sarwanoodle - Sarwa Noodle
Sarwa Noodle

she/her they/them - moths are pretty cool - you can ask me things if you want

187 posts

NDO Doesn't Talk Much At All Anymore. She Still Sees Some Of Her Actions As Justified, But She Doesn't

NDO Doesn't Talk Much At All Anymore. She Still Sees Some Of Her Actions As Justified, But She Doesn't

NDO doesn't talk much at all anymore. She still sees some of her actions as justified, but she doesn't want to talk about it

NDO doesn't actually hate SFS, but she's extremely hurt by him cutting his local group off. The only person she would let know this is RotS, and that's only because RotS has full access to her systems.

NDO hasn't asked or tried to repair her puppet at all.

NDO is scared of RotS, absolutely terrified, but will never admit it

Sometimes The Phantom, Legs, and other creatures will bring NDO rocks or small scraps of metal. She plays with them like toys and acts out scenarios with them, probably to try and figure out how she could've done things differently

  • blackblooms
    blackblooms liked this · 10 months ago
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    puro-shark liked this · 10 months ago
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    sarwanoodle liked this · 10 months ago

More Posts from Sarwanoodle

11 months ago
sarwanoodle - Sarwa Noodle

More about The Prophet and Butterflies below \/

The Prophet is known for their visions of the future, supposedly shown to them by The Deity of the Hunting Grounds, but nobody really knows if they're real

The Prophet does not eat moths, and is very curious about them. He's tried to communicate with one before, but his hunting buddies scared them away

Some butterflies have teeth, some don't. They aren't used very often, since they just. suck the nutrients out of the meat. Maybe some butterflies enjoy jerky idk

Butterflies have retractable claws on their hands, and said claws are bendy?

Butterfly wings are usually pretty big

An average Butterfly is 6 feet tall, taller than moths, who are around 5 feet on average

The Prophet talks about The Deity of the Hunting Grounds way too much. He'll talk about it any time he gets the chance

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11 months ago

Yes except if I were to draw it it would look weird as heck.............



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