A Targaryen Alone In The World Is A Terrible Thing.- Jon Gets Stabbed 5 Seconds After Aemon Leaves.
A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing. - Jon gets stabbed 5 seconds after Aemon leaves.
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Flash Season 4 Midseason Finale
Honestly Barry is really forgetting a lot of what he can do this season and it really bothers me. I mean okay he is getting faster and slower a lot but I wrote that off as Barry not knowing how fast he can be (like the bullet scene earlier this season was much faster than season 3, but then he had scenes where he was much slower than previous seasons).
But so far he forgot that he can
-breach (crossover)
-fly (season 2 Christmas Episode against Mardon and James)
-vibrate other things (Wally once vibratet an entire train after Barry tought him in season 3)
And the thing is: Barry would have been fast enough to get the body away and the blood and the knive. And the Thinker SAID he wasn’t going to hurt his family, so why would he let them take him.
Also if you went to prison once, no matter how innocent you were you are fucked for the end of your life. He wouldn’t get his job back with the police, people would know he went to prison and still think of him as guilty, because people are stupid.
Also there was just a body, I didn’t see a wheelchair, so there suddently appeard a body and the alarm of Barrys flat went off and then the police were there, that makes no sense to just arrest him.
And you can’t arrrest someone for the murder of something unless you have complete and utter prove that person killed the other person, as in you’d have to see it.
And Barry looking at that photo of Iris and going like: yeah her life is probably better of with me in prison and people thinking she married a murderer, also I’m not going to be there for her. Makes no sense.
look, i know the bully fandom is kind of dead, but reblog if you’re still in it
So I watched Star Wars the last Jedi I while ago. And I usually wait a bit of time before I make up my mind about something so big, just because with time you see more than just your first thought.
Even though, my first thought was not a bad movie, the Star Wars feeling was there, but by far not the best one. So my boyfriend and I both were discussing TLJ yesterday for a long time and our results were pretty much the same on our problems with the movie itself.
First of all my personal favourites: -the scene where Holdo craches the ship is amazing -the ironing scenes was perfect
So and our combined review to TLJ parted into each character storyline: -We really likes Kylos storyline from start to finish. It made sense and we saw how killing Han changed him. The whole scene with Snoke and Rey worked out perfectly well and we could see his Force Mind Powers Work. The only problem we had here was the figh scene with him and Rey against Snokes minions. Because Kylo wasn’t better than Rey. Rey is a good fighter by all means, but she is not nearly as trained in fighting with a lightsabre as Kylo is and she simply can not be as good with the Force as he is. Even Anikin took years of training to be that good. So while I am fine with saying that Rey is a very strong Force user and her having a chance against a heavily injured Kylo is fine with me, her being a nearly as good fighter as Kylo doesn’t make any sense here. in Iron Man 2 there is the scene where Happy takes out one guy and then turns around while Natascha took out everyone else, that scenario would have been more likely from what we know about those two.
-Hux was great from start to finish. Nothing said. A well used side-character and we saw more interaction between him and Kylo so we know his opinion towards Kylo better which will be even more interesting in Star Wars 9.
-Phasma was underused. That is it. There was so much about Phasma being a really big villain this movie and she was just not. The scene where a piece of her helmet is missing and Finn looks at her with the notice that she is just a human too is really good. but they wasted her character this movie. Again.
-Well they killed Snoke off halfway through. So we know nothing. It was clear from Episode 7 that he was going to die, but at least one or two questions more answered about him would have been nice. At least what exactly he wants from Kylo. Beause he really seems to be going on about the Dark Side, even though he isn’t a Sith. So something in that direction would have been good.
-Well Chewbacca wasn’t doing much this movie, like R2D2 and C3PO which I am fine with. They are giving the movie over to the next generation and giving them less and less screentime makes sence.
-Leia using the Force was cool and all. But they could have made it better. Because honestly there was no way they would have been able to open that door for her. Her getting knocked out for half of the movie made sense by all means and her getting upset about Poe was good. That Force scene just didn’t make sense from a physical standpoint. At all.
-Holdo. Okay Holdo. Laura Dern looked great, acted great and her character was another waste. She had no reason not to tell Poe anything at all. Yes he fucked up, but that doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t tell a guy who is known to be a bit of a wildcard that she actually has a plan. And she reacted way too late with her turn the ship around plan. After they started attacking the first ship she should have turned around, not after they killed half of the people.
-Luke was great. Simply that. I personally really liked the 3 what really happend scenes between him and Kylo. his storyline and progression in character made sence. And he went out like a boss. And Kylo facing him with that same fear he had when he saw Luke the last time is wonderfully acted by both of them.
-Rey is a Mary Sue. I really like her but she is just an unbalanced character. She has way too many positive chacter traits and practially none that are negative. And she just can do anything she wants to. Nobody can do that. Anakin was the chosen one but he had all kinds of flaws. Rey doesn’t seem to have any. Or at least they are not shown as flaws. And they could easily give her some. Her running after Luke after he told her no could have been made into a negative charater trait. Let’s say you see Luke telling her and why. And her going on and harrassting Luke about him training her and never stopping. It wouldn’t have been her not giving up and staying strong, but rather her being nagging and annoying only thinking about herself and not what Luke went through. And she’d have a flaw. And she shouldn’t have succeeded with her nagging. The scene where Luke is in the ship could have turned him around, reminding him of himself in the good old days, but not her nagging. As mentioned above she is too good at fighting. Even Luke had more training lessons with Yoda and Rey still fights better whith a lightsabre with practially no training. I get it she is fit as hell, makes sence. her being a good fighter with her staff a-ok, but her mastering lightsabre fights like nothing makes no sence. Her stealing the books was a good scene. Even though Force Ghost Yoda wouldn’t have been able to summon a lightning bolt like that. Rather Luke wanting to burn the place down and then being undecicive and the weather naturally burning the place down would have made more sense. And Rey should actually be the antagonist in the next movie. Why? Because she is the unbalanced one. Kylo/Ben figured it out. It’s not about the Dark Side or the Light, it’s about Balance. She didn’t, she still wants to be a Jedi. So technically she’s the villain now. And her scene in that hole, while it looked amazing condistributed anything to her character. It was supposed to represent her Dark Side or something but it didn’t really tell us anything besides that they are great with CGI.
