Character x Reader One Shot's that I don't have a book for on Wattpad / just one shot's I wanted to publish here too, Wattpad: @Seven004 & @SinDuckling (I take requests, might not be done but I take em)
28 posts
I Am Farah From Gaza. I Am In My Final Year Of School, But The War Came And Destroyed My School And My
I am Farah from Gaza🇵🇸. I am in my final year of school, but the war came and destroyed my school and my home and took away people dear to my heart. I now live in a tent in the city of Deir al-Balah. We face many hardships such as pollution, diseases, insects, and hunger. So I opened this campaign to survive. The war of genocide. If you want to help me, donate, publish my posts, and talk about me in a post or video🙏. You are my only hope of survival‼️🫵
My compaign vetted by @ 90_ghost

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More Posts from Seven-004
reblog if you believe fanfics are as valid as books that were published and sold by authors who write as their main careers. I'm trying to prove a point
Hello, this is a longshot saving life call, I am Ifrah Abdullahi Mohammed from Gaza. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, just an injection for today to save my life please I beg. I was diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes and due to the current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. My donation link is attached in the pinned post, I might have sent this ask to you earlier but kindly consider donating and sharing. This is the only option I have at the moment to save my life from going into a coma.
Unexpected ally
Mito Yohei x Reader
I've seen little to no content for Yohei and simply couldn't stand for it. The most I could find were a lot of Yohei x Hanamichi on AO3 and only 1 on Wattpad for him and reader. It made me so saddd, he's literally my favorite in the anime I needed to give him some more love myself. Anyway enjoy!

"Do you like basketball?"
Akagi Haruko inquired as she approached the gym doors to watch the team practice. The interhigh tournament was nearing and the boys were especially enthusiastic in comparison to the start of the season and even tryouts
"You could say that" you answered politely, Akagi was here on her own today without her two friends or Sakuragi's rambunctious army
Truthfully you had somewhat of a crush on one of the members of such
She hummed "Well I think I'll be going now" you bid farewell as who'd you'd actually been here to see was absent from spectating today and began to leave
"Ah wait!" She called out to you and you turned curiously back "I'm Akagi Haruko" she introduced herself with a warm smile
"(L/n) (Y/n), I'll see you around" you returned the smile waving a final goodbye before heading home for the evening
— • — • — • —
You glanced over -fortunately or unfortunately for you, you were also in year 1 class 7. Your seat? Next to Sakuragi- the red head himself had brought it amongst himself to find out if you were a fan of this particular genius
"You're the one from practice right? The one who was talking to Haruko yesterday"
This was the first time you'd actually talked, he was intimidating sure but overall not a bad person
"Uhm yeah, I've seen a couple of the practices why?"
Quite a devious look overcame his rugged features "You must be a fan of mine huh"
You almost choked but managed a simple deadpan "I- well-" he took the stuttering as confirmation "not really, sorry"
A look of utter shock took over his face before being replaced with confidence "Probably because you don't yet know the amazing capabilities of this genius, that must be it!"
"Sakuragi quiet down back there!"
You ducked behind the student in front of you to avoid the teachers glare
Sakuragi kept calling for your attention for a while longer, it was surprising that it was a first considering how restless he usually was in class. Then again he often dozed off or cried his rejections away
Throughout both the class and the short exchanges with the male you kept trying to steal glances at the boy two seats in front of you
Something the self proclaimed genius took notice to, for someone who didn't seem all that bright he was oddly perceptive
"Ohoho I see!" He cackled that devious look returning to his face startling you from the peering over the shoulder of the person in front of you that you were doing
"Youuu like Yohei~" he taunted in a singsong-ish voice
"No- that's not-" you turned away with bright cheeks, guilty as charged
Through the playful teasing and friendly smiling Sakuragi didn't seem all that scary anymore
— • — • — • —
"Hey! It's (Y/n)!" Sakuragi approached with his army of delinquents as some would say
"Ah Sakuragi" you smiled as he got closer
The boys beginning to tease as he talked so casually to you "Oh? Over Haruko already?"
