amor. You do too much for me."
Running my hand through his hair, I leaned into him.
"I see nothing wrong for loving my partner."
His lips connected with mine, before he pulled me into his chest, taking a deep breath.
"buenas noches, amor."
"Good night, sweetcheeks."
Hunt gone wrong (Bloodhound x reader)
Going out hunting with bloodhound and their village was a good idea in the head but now that we are here, I am unsure. Hunting one of the bigger beast who has been putting the village in danger wasn't that smart when you do not know the terrain around you. Hound might have shown me on maps and told me about it but it's way too different when you finally are out in the field.
"jafningi minn, are you alright?"
Looking up from some tracks that I was following, staring up at bloodhound.
"Your head seems to be somewhere else."
Standing, rolling my shoulders, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air.
"Even with you talk me over about Terrain, I'm still unsure about it. I'm just scared that I might fuck everyone over with me not knowing it well enough."
Feeling them place their hand on my shoulder, making me turn to them.
"You will not, jafningi minn. You are one of the best legends I know. We will come out on top." Taking another deep breath, looking up at the sky.
"May the all-father guide us." Bloodhound nods, a small hum coming from their mask, as we moved forwards.
As we moved forwards one of the villagers signaled that the Goliath was sighted and that we should be on high alert. This is it, pulling the hunting knife from my back, holding it tightly in my hand. Let the hunt begin. Hound seems to stay close to me, their own axe held tightly in their hand. Seeing the crows circle in the sky, showing us where the Goliath is.
As we came closer, a roar letting us know that the beast was close and ready to fight us. Signaling hound that I will take position in the trees to give us a birds-eye view and to be able to jump the Goliath. I know we have Arthur, but it would do us good to have someone jump the beast. A scream ripped through the air, snapping us right into action, jumping through the trees, seeing the beast hold one of the villagers in its mouth.
With a scream, I jumped down, nailing my hunting knife in its skull. The Goliath dropping the Villager as one the others quickly pulled them away to help them. Pulling out another knife, stabbing it into one of the eyes. But a harsh shack and a claw almost coming down on me, I had to rip out my hunting knife and slide of the Goliath. Bloodhound jumping onto the beast's backside, making that back leg immobile.
A claw that they didn't see made harsh contact to their side, sending them flying. Landing and sliding away, a groan left their mask, I quickly cut open their front leg. Not enough, that claw quickly came down on me. Rolling backward, the claw missing me, one of the villagers throwing a spear, making the beast turn to them. With it distracted I rushed to bloodhound's side.
"You good?" pulling them up into a sitting position, they nod.
"I'm fine, jafningi minn, Let's finish this."
A grin pulled at my face, pulling them up as we took a look at what to do next. "Take out the legs and then go in for the kill."
"That would be the safest way to do it, jafningi minn."
With our mind set, we each picked a leg and we rushed back in, a roar coming from bloodhound themself. Beast of the Hunt was active, their lenses were bright red, this side of bloodhound was always a welcome one when you are on their side. Turning to the beast, I slide along the beast it's side and went for its front leg. My hunting knife deep in its flesh, ripping through the muscle. Seeing one of the villagers trying to help us.
"No!" the claw came down hard on the villager.
Rushing to the villager I jumped to them, pulling them into my arms and rolling away from the next hit.
Harsh contact was made with my side as Bloodhound pushed me out of the way of a very angry beast. Them sliding away, lying completely still in the snow. Eyes wide, the villagers looked at their fallen warrior.
"Go! return to the village!"
And they did, rushing over to bloodhound, I pulled them into my arms. Trying to check for a heartbeat, with the layers of clothing I couldn't feel anything. A roar made me pull back from bloodhound, tears in my eyes, I picked up their axe. Taking in a breath, I rushed at the beast, hacking straight into its skull. A claw coming at me once more, I jumped back leaving the axe in its skull, but it scaped my head. Hair falling into my face, blood dripping down my face.
It didn't seem to be interested in me, Bloodhound seems to be the one it was after. Rushing over to them, I placed myself over them, glaring the beast down. It came charging at us with a loud roar.
Screaming my head off at the Goliath trying anything to make it back down. It stopped looking down at us, breathing heavy, I jumped up, nailing my knife into its other eyes, and continued stabbing at it. Breath fast and short I wouldn't let up, it had to die. A hand grabbed at my wrist, whipping around seeing bloodhound looking down at me.
