sephinot - Sephinot

21 | if I'm active I'm spiraling down again

48 posts

Schau Dir "Star Wars: Heir To The Empire - Opening Crawl" Auf YouTube An

Schau dir "Star Wars: Heir to the Empire - Opening Crawl" auf YouTube an

Friendly reminder that the Heir to the Empire has a fan-animated adaption thats about as close to 100% book accurate as it gets, and it's literally the best thing ever. Its not fully done yet and releases in episodes, giving us everything Disney never could.

#thrawn #thrawntrilogy #heirtotheempire #lukeskywalker #marajade #leiaorganasolo #hansolo #cbaoth #pellaeon

  • cortannian
    cortannian liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Sephinot

3 years ago

This is a star wars eu love blog, in my world, disney never made sequels

#lukemara #heirtotheempire #ificoukdsuedisneyfortheemotionaldamageireceivedfromthesequelsiwould #starwarseu

1 year ago

Supernatural writers, take notes

rick riordan really did just send his gays to superhell but like in an ally way didn't he

3 years ago

Still not over the fact that Disney not only denied us Luke having a loving marruage with his assassin wife but also that they made LUKE SKYWALKER, the guy who REFUSED to believe that the dark side was a one way ticket, who believed in EVERYONE, be it his nephew Jacen Solo or his students Gantoris or Kyp Durron, into a guy who senses darkness ONCE in his emo boy nephew and goes HERP DERP BETTA KILL HIM. yes, Luke wasnt always right in the EU, but this is the guy who redeemed Darth Vader. His belief in the good heart of people is entirely justified, and if you want someone to attempt murder on a child with "darkness inside him" have it literally anyone else, preferably Artoo bcs he dont fuck around.

This concludes my Luke Skywalker rant

#starwarseu #starwarslegends #legends #notmycanon #lukeskywalker #marajade #skyjade

4 years ago

Reblog if you can grab the fat on your stomach.


4 years ago

Reblog if you are absolutely disgusted by your body

When looking in the mirror is a nightmare