As a person who loves Slavic mythology(and a Inscryption already),I read that Leshy could have a kid (also wife, but let's don't talk about it)
So here we are,Leshy's kid(I think that she would be adopted (?)) - Lesha
She's lazier than her father,but she also likes play card games like him

And a color version, because why not

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new flashing youtube ad just dropped. here's the first frame

you have exactly 3/4ths of a second before the flashing lights start. there are three bursts and each lasts just under half a second. they're red and black.
hope this is helpful. consider circulating this.
Today’s random quote from something I’m writing;
“I threw it back on Dracula??!”
-Dom, Doctors Excuse

That one bitch from Doctor’s Excuse
Tie ur shoes cunt
Just the Three of Us

Vlad Dracula Tepes x Reader x Lisa Tepes
Summary: You have feelings for your closest friends that you’re not proud of. Luckily for you they might feel the same.
Word Count: 1.3k
The sunshine slowly melted into moonlight, as the sun fell below the horizon. Lamps sparked on in windows, illuminating the small town you resided in.
Low voices sounded through the streets as families settled for dinner. You set your own table for dinner as well, setting three seats instead of one. Two good friends of yours were expected to come by tonight.
Lisa and Vlad Tepes, also known as the fearsome Dracula. You met Lisa a few years back and nearly ran when you saw her husband. Mr. Tepes doesn’t try to hide his true nature, the vampire king wears a cloak and heels.
They were the ultimate power couple, both as brilliant as they were attractive. Lisa one of the smartest doctors you have ever met, and Dracula was a man of science. His castle was filled with old technologies you could never even imagine. They could make you swoon with just a glance.
Guilt swelled in your chest, you couldn’t help but feel ashamed from fantasizing about your friends. They are happily married for years now, and here you are thinking about how gorgeous they are.
Several knocks at your front door saves you from your thoughts. Quickly placing the cooked chicken on the table, you rush to the door.
Behind the door stands Lisa and Vlad, both smile at you warmly.
“May we come in?” Dracula voice causes a slight shiver down your spine, adding to the shame.
“Of course!” Moving to the side you gesture towards the dining room, “Dinners all ready, have a seat.”
“It smells delicious,” Lisa places her hand and your shoulder as she passes you, sending another shiver through your body.
“T-thank you” They sit next to each other at the table.
Dishing up two plates, you place one in front of Lisa and place your own at the head of the table.
“I have some red wine if you would like some?” You offer Dracula, to which he gently declines.
“I’m quite alright, thank you.” You nod and start breaking off pieces with your fork.
Silence settled in the room, only broken by the clanking of silverware and soft chewing. Slowly disintegrated into an awkward silence as the couple to your right exchanged glances.
“Is everything alright?” You place your fork down, the tension in the room to much to handle.
“Oh!” Lisa looks to Dracula for a moment, as if looking for help. “The food is delicious.” Her smile is tense, lacking her usual calmness.
“There’s something else bothering you two. I can’t quite enjoy my meal with the two of you as stiff as statues.” You force a chuckle, but they don’t follow. Choosing to give each other a knowing look before both sighing.
“Our apologies, we’re just a bit-” She pauses, seemingly struggling to find the proper wording “distracted.”
“What is the matter? If you don’t mind my asking?” You push your plate away, Lisa places her fork down and does the same. A tightening in your stomach leaves you unable to even look at your half eaten plate.
“Vlad and I have been...talking.” Dracula nods, and Lisa turns to him to continue.
“Yes and we have come to a similar verdict.” They pause both seemingly waiting for the other to continue.
“Well what is it? Come on spit it out, the suspense is killing me” Your hands are shaking slightly, so you lay one flat on the table and the other clenched in your lap.
“You’re a very kind and brilliant woman.” Dracula lays his large hand over yours making your cheeks warm.
His cool skin touches yours, and it takes you a moment to register what is happening. Yanking your hand away you look at him like he’s got three heads.
“Are you mad! Your wife is right there, you bloody-” Lisa’s voice interrupts you.
“I agree with him.” Is all she says, placing a hand on his arm. They sit patiently waiting for your response, but all you can do is still at them.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say...Thank you?” They chuckle at your blatant confusion, sparking a bit of anger.
Clearly Lisa sensed your change in demeanor and stopped laughing, “I’m sorry, we don’t mean to upset you. We actually have a proposition for you.”
“Proposition?” Dracula nods and Lisa looks to him once again.
“We wish for you to join us.”
“Join you? Where are you going?” Dracula shakes his head.
“Allow us to explain. We wish for you to join us in our relationship.”
Lisa nods and holds the vampire's hand, nothing but love in her eyes as she gazes at him. Nothing changes in her look as she turns back towards you. “We have been talking about you a lot lately, and decided to open our love to you.”
She reaches her hand out, you hesitate but place your hand into her open palm. “I can’t tell if you two are being completely serious.”
“We are,” Dracula places a hand over both of yours, “And we would be honored if you’d accept our feelings.”
“Well?” Lisa squeezes your hand a bit, pulling your attention towards her, “What do you think?”
This wasn’t real, it was just a dream that you’d wake up from any moment now. There’s no way the married couple that you’ve had feelings for are actually admitting they feel the same towards you.
“This doesn’t feel real, am I dreaming?”
“Is this something you would dream of?” Dracula asks with a smirk, your heart pounds as you nod, not trusting your voice to respond.
“Well then is that a yes?”
“If you both are serious, then I definitely agree.” Placing your other hand over Dracula’s hand, you genuinely smiled.
A thought interrupts your joy for a moment, “Wait. Are we talking like romantically involved with you two or just physical?”
“Romantically, of course.” Lisa winks at you, “But we are hoping to eventually lead into the bedroom.” Your palms are definitely sweating now, but you can’t help but smile.
“So we’re in a polyamourous relationship now? Will this really work out?” All of you pull your hands away.
“Communication is important for any healthy relationship, even with all our differences we are able to love each other for who we are.” Lisa’s words make you feel a sense of overwhelming joy, tears form in the corner of your eyes.
“Honey, don’t cry.” Lisa leans over and wipes the tears away, “Would you like to spend the night back at our castle?”
You nod a bit to fast, but they seem just as eager. “Let me just clear up dinner and pack some things.”
“Allow us to help.” Dracula stands picking up the half eaten plates, the blonde stands as well, picking up the empty wine glasses.
“Thank you.” You smile sweetly at them as they walk towards the kitchen, walking towards you as well.
“Anything for you, my love.” Lisa winks before leaning over to place a gentle kiss on your cheek, no doubt feeling the warmth radiating off your skin.
Dracula leans down placing his cool lips onto your other cheek, “Our love.”
They both continue their journey to the kitchen leaving you having a slight heart attack.
If someone had told you that tonight you would form a relationship with two of your closest friends, you would have sent them to the nearest asylum. But here you are, frozen in shock and joy.
“Where do you keep the soap?” A feminine voice calls from the kitchen.
“I’ll be right in.” You call back, rushing to meet the couple in the kitchen. The air no longer feels suffocating. In fact, you feel better now then you have in a long time. A weight lifted off your shoulders, knowing your place in their hearts.
Despite the unpredictable future of being in a relationship with one of the few woman doctor and the king of vampires, you feel at ease with the whole situation. For the first time the future seems brighter, even if you’ll need to adjust your sleep schedule a bit.