Sexy Dance (10 sp): Medium to high odds of inflicting Charm or Brainwash to all enemies. 18+. Header by sakuramaru. Check my writing here on my Tumblr (#sexydance10sp) or GaySpiralStories: https://www.gayspiralstories.com/user/show/14992
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Royce Dunne

Royce Dunne

The Glute God

“Back to the Office” new video coming tomorrow!

Fuck I’m obsessed 🥵
Sorry for the mini hiatus!! Work was busy & then I wasn’t feeling so good for a week! But I’m back and getting fatter !!

Think the bulk is going to all the right places, almost at 300lbs now!!

Anthony Recker's hungry himbo butt.
Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/y86zXfNqPXdbfoDh6

Giancarlo Baglioni
Getting too big for one of my favorite shirts… not too much longer now 😭

Royce Dunne

Ryan Terry

Dmitry Averyanov

Dmitry Averyanov

Royce Dunne

bruce wayne becoming nightwing reminds me of those mums that are like 'im sooo skinny, i can fit into my preteen daughter's clothes!!!' but like. with vigilante personas
Does this shirt make me look fat ? 😈

Ryan Terry

Top ate himself into being a fat overfed bottom
Justin Savoie’s rocking that “marbled beef” look 😉

Let’s take a ride