"It's over, hermaður. You killed it."
Looking back down at the Goliath it was indeed dead, its head open with stab wounds. Looking back at Bloodhound, I threw myself at them, wrapping my arm around them.
"You're alright. I thought... you already got hit ones I just-"
Their mask leaned against my head, the cold of it stung against my head wound but I could care less, they were alright. Not motionless on the ground. Their hand, pulling on the back of my head, making me tilled my head back, it's seems like they were inspecting my head wound.
"Let's get you cleaned up, jafningi minn. After that, we can honor the beast by making use of it." Agreeing we returned to the village where they helped me clean up.
Staring down at the bones that I requested having, which they didn't have to be told twice. Bloodhound took a seat next to me, hand on my shoulder making me look up at them.
"You did well, jafningi minn. You killed the goliath, helping the village return to peace."
"I know. Thank you for letting me help, Bloodhound. I... Bloodhound what does that name you keep calling me mean?"
Bloodhound looked away from me, their sight now on the waters, their hand taking hold of one of mine.
"It means 'My equal.' as that is what I see you. We have been battling side by side for some time now. I see you as a strong warrior who never gives up. I think the all-father made our paths cross for a reason."
Softly smiling at Bloodhound, I turned to them. Giving their hand a soft squeeze, making them turn their head to me.
"I'm happy to have met you as well, Bloodhound. Having you next to me in the field, it makes me feel stronger and a lot safer. And over the time we spend together, I might have started to feel and look at you more than a friend."
Leaning down, they placed their forehead onto mine. I could feel them smile under their mask. Taking hold of my other hand as well, they lifted it to their mask pressing it asked my hand.
"Thank you, elska."
Recognizing that word from one of the other villagers, a grin pulled at my lips. A happy laugh leaving my lips, slightly pushing against their mask.
"Anytime, my love."
A chuckle left their mouth, pulling me against them, both of us looking over the water as the sun was setting. We might not have said it but we both knew how much we loved each other.
jafningi minn - my equal
hermaður - Warrior
elska - love
I'm sorry if there are any spelling errors!
i do hope you enjoyed it tho! <3
My headcanons for moira (Radom)
- She may seem cruel, but she is just a really sassy lady.
- Loves it if her lover can understand her in her native language.
- Will lock herself away in her lab for days.
- loves her Starbucks.
- hates the cold.
- Secretly cares for her team.
- Love rabbits.
- Loves anime.
- like her lover to be smaller than her, doesn't matter if your female or male or no gender. you must be smaller than her. she likes to look down at her lover.
- Likes to be in control.
- she doesn't hate mercy.
Ocean Eyes (Brienne of Tarth x Female!reader)
Snow... Snow was eveywhere, it made you think of what is to come and what was. but mostly about those ocean eyes, that has seen so much death.
You have known brienne for sometime now, having traveled with her for sometime together with the sweet boy pod. You talked for so long togehter, pob even helping you swordfight. You have learned much from him, what you heard from brienne herself he grew so much over the couple of years.
Sitting by the red tree, at least that is how you called it, looking at the frozen pond as snow began to pile up on your head. You have been sitting there for a while now, thinking, your hands red and nose red as well. The cold slowly getting to you, the big fur cape helping you keep warm.
Slowly looking up snow still falling, your breath being seen in this cold weather. "(Name)?" A soft whisper called your name out in the cold air, the snow crunching underneed thier footsteps. "Hello Tyrion." Slowly you lowered your head to the man standing at the other side of the pond. "What is it that you need, my lord?"
You where not in for a long talk, you just want to go back to thinking in your head. "What is on your mind? You seem to be back here almost everyday. It worries me." A small smile came to your face, you sometimes forget that he was such a good friend of yours. "I have been thinking, with the fight coming up, what I want to do before I may die..." "(Name)! Do not say that! You will come out of this in one piece!"
You chuckled shacking your head, as you stood up, brushing the snow from your legs. "You don't know that Tyrion, I'm not that good with a sword. I'm great with bow and arrow, but that's it, but that will not help me if I run out of arrows." You walked around the pond to his side, a small sad smile on your lips. "Lets get you inside, your lips are blue." Tyrion took your hand, softly pulling you back to the towers. "(Name), promise me you fight to life and not just to fight."
