sebrem77 - sebrem's photo stream
sebrem's photo stream

Random pictures I took during everyday life and other stuff from the internet

1499 posts

As The Weather Here Is Going Up And Down At The Moment, On Tuesday There Was A Chance To Take A Picture

As The Weather Here Is Going Up And Down At The Moment, On Tuesday There Was A Chance To Take A Picture

As the weather here is going up and down at the moment, on Tuesday there was a chance to take a picture of the #fountain in #Stadtgarten #Dortmund without people sitting around it 14.7.15 #latergram (en Dortmund Stadtgarten)

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9 years ago

Not much to see here - but in case you're curious about the #sound of the onomatopoeic named #chiffchaff (auf Deutsch lautmalerisch #Zilpzalp genannt) press play ;-) #birdsong #Technologiepark #Dortmund #summer #pink #flower (en Martin Schmeisser Weg 16 Dortmund)

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9 years ago
A #pink #flower In #Technologiepark #Dortmund 14.7.15 #latergram (en Technologiepark Dortmund)

A #pink #flower in #Technologiepark #Dortmund 14.7.15 #latergram (en Technologiepark Dortmund)

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9 years ago
In #Dortmund #Kirchhrde Ist Es Auch Schn! :-) #Sommer #Allee 10.7.15 #latergram #DOberrascht (en Do-Kirchhrde)

In #Dortmund #Kirchhörde ist es auch schön! :-) #Sommer #Allee 10.7.15 #latergram #DOüberrascht (en Do-Kirchhörde)

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9 years ago
A Small #yellow #flower And #kerbstones 14.7.15 #latergram #Technologiepark #Dortmund (en Technologiepark

A small #yellow #flower and #kerbstones 14.7.15 #latergram #Technologiepark #Dortmund (en Technologiepark Dortmund)

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9 years ago
Google+ Applied Some #filter To This #rosebush Pic 15.7.15 #Keuninghaus #Dortmund #Nordstadt #latergram

Google+ applied some #filter to this #rosebush pic 15.7.15 #Keuninghaus #Dortmund #Nordstadt #latergram (en Dietrich Keuning Haus Dortmund)

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