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507 posts
Oscar Grant

Oscar Grant
More Posts from Sergeant-macho-nacho

Israel just released a video claiming every civilian house in Lebanon has a giant missile launcher in it.
No evidence, no proof, just a low grade CGI video. Just like the one they made about a Hamas base under Al Shifa hospital in order to justify its complete obliteration even though it had been debunked time and time again.
They’re justifying killing Lebanese civilians. They’re justifying the deaths of innocent men, women, babies and children.
Israel is a blood thirsty state filled with psychopaths. They will not stop until they’re forced to stop and I will pray everyday that Hezbollah burns that cursed state to the ground. For the sake of humanity.
Israel is a huge threat to the world. It needs to be abolished and wiped off the world map.

They are both calling "antisemitic" defenders of the human rights and feminists.
soft ass bitches
This is what happens when IDF terrorists come face to face with the resistance instead of dropping bombs on babies and children.
The IDF are the most cowardly “army” I’ve ever witnessed.
They know they can never take on the resistance through close combat, so they choose to conduct indiscriminate airstrikes instead, killing thousands of innocent civilians.