Aquarius (20) she/her We worship Pedro Pascal in this house
169 posts
Sarcasmismyonlydefense24 - B - Tumblr Blog

Kingsman: The Golden Circle but only the good parts

I feel this on an emotional level

All hell wouldve broke loose!!

Me at any given point in my day.

one ticket to paris, please

me after opening tumblr to those spam porn bots posts when all i wanted to do was read a silly ass fanfic:

Kai: Is she going to be ok?
Elena: Yes, just keep applying pressure
Kai, leaning in closer to Y/n: If you die, Damon and I will have no supervision
Elena: Not like that!
Damon: It's true!
Needing some Maurice “Frenchie” Theriault x reader stuff NEOW

SPOILER: When Ashoka kicked Anakin in the face and he did that deranged smile, that was lowkey sexy. 😩
I have come to the conclusion that I am not pro nor anti anything except for pro Lucas and anti Disney
Omega: *runs into the room with Lula in her arms after having a nightmare* There's a monster in my closet...
You: Sweetheart, monsters aren't real.
Hunter: There is nothing in your closet.
Wrecker: Monster?!
Tech: *sighs* There are no monsters in your closet, Omega. They aren't even real.
Echo: Go back to sleep, Omega.
Omega: Okay... *leaves*
Crosshair: *rolls his eyes*
-Five minutes later-
Omega: T-there's still a monster in the closet...
Crosshair: *stands up, annoyed* Alright, where?
Omega: *takes him to her room*
Crosshair: This closet? *points*
Omega: *nodding with tears in her eyes* Uh huh...
Crosshair: *takes his sniper rifle and shoots into the closet three times* Is it still there?
Omega: 😶

people who don't watch clone wars because of the animation don't know what they're missing out on
they really made obi wan look like the biggest dilf in the galaxy with the long hair and beard huh

Forget that this is a promo pic for a second
Can we talk about how Obi-Wan and Anakin both look like they’re taking mugshots 😭
All I can think about is the Barbie movie pics with Ken and Barbie together taking their mugshots 💀

Photos of the star wars men being boyfriend coded. I love them sm.
Reblog with more cause there are simply never enough.

I have never been more attracted to someone in my life ✋

Pedro Pascal: But…what if I didn’t JUST sit in the chair??
*Proceeds to slide off, pick up the chair, or kick his feets in the air*

-ada limón
Gurl I just woke up to Pedro Pascal booty all over my Tumblr, Instagram and TikTok

(Let's not let this take away from his amazing acting in the movie)
strange way of life doesn’t come to australian cinemas til august so someone in spain needs to do me a fucking solid