scarakabu - kabuchan

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Why Is Making Friends So Hard ()

why is making friends so hard (/。\)

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7 months ago

Crazy thing man but fiction is fiction, in order to hurt anything in real life there would have to be people who were going to do that specific thing anyways.. So is it really the fiction or do we just have terrible people in this world?

7 months ago

TikTok antis are so corny lmao

TikTok Antis Are So Corny Lmao

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7 months ago

a minor got dogpiled by 1.2k people on twitter because they said bring pro self ship would be considered being proship

another minor got made fun of by an account with 70k followers over their “proshipper art style”

I thought antis cared about children /sarcasm

Omfg, I know what you're talking about. The minor even went private and someone screenshot their acct and called them a coward. I actually ended up quoting that, telling them to leave him tf alone. So that person ended up blocking me after the ratio and I'm just thinking "who's the god damn coward now?" Like ppl even told this minor "I hope a gun explores your body" THAT IS A DEATH THREAT. Minors sending other minors death threats OVER FICTIONAL BS. But they act like they're in the right all the fucking time. Like I'm sorry, if you're getting pissed off that a 16 yr old said selfship is proshipping, maybe go outside.

And also, idk about this one (I don't think) but it made me think of M1das. I have that asshole blocked but they were saying proshippers have the ugliest art styles while also calling someone else out for making fun of someone's art. And then they said "it's fine to make fun of people's art if they're a proshipper." person's art should be made fun of omfg. Like if you have a problem with proshippers, fine. You're just dumb. But why make fun of peoples' art? Even 5 year olds have better manners than that asshole.

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7 months ago

the idea of “good people” is a myth. we are all just people who are capable of doing good and bad things. nothing absolves you from whatever actions you choose and those who choose to harass others will always be worse than those who keep to themselves and don’t harm anyone. thought crime is a myth perpetrated by the far right and evangelical christians


7 months ago

When will Gen Z stop feeling threatened by ftms for identifying with the lesbian community, calling themselves lesbians, calling themselves male lesbians, ftm lesbians, lesboys, etc. Go to a lesbian bar please.

Gender and sexuality is weird. Telling ftm lesbians to "identify as nonbinary" is weird. Some people just aren't nonbinary, they're ftm and lesbians. Who are you to tell someone how they experience their gender and sexuality?

Lots of people make the argument that "identifying as contradictory labels invalidates everyone." Other people's identities are not invalidating your own. Your validation doesn't depend on how other people who don't know you exist. There is no wrong way to identify or express your gender.