The biggest sesskagu shipper anti sess/rin or rin / sess
204 posts
What The Kirinmaru Of The Dawn Really

What the kirinmaru of the dawn really
I swear they must have stolen this from yona of the dawn
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More Posts from Sesshomaruxkagura
Every episode makes me believe more that these twins are part of naraku's family
Even setsuna not that much like sesshomaru
Seriously, Sunrise?!

What the f is kirinmaru going to turn in to a butterfly 🦋 🤣🤣🤣🤣 this so stupid omgg

And I totally forgot about this character I forgot all about him I forgot his name this anime is just a big mistake

Is it only me who saw rin's squirrel or rabbit's teeth 😂😂😂

A cheap copy is so little to say this is a 1 cent copy bro
Now these Pedohime fans are going to far...

Don't compare Riku to Byakuya. Riku is not him and he will never be close to Byakuyas character. I'm freaking out when it's about my little baby. Yashahime trys to rip off the magic from the original Inuyasha, but they will never successfully create a fanbase as big as the OG one.
They try to put Rikus character close to Byakuya but it's just a cheap copy.
I wish if some of the trashahime fans can answer any of my questions or it looks like you guys your self don't know what the f is going on here
1 ) why is the story full of holes ever where
2 ) why zero didn't just kill the twins instead of burning the forest
3) why when r¡n said " sesshomaru sama please go save towa or help towa or whatever he went to setsuna like come on
4 ) why sesshomaru didn't kill kirinmaru from the beginning
5) why sesshomaru didn't take rin with him when he took the twins
6 ) why mirako and sango didn't do anything in this shit
7 ) where is shippo you fuckers 😤
8 ) why did sesshomaru give the black pearl to moroha why he didn't do it from the beginning inuyasha is not weak to die versus kirinmaru you know
9 ) what the hell is wrong with sesshomaru mother
10 ) why kohako when he talked about the people who helped him in the past he didn't say anything about our beloved Queen Kagura ❤💔
I still have more to say but show me your answer on these questions first