You stopped walking, your hand falling out of his, stairing out infrond of you. That made your really think for what you where fighting for, what made you want to survive that night. There they where again, those ocean eyes making your mind swim with the adoration for her. "Brienne..." "What?"
Looking down at Tyrion, he looked straight back at you. "I fight to surive the night so I can see Brienne again." A small smile came to Tyrions lips as he grab your hand once again walking of to the towers, as the ocean eyes keep hunting your mind.
Once inside, Tyrion left your to your thoughts once more. Slowly you warmed up again, as you keep on stairing into the flames, trying to figure out your mind. Once warmed up, you put your cloak back on and went outside once more. Walking over the wall you looked down at the training grounds. Men where fighting one and other, you should be down there training but knowing yourself, you would space out and get hit by a sword.
It made you chuckle, as you looked on as people trained. Then there where they again, those ocean eyes talking to Jaime. Brienne was talking to Jaime, one of the best swordsmen in the army they have. You didn't feel jelous you felt happy, you where happy that they where getting along for once. A song sprang to your head as Brienne looked up at you. A small smile pulled at her lips, making you smile back.
Once she looked away, you shoftly begin to sing. "I've been watchin' you for some time. Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes. Burning cities and napalm skies. Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes.... Your ocean eyes." Your voice rang through the air, to soft to be heard by brienne and the other soldiers but for those on the wall, who was no one, could hear it.
"(Name)?" Tyrion came to check up on you but saw you where gone again. "I can't leave t-" Looking out of the window seeing you ontop of the wall looking over it, seeming to talk to yourself. As you looked up at the sky, a softly laugh left your lips. It was more of a sad one, then a happy one it was even proven so as a tear left your eye. "No fair. You really know how to make me cry. When you give me those ocean eyes. I'm scared. I've never fallen from quite this high. Falling into your ocean eyes. Those ocean eyes."
Trailing alone the wall, not looking back at brienne as you sigh, wipping away your tear. Sansa and Daenerys walked outside, Jon snow soon following after them. When Daenerys looked up and see her friend walking over the wall seeing you wipe away your tear. Worry took over but seeing Tyrion walk up to you a bit of her worry fade away.
"(Name)?! Why can't I leave you alone for two seconds?!" Hearing your sad chuckle, made him look up in your eyes. "I've been walking through a world gone blind. Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind. Careful creature made friends with time. You left her lonely with a diamond mind. And those ocean eyes." Her soft song made him realise what she was singing about. "(Name) go talk to her, you need to tell her. T-"
"I can't! It will not tell her, it will only weigh her down. And it seems she likes sir' Jaime look at her." A grin came to your face, you turned to look over the wall again looking at the training ground. Tyrion softly sigh taking hold of your hand rubbing the back of your hand, softly asking to continue the song.
"No fair. You really know how to make me cry. When you give me those ocean eyes. I'm scared.I've never fallen from quite this high. Falling into your ocean eyes. Those ocean eyes." Not being able to look at Brienne, your ripped your hand out of Tyrions and rushed of to somewhere els. "Dammit (Name)!" Hearing your name being called in to the cold air made Brienne look up at the wall seeing you dissapear out of sight.
The door slammed shut, as you stood infrond of the fire, crying into one of your hands. Those ocean eyes made you think of them maybe falling shut forever this coming fight. Not seeing them again, not seeing the spark of joy in them, or even sadness. It made you sick, sick to think about not seeing her again, alive and well. You just didn't know what to do anymore.
Brienne made her way up the stairs as she saw Tyrion standing there, worry in his eyes as he looked around for you. "My lord, what happend? Where is (Name)?" A small growl left his lips, running his gloved hand through his hair. "We where talking about something, she got angry and rushed off. I'm trying to find her." "What where you talking about?" Silents hang in the air for a few seconds, unsure if he should be trueful. "You... We where talking about you." Her brows frown, unsure if she heard him right. "Pardon me? You where talking about me?"
Slowly you stopped crying, as you has your cheeks began to hurt as did your eyes. You felt like a child, crying over your stupid feelings. "I'm such a child." Looking over to the window, you sigh running a hand through your hair, letting it fall in your face. "I fight for you tonight, Brienne of Tarth. For I love you, and i will till I die." You whispered into the empty room, still seeing your own breath leave your mouth.
