Character x Reader One Shot's that I don't have a book for on Wattpad / just one shot's I wanted to publish here too, Wattpad: @Seven004 & @SinDuckling (I take requests, might not be done but I take em)
28 posts
Reblog If You Believe Fanfics Are As Valid As Books That Were Published And Sold By Authors Who Write
reblog if you believe fanfics are as valid as books that were published and sold by authors who write as their main careers. I'm trying to prove a point
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More Posts from Seven-004
Tony Stark - Seven minutes in heaven one shot
Tony strut into the communal floor holding up a black bag. My eyes leave the book in my hands and go to rest on him. "I have a proposal!" He grins, quickly stepping down and entering more of the little lounge area "And none of you can refuse it" he slyly adds in, grin only growing mischievous and untrustworthy
I kick my feet down from where they were on the arm rest, having been sitting on the chair sideways. I slide my bookmark in and close my book resting it on my lap and propping my chin in my palm as I give Tony my full attention. He waits a bit for everyone to give him their full attention before thrusting the black bag forward, presenting it to everyone. I see Nat quirk a questioning brow
"Get this" he shakes the bag letting it's contents clink "You're all bored-" Sam opens his mouth to protest but Tony immediately holds his index finger up effectively shushing him "soooo let's play" dramatic pause "Seven Minutes in Heaven!" He oh so dramatically announces
"No" I state affirmatively picking up my book again. I see Tony's baffled expression through my peripherals but pay it no mind as I reopen my book and scan to page looking for where I'd left off
Tony's amused scoff resounds around the little living room "You know what, just because of that sass, you're going first" I glare at the word right after the one I'd just left off on
For God's sake, I hadn't even taken by bookmark out yet!
I let out a deep sight through my nose and give a few bemused nods. As I dramatically leave my seat with a scowl and step up to Tony. I grumpily shove my hand in the bag "Stupid childish game" I mutter digging in and pulling out the first thing my hand comes into contact with
My eyes widened at what I'd pulled out of the bag. I drop it back in and make a run for it. Clint is quick to hold his arm out making me collide against it doubling over his arm. He reels me in and tosses me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
"Clint! Clint!" I kick my legs and flail my arms. "Put me dowwwwwn Clint!" I pumell my fists against him. I feel him flinch under me with each hit
"I'll drop you!" He warns and I scoff
"Go ahead!" I challenge and hit my fists against him more agresively now. He does and I yelp as I hit the ground but am quick to recover; as I try to swiftly get off my back and on my hands and knees. Clint is just as quick to grab my ankle to prevent me from scurrying off. He groans behind me in pain I'm guessing from his now sore back, yet still holds on to me firmly. I claw at the floor and push myself with my one 'free' leg managing to get nowhere in particular
Thor gets up from his seat at the bar counter behind the lounge area. He approaches and scoops me off the floor and tosses me gently into the closet in one swift motion. Wanda closes and locks the closet door from her spot on the couch with her powers. All before I can get off my ass and run out of the closet unfortunately
I whine loudly pumelling the door begging to be set free. "Oh (Y/n)~" Tony coos from the other side "Stop trying to break the door down so I can come in and join you hun". I let out one final loud whine and fall back sprawling out on what space I have of the closet floor. The plain, empty closet. I begin to wonder how many just empty closets Tony has in the tower for things like this. The daunting feeling of being stuck with no other than Playboy himself returns when the door opens
I glance up, only lifting my head to peek. It's Stark himself peeping through a door only open enough for his head to fit so he could make sure I'm not at the door ready to run. I stare at him briefly and let my head fall back with a gracious thump. Making no effort to leave now that I'd gotten comfortable on the floor. The door creaks as it's opened more. Tony stepping in at my feet and closing the door behind him. I hear the lock click and any hope of leaving without actually breaking the door down leaves me
Not that I couldn't brake it down... Not like Tony would let me break it down. I sigh, resigned. I shift a bit and bring my feet in closer to my bum, to allow him more room. Only now realizing how spacious the closet really is. I fit comfortably with my arms fully spread out on either side of me; only my knuckles brushing up against the walls. My legs could probably spread out a deal more until they bumped against the door, leaving my knees only slightly bent in the air
I hear a tad bit of shifting and see Tony's silhouette slump to the floor into a sitting position. He seems to just stare at me from his corner next to the door. I sneak glances at him, his gaze never leaving me. It begins to make me uncomfortable after the first minute so I push myself to sit in the corner across from him. We stare intently at each other for another solid minute before he says anything
"You know I wouldn't actually force you to do anything right?" He asks, somewhat obviously
"I- um well-" I fumble with my words before muttering a small "yes" I know Tony well enough to say he won't mess with anyone who doesn't want to be messed with, unless he's messing with them only for the sake of annoying them. Which in the moment, he doesn't seem to want to annoy me
But I also know Tony well enough to know he's good enough at whispering sweet nothings at anyone and sweep them off their feet. And that's what the feeling of dread was about. It was about being another one of his one-night rushes of lust. Because I liked him too much, I liked him too much to be another on his list of girls who's names and face he wouldn't be able to remember in a week, or the next day at that. He meant too much to me to let myself stoop to that level and be forgotten like the rest. I loved him too damned hard to let him have his way and get into my pants, because that was probably all he wanted. And all he'd ever want with me, and I wasn't ready to face that fact. So I clung to what I could
It all dawned on me the second I looped my ring finger under the jump ring to his R8's key and pulled it out on a whim. A whim of simply pulling out the first thing I felt; fed up with being forced into this childs game in the moment. Had I not sized the situation up so quickly I'd probably been more willing to be locked up with him for the total of seven minutes. Seven minutes with him in solitude and in the dark to do whatever we pleased. But no, I did size everything up the instant I lay my eyes upon that damn Audi R8 key
Tony probably noticed the conflict and mix of emotions in my heavy gaze because he shifted uncomfortably under it. My gaze flickered between him and my lap "Something on your mind?" I looked up to find the vague outline of his eyes. Not knowing how to answer I only nod in response. "Penny for your thoughts?"
