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Wicked 1

wicked • 1


↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?

↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader feat. Seokjin

↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut

Word Count: 4k

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Note: I’ve sat on this story for like 8 months and I still feel bad for posting but bYe I’m a hoe for e2l and I sure hope y’all are too bc gOd daYum

Wicked 1

To be a princess, is that of obtaining and following duty whenever it calls. Whether you agree with it or not is of none concern to no one, even yourself to an extent. There were many times in your life when you could assume that, if you felt strong enough about a situation, eventually, your parents would sit you down and work something out that was, at the very least, comparable.

Those times were few and far in between as you often understood that you had to do things, even if you didn’t personally want to, from a young age that you could no longer remember. But still, to be told this. It was a laughable matter at the time, you were so shocked that you couldn’t even fully believe it, it was two years ago after all. But for the day to have finally come. 

For the little bubble you had sheltered yourself in, to pop.

It was laughable only at how pathetic you were, you had two years to prepare. And yet here you were, still in denial and even more bitter than before. You had cried, begged your parents for some other alternative, but low and behold, they could only look at you with pity in their eyes. After all, what good was a daughter outside of selling off in marriage?

“Mmm, is something wrong, my love?” Your heart beat had risen and your hands were a little too shaky, was it because you were naturally shy during such activities as these? Or was it the shame cast over you? This was the day you’d meet him, and you were currently in your room doing this. 

A hand tenderly stroked your face, cupping your cheek as he gently raised your chin to look at him, Seokjin’s face was soft as a finger traced your jawline, your lips had jutted a little and your expression strong in remorse, if you stared at him any longer the moment would be ruined by your tears, “I’m fine.” You mumbled, offering a weak smile that you were sure if Seokjin looked close enough he would be able to tell it was a lie for the sake of the moment. 

Your hands quickly got back to work to keep him from asking any questions, you didn’t want to talk about it. Nor did you want to be in this position either but when would be the next time you got to do this? If ever. 

Sexual favors were not something you were often inclined to do but Seokjin was an exception as he was your lover and originally, had things gone the way they should, you would be married off to Seokjin. But of course not, no, Penumbra had to frighten every nation in the world by threat of invasion. 

They had to be so cruel in their wars and battles, their soldiers and training, it was no match for anyone. No matter how many troops were sent, they were torn down one after the other by the highly skilled soldiers there. Penumbra was everyone’s worst nightmare, a nation so bitter and angry, they’d stop at nothing to seek vengeance on everyone who once destroyed their original nation of Seoul. 

They didn’t take mercy on children or women, they didn’t care about anything but their own. You wholeheartedly despised and stood against everything they were. And for your parents to look you in the eyes and say you’d have to marry their Prince. 

The Wicked Prince. 

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More Posts from Sevenstarslibrary

2 years ago

❝𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬❞

At first, you dismiss it. Could be an optical illusion, could be something else, frankly, who cared, but as the peculiar light spot persisted, and you started to make out four legs it’s then that your interest was piqued. It could be a wolf, you reckoned, but it was too big. It sprang in and out of the treeline, seemingly chasing the train. Though before you could inspect it further, its gaze met yours, peculiarly silver eyes boring into yours, widening for a moment in disbelief, and then it disappeared.

• type: Namjoon x f! reader • rating: mature

• genre: hybrid! au • main masterlist

• a/n: a new series charting unknown waters whilst surfing the wave of inspiration. The number of chapters and names might change as I'm still writing it.

Chapter One. Onsilvaekst.

Chapter Two. Errands.

Chapter Three. Namjoon.

Chapter Four. Return.

Chapter Five. Heritage.

Chapter Six. Two.

The END.

Š sor-vette, 2022

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2 years ago


— summary: You never expected that you would end up adopting a hybrid, and if someone had told you that you would end up with seven? Well, you would have thought they were crazy. But here you are, with three different packs of hybrids that don’t get along – but all want to stay with you. Yeah, turns out crazy is an understatement.

— pairing: hybrid bts x human f!reader

— genre: fluff, angst, eventual smut

— word count: 5.2k

— tag list: @keijaycreates​​ @xsmilebitesx​​ @ditttiii​​ Part: II / III / IV / V / VI / VIII / IX / X / XI / Find the rest of the chapters here!


“A hybrid?” You barely hold back a cough, the sandwich you were eating getting caught in your throat at your friend’s surprising words.

“Don’t sound so surprised Y/N, this isn’t the first time we’ve talked about this,” Jihyo rolls her eyes, pushing her water bottle closer to you as she notices you struggling. You quickly take a sip, the cool water soothing your irritated throat.

“No, but it’s the first time we’ve ever talked about me and hybrids in the same sentence,” You shake your head as you lean back in your chair, Jihyo’s eyes narrowing as she looks at you. You advert your eyes to pick at your shirt. Somehow, Jihyo always knows how to make you do something you’re unsure of, and this is too serious to be one of those situations.

“But wouldn’t it be nice? You always complain about being lonely,” Jihyo says, a knowing smile on her face as she takes another bite of her own food.

“Yeah, but I meant a boyfriend, not a hybrid!” You sigh. You had been complaining a lot recently how sad it was to come home to a big empty apartment, and how nice it would be if the space were filled with someone else beside yourself. But a hybrid? You hardly know anything about them. And considering they’re part human and animal, you’re sure they will need a lot of attention, maybe even more than what you can give.