-The whole plot surrounding Rose, Poe and Finn, or rather the whole casino-plotline was pointless. It was completly pointless. Rose was likeable and all but she didn’t distribute anything to the plot the another character couldn’t have done. But then again the whole casino plotline made no sense. Let’s start with Poe’s part. As mentioned before Holdo has no reason to not tell him anything. Him stayling put makes less sense, it’s the opposite of his character to do that as established in the first few minutes of the movie. So why is he off all people staying behind at all? And I get that Finn should have gotten this whole the world isn’t devided into good people and death eaters but technically he shoudld know that, because he used to be a StormTrooper. And even if he needed at new refreshment of that sentence they could have made that everywhere else too. You just need some morally ambigious character for that. So I think they should have just scrapped the whole Casion plotline and do somthing else. So to bring everything together let’s say Phasma contacts them. She want’s to execture Finn in front of the Troopers so they know what happens to traitors. There she tells them that they can get the children or off the ship of something. Holdo says yes, Poe dislikes her because of it, he offends her and she doesn’t come to tell him about the upcoming plan of evacuating the ship. Finn is already without knowing what’s up on his way out of the ship, meets Rose who is holding him off. A whole mess accures. Finn doesn’t want Poe and the others to die. Poe is for fighting instead. Finn knockes him with Rose help out, she thinks of him as a great hero again. Finn still thinks about searching for Rey instead, but gives the search device thing to Poe instead and goes off to Phasma. She wants him to see the rebels dying first, he gets thrown into a cell, meets Mr, Shady guy who teaches him about moral ambiguity. Ship crashs he get’s out of the cell, Shady Guy has a chance to help him but doesn’t, Finn sees Phasmas humanity and get’s his ass saved by Poe who came after him, because he can’t sit still for three seconds and get’s him off the ship. Poe’s storyline is arguing with rose about saving Finn against saving everybody. At the end neither of them is sure what the right thing to do is. but Poe doesn’t want to let Finn die at any chance and he takes that from Rose saying to save those who you love. Poe goes to save Finn. Later on the planet when Finn is about to sacifice himself Poe crashed into him instead. Maybe Rose sacifices herself for all of them like her sister did instead. So anyways, a lot of Phasma and Finn interacting on the ship, so we have more going on between them.
-And do something with that salt. You can do so much great shit with salt than just making it look cool. And who touches some white crystal on a planet you don’t know, that shit could be toxic. -A big problem we saw was the fact that they wanted strong women and they wasted every single one of them. Rey is a Mary Sue without any flaws which is very unrealistic, unrelatable and annoying. Leia is still a badass, but mostly uncontious, which makes sense, but she was the best female character in the movie and that title shouldn’t fall to someone who is uncontious. Holdo was wasted because she acted shady to someone who is as loyal as you can be. She acted unprofessionally because Poe got told off by Leia, which makes her someone Leia wouldn’t have put in a position of power because it is extremly unprofessional. Well Phasma was hardly in the movie which is a waste of a really interesting character and an amating actress. And Rose had no distribution to the plot. And that is exactly the thing they did with women from the start, throw one in so that there is a woman there. She doesn’t need to have to be plot relevant or anything.
HELP please: I am looking for a song, and it’s lyrics are stuck into my head and driving me crazy, because I can’t remember the title.
So if anyone knows the song, please let me know. That would be awesome.
It goes: “You’ve got to shine, shine, shine, and then you’re mine.”
So I am watching the Middle and apperently whoever writes this has no idea whatsoever about the two big types Christianity:Protestants and Catholics. Which in white TV America is pretty interesting.
I mean in earlier seasons they had a pastor who had a girlfriend. So Protestant, because catholic priests aren’t allowed to have relationships. But then later they talked about getting a confirmation (also Protestant, even thouh Catholics have communion, which is at different age, but has about the same meaning), while also talking about going to hell, because Brick isn’t confirmated. Which is not a thing with Protestants, because the whole point is that Jesus died for your sins, so it’s pretty much impossible to go to hell.
And then in season 7 it’s talked about a guy becoming a priest, as in a catholic priest, so he can’t marry, even though they apperently share the same believe, so he has to be Catholic. And later in the same season they actually say they are Protestants.
I am used to people fucking up everything about Muslims, Hindi, Bhuddists and pratically every religion that they do not have or have directly in front of their eyes all the time (75% Christians in the US in the last poll in 2015, so when season 7 aired). I mean as shitty as it is that they have no clue about some of the biggest world religions, I am sort of used to it, because I know it’s not something you might see every day, but you know Tv industry is pretty white and christian. So now I am putting on the long list of things American TV makers have no idea how things work: Christianity. Which is impressive, and not in a good way.
And I know all of that just by going to school, And I am out of school for over 6 years by now.