Tyrion and Brienne where looking around for you as they bump into Sansa, Daenerys and Jon. "My lady's, my lord, have you seen (Name)?" Sansa nob, a frown on her face. "Yes why?" "(Name) ran of. I may have made them angry or something." "I saw (Name) run of to the more far of rooms. Let us join, I'm worried for my friend." Deanerys said, already beginning to lead them to where she saw you last.
"Why where you two talking about me?" "(Name) loves you." Brienne stopped walking, shock run through her body. "Me? A beast like me? A woman like me?" Tyrion sigh, shacking his head. "(Name) doesn't care about how you look, she cares for you because despite every man or woman trying to bring you down, you still continue to be yourself. You're stand fast, you fight for the once you are loyal to. And that is what (name) loves about you." Brienne frown as she quickly walked of to find you, she needed to talk to you, she want to hear it from you. Those words that Tyrion said, she hoped they where true, she didn't believe them unless she hears them from you.
Moving over to the window, you look out over the sky as the last part of the song sprang to your head. "Why not..." You took a deep breath slowly sing the last part. "No fair. You really know how to make me cry. When you give me those ocean eyes." Your voice seem to be so loud in Briennes ears when she heard it, your voice brought a heavy feel to it. "I found them." Deanerys softly whispered, as she slightly opened the door. There you where stairing out of the window, softly singing the last part of the song.
Deanerys pulled brienne to the door opening it more, But brienne stopped her. "What do you think your doing, your grace?" "You need to talk to (Name), tell them at least something." Slowly brienne entered the room as you kept on singing. "I'm scared. I've never fallen from quite this high. Falling into your ocean eyes." Slowly turning around you saw those ocean eyes staring back into your own (c/e) eyes, your eyes widen. Stepping back you whispered out the last line of the song. "Those ocean eyes." It was silent for a few seconds, none moved or said anything.
Brienne took a step to you but you quickly stepped back. "Can we talk, (Name)? I heard from sir' Tyrion, that you had feelings for me." Your eyes widen, looking over at the door seeing Tyrion looking at you with an apologetic look. With out saying anything, you turned and stormed out. "(Name)!" You didn't listen you wanted out of there, you thoughed you could trust Tyrion, but it seems like you couldn't.
Hearing her footsteps run after you, you turned a corner trying to run faster. But a hand wrap around your arm, stopping you in your tracks. "Please, (Name) listen to me, are the words sir Tyrion told me true?" Looking up at her, you saw the doubt swim in her eyes, she was so insecure about herself but hearing those words from Tyrion, made her hope. "I don't know what he told you b-"
"He-he told me you... you see me as me. That you don't care about how I look. You care for me because I'm stand fast and that I-I-I.." Softly you placed your hand ontop of hers that was still holding on to your arm. "I love you for you, not for your looks, even if you are so beautiful in my eyes, I love you because your a strong woman who does what she has to do and what she wants to do. I-I-I... I love you because I love all of you!"
Tears fell from your eyes as you looked up at her, scared you may have scared her with your words. But surprise arose to your mind when tears appeared in Brienne eyes, as they fell on top of your cheeks as she was towering over you. Her hand fell from your arm as your hand fell to your side. "I-I-I'm sorry! I should have just kept m-" Briennes lips crashed into yours slightly pushing you back into the wall, you quickly kissed back, her lips felt so soft against yours. Quickly standing on your tiptoes trying to make it easy for her, still brienne had to hang over you.
Softly pulling away from one another, both of you being sort on breath, as you stared in the other ones eyes. "I love you." Brienne whispered back to you, her breathing still short but fast. "I have for a while, but you always seem to drift off in your head. So disconnected from the world that you seem to not care for anyone in the world." Shacking your head you wrap your arms around her midsection, the armor may be uncomfortable but you didn't care. This moment seems to be fake, a dream to be popped at any moment.
"I'm an airhead, but I do care for a lot of poeple, I may not show it much but I do. I'm just scared to get hurt and have my feeling made fun of." That made Brienne kiss you again, making you realize this was not dream, she was here in front of you, kissing you, pressing you up against a wall. Brienne pulled back, a small smile on her lips that reached her eyes, she looked so beautiful like this in the dim light. "Don't worry, i would never hurt you, nor your feelings. I love you, (full name)." Smiling up at her, throwing your arms around her shoulders as you stood on your tiptoes.
"And I you, Brienne of Tarth. and I you..." You whispered back.