“Besides, I wouldn’t even know where to start. I don’t know anything about them,” You add, a frown on your face as you pick at the escaped fillings of your food. “That’s what the centers are for! You pick out a hybrid and get a manual to go along with it, it’s not that hard,” Jihyo huffs, a small pout on her lips as she finishes her food. You know she only has your best intentions in mind, but this is a big step. One you’re not sure you’re ready for.

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2 years ago

at the gates of heaven | jhs

When you’re everyone’s hope, who is yours? When you’re everyone’s angel, who is yours? That’s what Hoseok thinks when he’s feeling a bit blue.

To him, however, it’s you. Since the moment he began to guard you, all he wants is to see you happy. Then, everything in the world is fine. Even if that means he has to see you make mistakes over and over again – until one day he stops you from ruining your life, showing up before you for the first time.

The warmth, the uncanny closeness of contact, humanhood. He’s fallen for you, the poor angel.

He has fallen, quite literally.


Word count: 9k

Warnings: depression, hurt/comfort, bad decision making skills, Hoseok as your guardian angel, obsessive behaviour, alcohol consumption, swearing, past toxic relationship.

# sub!hoseok, angel!hoseok, dom!reader, corruption kink, sort of voyeur!hobi, oral sex (male and female receiving), semi-public sex (there’s something with him that just screams ‘lets get caught’), bratty!hobi, vaginal sex, handjob, sort of virgin!hobi?, first time, manhandling, grinding.

I wish Hobi was my guardian angel :(

At The Gates Of Heaven | Jhs


That’s it. That’s the highest peak you’ll ever reach in what’s left of your lifespan. Things can’t get any better, you know it.

“Please, don’t,” he insists, despite knowing you can’t hear him.

Taking a deep breath, you put your feet on the edge of the roof of your house, getting ready to jump. Your arms are ready, your body is ready. You are utterly and completely ready to make history as the first human to ever fly.

Hoseok watches you in the invisibility of his unearthly existence, frowning.

You are a hero, too. You are a genius. You are a four years old girl who thought that a bunch of cardboard pieces glued to your arms would be enough to make you fly.

Clearly, it doesn’t work, and you plummet off the roof. It’s roughly a six-foot drop, but it’s enough to make you fall flat on your face, nonetheless. Your mouth is bleeding, looks like a Tarantino movie – you’ve probably lost some teeth, judging by the way your mouth would hurt later after the adrenaline wears off.

You should be thankful they’re baby teeth, he thinks.

But that’s not the last time you’re close to dying, as bad as it is for Hoseok’s heart. That was only the first time you were left alone for longer than a second and hence had the chance to try out one of your numerous experiments. You’re a curious child, that’s easy to see. You’ve given your parents more than one heart attack.

Hoseok has gone through every single one of them, biting his nails to see if the kid he’s guarding has finally reached their final day on Earth.

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2 years ago

desolate (1)

— summary: you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so you’re not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult.

— pairing: cat hybrid yoongi x  reader

— genre: angst, fluff, eventual smut

— word count: 2.7k Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part eight Part nine Part ten (M) Part eleven Part twelve Part thirteen Part fourteen (M)


“A hybrid?” You barely hold back a cough, the sandwich you were eating getting caught in your throat at your coworkers surprising words.

“Don’t sound so surprised Y/N, this isn’t the first time we’ve talked about this,” Jihyo rolls her eyes, pushing her water bottle closer to you as she notices you struggling. You quickly take a sip, the cool water soothing your irritated throat.

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2 years ago

→ the two of us — a jeongguk scenario 01

member: jeon jungkook

word count: 10k

genre: summer vacation au (is that a thing?) + angst + (eventual) smut + fluff + this is the dilf!jk i’ve been writing future based drabbles on (check my masterlist!)

warnings: jaykay has tattoos and piercings and a big fat motorbike (yes the whole shebang!) / oc is dealing with emotions / kittens! / nothing major for this part / also some cliches but who doesn’t love a good cliche 🤨 / there’s talk of veterinarians is this but i did not go to vet school so i definitely am talking nonsense take everything with a grain of salt thank you <3

soundtracks: surface tension, genevieve stokes, éŹźăƒśĺłś (Onigashima), ichiko aoba & 400 lux, lorde & bad news baby, alma & strangers (for now), matilda mann


header made by the incredible @dee-ehn​ đŸ’—

beta read by the lovely @littlebabyk​ ✨

parts — 01 (you are reading) / 02 / 03


Each breath you take reflects the steady movement of the hungry tide sweeping over aureate sand, the oceans’ shallow waters drawing closer to land as your lungs slowly fill. It’s a lovely view to witness, sitting inside the frozen yoghurt spot situated along the coastline of your home town. And yet, there’s something so despairing about it too. But you don’t let your mind linger on that, instead focusing on the fluid motions of the sea as you breathe, your idle hands toying with the plastic spoon Jiwon had shoved into your hands the second you’d stepped into this establishment. She’s preoccupied with customers at the moment, and you can tell she’s vaguely irritated that it’s eating into her break-time when you glance over and her lips are set into a tight smile as she serves an eager group of teens frozen yogurt. For some reason, they look clean, untainted by the harshness of the world just yet. It tugs at something inside of you, a precarious thing made of tangled ribbons and flimsy string locked within the bones of your ribs. Perhaps you smile at the young crowd funny because there’s a frown forming on Jiwon’s delicate features when her eyes briefly fall on you. But you can’t be bothered, gaze already returning to the compelling hold of the ocean waves raging outside. It’s almost like it shifts closer, salt whispering through the air.

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