"What- not at all! Haruko is the only one for me" he turned to glare at the accusor and proceeded to headbutt them causing you to laugh
"Oh there she comes!" Anyone could see the internal panic as she walked closer
In his panic and true camaraderie Sakuragi quickly grabbed Mito by the shoulders and exchanged places with him so he'd be facing you instead. Catching you off guard and consequently a bit flustered
"Hey?" He greeted sheepishly, his pompadour slightly disheveled making him look the perfect amount of rugged
"Hey- hi!" Mito didn't miss the octave jump or how your reddened face deepened a shade
You both loved and hated Sakuragi right now. But above that wanted to dig yourself a hole in the ground
Mito chuckled finding your overall demeanor endearing which in return made the blush spread to your ears. That sound was your new favorite as of now
"I didn't know you and Hanamichi were friends"
"Oh that, he kind of just started talking to me in class one day. Something about being his fan because he saw me watch practice a few times?"
For all you'd thought Sakuragi was perceptive initially Mito was even more so. Noticing immediately how the tension left your body when Sakuragi was brought up
"Are you?" He asked curiously just trying to keep the conversation going while such talked to Haruko and the rest of the boys participated in their conversation as well. Sometimes unnecessarily to Hanamichis dismay
"No! Er- well I'm not there to see him at least, not that I don't see him- wait that came out wrong"
Mito watched in amusement as you tried to both compose and not expose yourself. That sense of endearment came back to him as well as did the tension to your body
Being under the slight impression that you liked someone else on the team and were trying to hide it. Another Rukawa fangirl perhaps?
— • — • — • —
You walked to practice with Sakuragi, taking the route to the outdoor side of the gym while he split off to the locker room
Haruko whom was already there greeted you. Having talked to her a few more times now while watching practices with a new sense of kinship to the team now that you had befriended the simpleminded redhead
Sakuragi was quite sweet once you got to know him and you hoped Hakurko would come to realize such if she hadn't already
"Are you stupid?" The chatter of the boys was heard around the corner as they approached. Who knows what they were talking about
"Ah you two are already here" the lot of them greeted which you returned now being a bit more comfortable with the four rowdy teens
Whom were still secretly betting on who your crush was, still thinking it was someone on the team. Not sure wether to expand their options after the whole Mitsui scandal you were present for with the girls
There were hardly any practices left until their first match and both spirits and tension was high
But just like how Sakuragi still managed glances at Haruko you did at Mito as well
It was hard not to when he was leaned against the door like that perfectly in sight. Holding his uniform jacket lazily over his shoulder with a soft smile watching his best friend find his calling
His head perking up and looking your way only to find you staring. Embarrassed, you quickly looked away and back at the shooting drills missing the way Mito's cheeks grew a soft pink
— • — • — • —
"Guys I don't think (Y/n) likes anyone on the team" Mito contributed as their wagers increased
Sakuragi surprisingly able to keep his big mouth shut on the whole thing. And perhaps not actually being aware of the waiver they had going
"What makes you say that Yohei"
"Well- I think" he flushed a bit rubbing the back of his neck "maybe I'm her crush?"
The boys erupted into laughter all respectively making their comments of disbelief
"No way she likes you Yohei"
"You really think she'd like you over Rukawa!?"
"Ha! She probably likes cool upperclassmen Miyagi"
The choruses of laughter continued but after he'd caught you staring like that he couldn't get the thought out of his head. Maybe the boys were right. You were out of his league but they couldn't stop him from dreaming
— • — • — • —
Mito would now proceed to analyze any interaction you had like some passionate underpaid detective. His suspicion shifting to Hanamichi, it seemed like you two were closer than he initially thought
In reality the two of you had become each other's wing men in a sense
"Ah Hanamichi!" You ran up to the tall boy with a wide grin not even attempting to hide the giddiness in your step as you approached Yohei's best friend "Guessss what!" You jumped to high five said boy who was in actuality only holding his hands to about shoulder height
"Huh? What is it (Y/n)" although all the guys referred to you with your first name now, hearing it come from his best friend who currently held your attention made Yohei feel a slight pang
It was an odd sensation he'd never felt "Haruko was talking about you! She said you're improving a lot" the classroom was mostly empty and the others weren't around to rejoice in the small celebration the two of you shared
"You hear that Yohei!"
Hanamichis voice brought him out of his thoughts and into the present. That little exchange has now made his whole day as Hanamichi overflows with energy and enthusiasm now. Taking off into the hallway 'accidently' and not so subtly bumping you into Yohei who catches you swiftly
"Hey! Watch where you're going Hanamichi!"