I scoff shaking my head "A nickel so you don't give a damn?" I retort. A smirk lacing my lips
Tony chuckles "I'm a billionaire, I'm sure I can afford your thoughts" my smirk only grows at his remark. I shake my head another time getting ready to spill my guts out. I'd most likely regret this later but hey, you only live once right?
"I was just thinking about-" I let my head fall back and rest it against the wall as I look at the ceiling "about why I didn't to play" I chuckle as I rack my brain for a way to explain my thoughts in a way that made sense "why I didn't want to play with you specially"
"Aww, am I really that bad?" He asks playfully
"No" I trail off "quite the opposite infact" I sigh, dragging a hand up my face and through my hair "I'm far too caught up emotionally to play a game like this and let it go too far in the heat of the moment" I feel my heart welling up my throat "only for whatever happened to haunt me later and break my heart because I know it won't mean anything to you and I'll just be another on the list of girls you were able to pull" I reel my legs in and hug them close to my chest like if that could shield me
I hear more shuffling, but I don't look up from a dark spot on the floorboards I'd been focusing on after my readjustment. It was likely a stain, or a bug considering they were floorboards and you could just wipe anything off. There's a light push under my chin that guides me to look at the new found mass of heat just in front. "Darling" I still avoid looking "You most certainly aren't the rest or even remotely like them"
I scoff and swat his hand away "Yeah right, keep up the sweet talk" I frown knowing he's just saying things to make me feel as special as the rest did in the moment "maybe I'll believe it if you say it long enough" I won't let him have his way. I can't let him have his way, for my sake
"Oh I doubt it, I've kept it up for years and it hasn't done me any good" he moves his index finger from under my chin to have his whole hand cup my cheek "Even then, you're far too classy and self respected to let my sweet talk get to you" he chuckles dryly and his eyes show the most sincerity I've ever seen "You are worth so much more than a little flatter here and a cheesy pick up line there. No, you deserve the utmost respect and love and admiration" his thumb caresses my cheekbone softly and I can't help but lean into his touch
God, why do I love him so damn much. It hurts knowing it's all a beautiful lie. Tony would never, he has a far better variety to choose from
My eyes surely betray my conflict because the hurt in his eyes is instantaneous. "You don't need to believe me" he mumbles, it makes my heart just tear apart "I know I'm everything but deserving of you. But if you could just-" his tone is desperate and so are those deep coffee-coloured eyes of his "just give me a chance to prove I can. To prove I'm worthy of you. I swear I won't let you down"
He leans in and rests his forehead on mine. Eyes closed. I stare, so full of overwhelming emotions and conflicts. A tear escapes down my cheek but it doesn't make it all that far before it's wiped away by his thumb. I waste no time and press my lips to his softly. It's a gentle, cautious lip lock. As if to test the waters. Tony was mindful of this passionate but rather guarded kiss and let me take the lead
My internal discord slowly eased away as the tender exchange continued. We pulled apart and I moved so my legs now rested behind either side of him. I was close to straddling him as my arms eased around his torso, my nose nuzzling into his shoulder. We held each other serenely for what little time was left
And true to my word, Clint opened the door no more and a minute or two after. His head poking in "You decent?" he asks, eyes shut. I roll my eyes, he peeks an eye open when there's a lack of response; sighing in relief when he only sees us hugging in the corner together. "Your times up!" He says the obvious
"You don't say" I comment sarcastically, untangling myself from Tony and offering a hand once I'm up. He takes it and I pull him up. We both promptly exit and I make my way to the singular sofa I was sitting in before the game. Expectant eyes turn to me to spill. There wasn't any yelling or lewd noises at that, hardly any noise whatsoever really, which makes the Avengers curious as to what went down within the small confines
I take my time to fix myself comfortably in the chair. Tossing my legs over the armrest and nuzzling into the other. I give them all a wink, chuckling when they groan at the lack of juicy details
Oh what juicy details they're missing out on indeed
Hello dear friends
My name is Ahmed Khalil from the Gaza Strip. I am a member of a family of eight. Our home was destroyed, and we were forcibly displaced from northern Gaza to the south after orders from Israeli forces.ππ
With a heavy heart and a feeling of shame, I am sending you this message from under the bombardment and destruction. The relentless bombing never seems to stop, making Gaza an unsafe place to live.π₯Ίπ
I ask you to stand by my side and help save me and my family. We urgently need your financial support and help in sharing my posts so that I can secure the basic necessities for my family. Additionally, your donations can help us evacuate to a safe place.πππ
Your small donation and sharing will make a difference and have a significant impact. Please don't hesitate to donate and share.ππ
Thank you for hearing my story.
My campaign is verified by @90_ghsot
Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism ππΎ you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.

@seven-004 you right
Can you do an imagine/scenario where Hisoka is crushing on one of the most powerful hunters heβs ever met but they refuse to fight him? (They have the patience of a saint). π

Ok so I donβt usually do imagines but someone *coughcoughmodtrash* has shoved me back into this hell hole so here we are. I know this is terrible but I hope you still like it??? (Β€οΉΒ€;) -Mod Sin
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