most likely to become a lover, not a fighter
25 posts
Savvatruly - Tumblr Blog

no one ever came to visit us
not any family
no strangers
no big, bad wolves

who am i in the dark?

This is fabulous. It is? You're in the dark period. Before light and wisdom come to you. You must forge through it, and once on the other side... you will be grateful to this moment. But you must keep going.
POOR THINGS (2023) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos

speaking of bubbline and lottienat…

if the two of them had lived long enough to watch but i’m a cheerleader together i guarantee things would’ve been different

Yellowjackets x The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
The exact same positions…

Yellowjackets 1x01 - 2x09
(for @mistysnat )

Dead Ringers (2023)

I’m not doing this. F*ck you!

"don't worry guys. we might be stuck in the middle of nowhere, but hey, at least there's porn" - van palmer, 1x03
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo | favorite color [temp]

"Don't leave my hyper heart alone on the water Cover me in rag and bone sympathy"

"Lord of the Flies" // "Yellowjackets"

Whatever exists at the earth's center will get me sooner or later. Sooner. Than I think. That core of light squeezed tight and shut, dense as a star, as molten mirrors. Dark red and heavy. Slab at the butcher's. Already it's dragging me down, [...]
Margaret Atwood, Selected Poems II (1976–1986), “Aging Female Poet on Laundry Day”

woody allen die bitch saturday

misty haters dni

100s postcards project : 47/100s

Killing Eve 4x01 || Hannibal 3x01

requested by anonymous.