It comes off more aggressively than he intended but the perpetrator is already out of the classroom
After the initial irritation resides his attention returns to you now going to make sure you're okay. The bump itself wasn't very hard but everyone knows Hanamichi can be quite a brute
Only he finds you already captivated by his face
He has very clear skin and it looks great. Even when he often gets into fights it's obvious he takes care of it. With the way his eyebrows are tappered and no remaining evidence of any of his fights
"You're beautiful"
He looks stunned, a slight blush creeping it's way onto those supple features
Now realizing you said it out loud, a look of utter mortification overcomes your features and you make a dive for Yohei's collar to hide your embarrassment away still securely in place in his firm arms. You can hear his chuckle and even feel the reverb from where your face is timidly tucked away in the crook of his neck and chest
He could feel the heat radiating from your face and he enjoyed the way you hid with him from him. It was cute. Especially when you weren't like this around any of the other guys
Finally recognizing that earlier pang as jealousy "Well you look beautiful as well"
You groaned clenching his open school blazer "You're teasing me aren't you"
Another melodic chuckle pushed it's way passed Yohei's lips "I'm really not. Promise" you could hear the smile in his voice and didn't believe him but he gave you a reassuring squeeze nonetheless
Such making you aware of being in his arms. The sudden awareness of this making you squirm. Yohei released his grip only enough for you to be able to pull away far enough to see him face to face
The proximity made your heart race. But the way your face stayed red and the small pout on your lips gave Yohei butterflies
"I think- no, I like you.... a lot" he smiled so genuinely but kept you in place so you couldn't hide in his collar again. Voting to instead hide your face behind your hands "Aww come on (Y/n) don't hide from me, please?"
You nodded but didn't make a move to actually remove your hands yet but he patiently waited. When you moved your fingers to peek he was also blushing quite a bit but didn't look the slightest bit embarrassed or teasing in any way
"I- I like you- I like you a lot too" it came out as a squeak. And it took everything in you to put your hands down but the way he looked at you so softly like there wasn't anything else in the world made it worth it
"Can- can you say it again for me?"
You nodded but got on your tip toes to try and reach his ear. Only for him to slouch down against his desk so you could reach him
It took gathering all your courage and clenching your skirt to be able to do it but instead of saying a word you bashfully pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. He immediately straightened up to his full height pressing a hand to his face looking rather dumbstruck "I could... get used to that"
Can you do an imagine/scenario where Hisoka is crushing on one of the most powerful hunters he’s ever met but they refuse to fight him? (They have the patience of a saint). 😂

Ok so I don’t usually do imagines but someone *coughcoughmodtrash* has shoved me back into this hell hole so here we are. I know this is terrible but I hope you still like it??? (¤﹏¤;) -Mod Sin
Keep reading
Drunken love
Nami x Reader

She walks up behind you. Her distinct footsteps identifiable. It was the ginger navigator of this vessel. "Why all alone hogging the booze?" She asked in an amused tone. Almost mocking, but somehow not in a bad way
You sat on a barrel, hidden away on the quarter deck of the Sunny behind Nami's tangerine grove. "Hogging? I'm a lightweight and this is all I managed to sneak away before Zoro began giving me the stank eye" her amused snort morphs into a cute laughter and you can't help the blossom of heat that sprouts in your chest
You'd already finished the barrel you sat on. The only thing left was an almost full bottle in your hand that you savored every drop of. Casually sipping between hiccups "You're wasted, come back to the main deck" you heard Luffy's laughter ring out. Breaking away your intense staring into the universe to meet Nami's eye
"Go back and join the noise? Why bother when I've got my two favorite views right here" you manage to catch the way her eyes twitch wider at the smooth compliment. Her normally sly features going soft. It was a sight for sore eyes
Her smile all but melts you. More so when she joins your side to watch the the soft ripples of the sea's waves. The moon making it glimmer in silver specs here and there. You offer her the glass bottle, which she takes. Taking a nice gulp before returning it. You take another casual sip. Only now savoring the flavor left behind on the bottles rim instead of the contents inside
A comfortable silence blanketing the ship as the night finally began to consume the boisterous pirates. They were still positively loud, but a few voices now missing. Passing the bottle back and forth a few times
"I love you" you swivel around your drink. Or whatever alcohol is left in the bottle really
"You're drunk" she says. Disbelief hanging heavy from her tone. Disbelief and uncertainty. Nervousness the only thing clear in her brown irises when you look into them
"Drunks," you stand on wobbly feet. Legs close to putty "and children never lie" taking a few swayed steps before pausing to steady yourself "at least not well" you march right back to the party as best you could, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Or whatever was left of the party as the noise finally died down
You gulp down what's left in the bottle, your figure disappearing into the grove